A Conception of the Hereafter


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Here is my conception of the afterlife. William Blake and Dante have influenced m beliefs, well beyond my view about the hereafter! Each heavenly and hellish being are active in the world, affecting humanity in every way. For example, God still uses angles and archangels to deliver messages, protect ordained clergy, and those set apart for His service. Satan, in turn, can do the same with his servants. As for travel between the various stages of the afterlife, each being can vist each realm, whilst living permanently in their own station (i.e. ordained clergy, monks, nuns, and hermits cannot become angels; evil souls cannot become a servant of Satan).

Purgatory (Most humans dwell here)
  1. Imperfect human souls
  1. Spirit/Soul World (Ordained class, religious life, hermits, Saints)
  2. The Angelic Order (Messengers, Protectors)
    1. Angels
    2. Archangels
    3. Principalities
  3. The Angelic Order (Government of Heaven)
    1. Dominions
    2. Virtues
    3. Powers
    1. Seraphim
    2. Cherubim
    3. Thrones
    4. Martyrs
    5. The Most Holy Trinity

Demonic Classes Mirroring the Angelic Order:​


  • Temptors: These insidious entities whisper doubt, apathy, and self-sabotage, luring souls deeper into stagnation.
  • Echoes: These spectral forms replay the failures and regrets of trapped souls, amplifying their self-loathing and hindering progress.
Spirit/Soul World:

  • Twisted Virtues: These demons embody warped versions of virtues, twisting generosity into codependency, courage into destructive recklessness, and wisdom into cynicism and manipulation.
  • Devourers: These insatiable beasts consume the souls' memories and good deeds, leaving them hollow and devoid of purpose.
The Angelic Order:

  • Fallen Powers: These corrupted angels wield dark magic, twisting creation into destruction and inflicting pain upon the souls they once protected.
  • Dominion Lords: These tyrannical demons enforce absolute control over their domain, trapping souls in endless cycles of servitude and oppression.
  • Shadow Virtues: These subtle entities subtly manipulate the souls' perceptions and emotions, twisting their morals and desires towards darkness.
Satan’s Scrum:

  • Silencers: These beings of pure nothingness extinguish the souls' connection to the divine, plunging them into an abyss of despair and isolation.
  • Knowers: These omniscient demons torment souls with the weight of their own sins and the knowledge of the suffering they've caused.
  • Desolators: These entities drain the souls' very essence of hope and faith, leaving them utterly broken and devoid of any spark of light.
  • Satan
Here is my conception of the afterlife. William Blake and Dante have influenced m beliefs, well beyond my view about the hereafter! Each heavenly and hellish being are active in the world, affecting humanity in every way. For example, God still uses angles and archangels to deliver messages, protect ordained clergy, and those set apart for His service. Satan, in turn, can do the same with his servants. As for travel between the various stages of the afterlife, each being can vist each realm, whilst living permanently in their own station (i.e. ordained clergy, monks, nuns, and hermits cannot become angels; evil souls cannot become a servant of Satan).

Purgatory (Most humans dwell here)
  1. Imperfect human souls
  1. Spirit/Soul World (Ordained class, religious life, hermits, Saints)
  2. The Angelic Order (Messengers, Protectors)
    1. Angels
    2. Archangels
    3. Principalities
  3. The Angelic Order (Government of Heaven)
    1. Dominions
    2. Virtues
    3. Powers
    1. Seraphim
    2. Cherubim
    3. Thrones
    4. Martyrs
    5. The Most Holy Trinity

Demonic Classes Mirroring the Angelic Order:​


  • Temptors: These insidious entities whisper doubt, apathy, and self-sabotage, luring souls deeper into stagnation.
  • Echoes: These spectral forms replay the failures and regrets of trapped souls, amplifying their self-loathing and hindering progress.
Spirit/Soul World:

  • Twisted Virtues: These demons embody warped versions of virtues, twisting generosity into codependency, courage into destructive recklessness, and wisdom into cynicism and manipulation.
  • Devourers: These insatiable beasts consume the souls' memories and good deeds, leaving them hollow and devoid of purpose.
The Angelic Order:

  • Fallen Powers: These corrupted angels wield dark magic, twisting creation into destruction and inflicting pain upon the souls they once protected.
  • Dominion Lords: These tyrannical demons enforce absolute control over their domain, trapping souls in endless cycles of servitude and oppression.
  • Shadow Virtues: These subtle entities subtly manipulate the souls' perceptions and emotions, twisting their morals and desires towards darkness.
Satan’s Scrum:

  • Silencers: These beings of pure nothingness extinguish the souls' connection to the divine, plunging them into an abyss of despair and isolation.
  • Knowers: These omniscient demons torment souls with the weight of their own sins and the knowledge of the suffering they've caused.
  • Desolators: These entities drain the souls' very essence of hope and faith, leaving them utterly broken and devoid of any spark of light.
  • Satan
Is there some kind of evidence for all of this or are you just espousing a bunch of fiction?
No need to go on the attack.
It's a simple question, I'm not attacking you . . . lol
I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about
Most self-proclaimed Luciferians use the Miltonian idea of a Fallen Angel, and they associate Lucifer with that idea.
Is there some kind of evidence for all of this or are you just espousing a bunch of fiction?

