Understanding esoterism

Advaita Hinduism (the one that I follow) and Buddhism do not believe in God or soul. They are products of our own analysis.
The Bible teach us ThatJesusChrist gave a secret to the temples. Jesus has been among Hindus.
All nations are mentioned in the Bible.
Why are there so many different cultures?
I know that business took over many places where a believe in God had to go. Yet before that time many believed in God. Even philosophy is no more allowed in our world. It has become also forbidden. I tell you one day even science will be forbidden.
Because people at least some like to keep us ignorant to lose the knowledge who we are so we claim it back no more.
The Bible teach us ThatJesusChrist gave a secret to the temples. Jesus has been among Hindus.
I know. Actually Jesus lies buried in India in Srinagar, Kashmir - Rosa Bal.

Not true.

Not true


Who do you suggest is behind all this?
Truth and light are the same. Criminals want darkness. The highest job already exist. And that is the police officers. Our society is so advanced. You can inform the police officers or call it as Christians do a sin you on free will can confess. But it comes down to the same bottom line. Doesn't it? Light is light and truth is indeed light. Did you see the light now and see why criminals want to keep things in darkness?
It's hardly to imagined that anything that's objected beyond the sensesphere could be exoteric. Since such is neither common nor can be taken without simply in trust at first place.

So esoteric is many used in certain preoccupied notion, mostly out of kind of envy of not being within the inner circle, but also to denounce something actually nonsensical or restricted to a gathering with common preoccupations: eg. a negatively meant attribute.

If seeing esoteric as simply "more exalted", while excteris as common, if not marxist-minded but looking for higher, than this common notion quickly turns out as total different.

But it's like with words like "fundamental" or even "fascism" or "de-velopment"... their are all taken the other way around since non-legion has become the worlds favored bond. Seeing liberality in bonds, and disregard bonds toward liberality.
Yeah, while I'm inclined to agree that historically 'the esoteric' was a cloak of spiritual elitism, I'm not interested in going down that path.
It's common that common recognizes up as down and down as up. What ever seeming to leave the common sphere, would be esoteric ("bad, bad, not mine"). Common is used to be lazy and wait's til Sublime might come down.