Sunni Tashayu'


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Sunni Tashayu’

The first Imam ‘Ali al Murtadha chose Imam Hasan al Mujtaba as his successor thus initiating the Imamate.

Imam ‘Ali Zayn al ‘Abidin was appointed

by Imam Husayn Sayyid al Shuhuda’ being his only living son after the Battle of Karbala.

The Shi’atu ‘Ali started out as a rival dynasty to the Ummayads and ‘Abbasids.

Imam Ja’far was accused of using religious knowledge to become wealthy and in his response he commented on just about every type of knowledge that existed many topics of which he could have become rich due to his knowledge of and he proved his sincerity and that teaching religion is a far less lucrative field thus proving their accusation false.

An early supporter of the Shi’atu ‘Ali was the great imam Abu Hanifah who supported several Shi’a rebellions.

In order to make light of the then caliphs desire to kill Imam Ja’fars successor he listed as his successor the caliph’s governor, the caliph, his son Musa and his son ‘Abdullah as his successors thus foiling the caliph and governors plans to expend the next imam.

All 3 sons of Imam Ja’far were held by some to be his successors, each by some.

Shaykh Jabir al Ju’fi was a student of Imam al Baqir and Imam Ja’far. Some Shi’i and Sunni authorities consider him thiqah and some don’t. Imam Baqir gave him books with 70,000 secret hadiths which he was forbidden to narrate until Baqir’s death.

Imam Abu Hanifah studied intellectual matters with him but forbade his students from doing the same and called him a liar (either way).

Muqatil ibn Sulayman’s tafsir was recommended by Imam al Shafi’i even though he was a Zaydi Shi’i.

Hadiths about the Mahdi will be from the descendants of Fatimah - ibn Kathir

He will die at forty years old (1st Mahdi Malik Shahbaz) - al-Suyuti

He will descend with Jibril and Mikal at his sides

He will die on his bed - al-Suyuti

He will bring justice to the world while it was previously filled with darkness and oppression - ibn Kathir.

He will do this for 7 years - ibn Kathir

He is a man with a wide clear forehead and aquiline nose and broad thighs. He has a mole on his right cheek and sparkling teeth - ‘Iqd al Durar Shi’i forum internet site.

His skin is the color of an Arab and his body is like that of an Israel Shia forum online

The Shi’i madhhab is like the Athari school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ibrahim al Harbi Shi’is including Imam Sajjad (Zayn al ‘Abidin), Imam Muhammad al Baqir and Imam Ja’far then it later became a firqah Imam Sajjad chose Muhammad al Baqir, Imam al Baqir chose imam Ja’far who chose no successor end of imamate, other imams followers

It was the Shi’atu ‘Ali Isma’ilis who founded the Jami’ah al Azhar al Sharif in Cairo, Egypt and the Zaydi Shi’a with the Jami’ah al Qarawiyyin in Fez, Morrocco

There were a few narrations that would appreciate commentary that the Rasul said to Khalid ibn al Walid “la tasubb ashabi” even though most Sunnis consider Khalid ibn al Walid a sahabi himself and also that Sa’id ibn al Musayyab considered that in order to be a sahabi one had t o have known the Nabi for at least two years and fought in at least 2 battles with him

Also, those who accepted Islam before the Fath of Makkah were not of the same rank as those who did so after it

Sunni narrators with light tashayu’ believe ‘Ali should have been caliph before ‘Uthman and believed that ‘Ali was completely right in his debate with Mu’awiyah and who respected Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman

The reason Mu’awiyah was not a khalifah rashid was because he ruled as a king not a khalifa

He was clearly outwardly a sinner and Hawa a’lam maybe worse inwardly. We refrained from talking about Mu’awiyah until the day of judgment for the greater good and to preserve the din

Direct students of Imam ‘Ali Zayn al ‘Abidin, Imam Muhammad al Baqir and Imam Ja’far al Sadiq

Early Shi’a scholars Shaykh Jabir al Ju’fi, Shaykh Jabir ibn Hayyan, Shaykh al Mufaddal

Imam Ja’far trained 4,000 students

It is ok for Sunnis to take hadiths from ahl al bid’ah as long as they don’t call to their bid’ah.

‘Ali ibn al Madini was quoted by ‘Ali Godil as saying “if we were to leave the people of Kufa for their tashayu’ and the people of Basra for their qadar we wouldn’t have many narrators left.

‘Ali was the rasul’s junior and Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman were his 3 stalwarts

Imam Ja’far was the only Imam who was ma’sum although the others had a very small margin of error and all of the 6 imams were masters in the ‘ulum al naql and the ‘ulum al ‘aql

Imam Ja’fars knowledge was of divine origin like that of Khidr and he even corrected the mistakes of the Greeks and had perfect ‘ilm laduni

Mu’awiyya did bribe Imam al Hasans wife to poison him so he could break his covenant with him and appoint Yazid as his successor

Written by Abu Yusuf al Shafi’i

was salam​
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