Sorry, @Amir Alzzalam, but I am inclined to agree with @UserJames1997 – that initial comment was unnecessarily sharp in tone, especially for someone's first post – it's hardly a welcome, nor an invitation to dialogue – it's challenging and as such comes across as aggressive.

We invite robust dialogue, and anyone posting on IO should expect to be challenged on what they post, but the CoC also asks that we observe a civil attitude and remain polite in our dealing with others – the ethos of Interfaith is listening to the other, not simply voicing our opinions – valid or otherwise – about what they're saying.

The Golden Rule applies.
Sorry, @Amir Alzzalam, but I am inclined to agree with @UserJames1997 – that initial comment was unnecessarily sharp in tone, especially for someone's first post – it's hardly a welcome, nor an invitation to dialogue – it's challenging and as such comes across as aggressive.

We invite robust dialogue, and anyone posting on IO should expect to be challenged on what they post, but the CoC also asks that we observe a civil attitude and remain polite in our dealing with others – the ethos of Interfaith is listening to the other, not simply voicing our opinions – valid or otherwise – about what they're saying.

The Golden Rule applies.
Pffft . . . get outta the kitchen
Er, it's not your kitchen, and that attitude is not aligned with the ethos of this forum.

So please observe the Code of Conduct.
Then kick me out again . . . but don't ask me back like before
If I bring groceries to the fridge and cook . . . it's as much my kitchen as anyone elses
Then kick me out again . . . but don't ask me back like before
If I bring groceries to the fridge and cook . . . it's as much my kitchen as anyone elses
Actually, no ... there are house rules. We provided the kitchen. We ask users to treat the kitchen with respect.
Here is my conception of the afterlife. William Blake and Dante have influenced m beliefs, well beyond my view about the hereafter! Each heavenly and hellish being are active in the world, affecting humanity in every way. For example, God still uses angles and archangels to deliver messages, protect ordained clergy, and those set apart for His service. Satan, in turn, can do the same with his servants. As for travel between the various stages of the afterlife, each being can vist each realm, whilst living permanently in their own station (i.e. ordained clergy, monks, nuns, and hermits cannot become angels; evil souls cannot become a servant of Satan).

Purgatory (Most humans dwell here)
  1. Imperfect human souls
  2. Spirit/Soul World (Ordained class, religious life, hermits, Saints)
  3. The Angelic Order (Messengers, Protectors)
    1. Angels
    2. Archangels
    3. Principalities
  4. The Angelic Order (Government of Heaven)
    1. Dominions
    2. Virtues
    3. Powers
    1. Seraphim
    2. Cherubim
    3. Thrones
    4. Martyrs
    5. The Most Holy Trinity

Demonic Classes Mirroring the Angelic Order:​


  • Temptors: These insidious entities whisper doubt, apathy, and self-sabotage, luring souls deeper into stagnation.
  • Echoes: These spectral forms replay the failures and regrets of trapped souls, amplifying their self-loathing and hindering progress.
Spirit/Soul World:

  • Twisted Virtues: These demons embody warped versions of virtues, twisting generosity into codependency, courage into destructive recklessness, and wisdom into cynicism and manipulation.
  • Devourers: These insatiable beasts consume the souls' memories and good deeds, leaving them hollow and devoid of purpose.
The Angelic Order:

  • Fallen Powers: These corrupted angels wield dark magic, twisting creation into destruction and inflicting pain upon the souls they once protected.
  • Dominion Lords: These tyrannical demons enforce absolute control over their domain, trapping souls in endless cycles of servitude and oppression.
  • Shadow Virtues: These subtle entities subtly manipulate the souls' perceptions and emotions, twisting their morals and desires towards darkness.
Satan’s Scrum:

  • Silencers: These beings of pure nothingness extinguish the souls' connection to the divine, plunging them into an abyss of despair and isolation.
  • Knowers: These omniscient demons torment souls with the weight of their own sins and the knowledge of the suffering they've caused.
  • Desolators: These entities drain the souls' very essence of hope and faith, leaving them utterly broken and devoid of any spark of light.
  • SatanI tend to think that there is constant movement around the spheres and divisions mentioned

Hi James, I tend to think that there is a constant movement around such states within each of us. Even now. Yet, as is said:- "Love never fails" which gives hope to us all.