The Templars the Baptist and The Baphomet

'Amir Alzzalam

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Within the mystical tapestry of ancient traditions, the Baphomet assumes a profound role as the symbolic embodiment of the consummate supreme being, the object of veneration for the Templars.

The very name "Baphomet" holds a cryptic significance, concealing within its letters a hidden code that unlocks its deeper meanings. When the name is reversed, it unveils "TEM OH AB," an arrangement that forms an acronym with profound implications: "Templi Omnivm Hominum Pacis Abbas," which translates to "the Father of the Temple of Peace of All Men."

This reveals a connection to Solomon's Temple, a sacred space of profound significance in the Templars' beliefs and practices. In this intricate puzzle of symbolism, the name "Baphomet" serves as a clandestine key, unlocking the profound mysteries hidden within the folds of the Templar tradition. An intriguing parallel arises when exploring the Arabic language, where the word "abu fihama(t)" bears a striking resemblance. Translated as "Father of Understanding," it echoes the enigmatic nature of the Baphomet, suggesting a profound connection between wisdom and the divine.

Gnostics, intertwined with heretical Islamic sects and the Templars, were devoted to their belief in John as the True Messiah. The Templars, entrusted with the protection of Christian pilgrims traversing the Islamic Holy Lands, found themselves in close association with these Gnostic and Islamic sects. It was within this milieu that the intermingling of beliefs and practices took place, creating a unique confluence of spiritual traditions.

It is the Great Beast himself, Aleister Crowley, who unraveled the profound meaning concealed within the name "Baphomet," revealing its significance as the "Baptist of Wisdom." The Templars, recognizing the immense power and symbolism contained within this entity, venerated and employed Baphomet as an instrument of prophecy.

In the secret conclaves of the Templars, a Templar of Florence boldly declared, presenting the idol to his brethren, "Adore this head. This head is your God and your Mahomet" (one who speaks by divine inspiration). This echoes the ancient legend of Orpheus, torn asunder, his head endowed with the ability to speak and impart enigmatic oracles. Thus, the enigmatic interplay of severed heads and mystical prophecy unfolds across the ages, resonating through the Eastern Indian traditions, the heretical practices of the Templars, and the veneration of John the Baptist by the Gnostics. Within this mosaic of arcane knowledge, we catch a fleeting glimpse of the intricate tapestry that has left an indelible mark upon history's pages.
Chapter 4: Kitab SIN
(The Templars the Baptist and The Baphomet)
by 'Amir Alzzalam
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