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She had learned how to master the water.. in the beginning it felt like she would drown. The taste of salt in her mouth and then she would sink, but nowerdays she just swam to the surface gasping for air. And the more air that filled her lungs the more afloat she held herself, but there were still passages in that deep great sea that sucked her downwards, but she had learned that if she would focus all of her attention on the joy of the touch of the seabreeze against her chin while floating she could manage to fight the swirling sinking sensation from below.

She had also learned how to master the air, in places of low tide she could walk ontop of the water and swirl off up into the air. She loved how the air felt while she was flyning trough the sky, a buzzing vibration of swift air against her skin while she would float on top of a little cloud. She could float around for hours and hours in those great heavens.

But if she got up higher, towards the sun it started to get trickier, she could see the fire from a distance, there where solid fire, liquid fire, swift fire and the hottest fire of the all, the firery fire that she could not pass. She suspected that there were even more fires as well as the ocean was great, the mountains wast and the heavens great.

When she curl trough the solid fire as a serpent curling trough earth, she could feel how the densities between the different kinds of fires where, they where vibrating against her skin in higher and higher kind of vibration. When she passed the limits of the solid fire she flipped loose into the liquid fire and then into the swift and so on until she reached the firery fire. It was so hot she could not pass. She would call it Svabhavat but she knew that it was only what she called it, it was only the vehicle, the flame, that contained the real fire. The Akasha. She knew that if she would pass into this firery flame, she would cease to exist and become the flame itself.

And she was afraid, afraid of stepping into it, she rather felt abandoned and left out. She rather cry in the lonelyness in her silent little meditative state. She rather kill christ since she saw him so clearly on the path.

"Keshara" "Keshara" Someone called out to her.. she awoke from her little daydream, but still in the midst of all the elements of life. "It is time to wake up now my dear Keshara, Try and you will succeed"


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The esoteric initiations of water, air and fire?
Initiation I don't know. But inspired by the alchemical elements at least.
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