Perfection of Wisdom in 100000 Lines

Nicholas Weeks

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Because this sutra is so large only one third is being released now by 84000 Project:


The Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines
is the longest of all the Prajñāpāramitā sūtras and fills no fewer than twelve volumes of the Degé Kangyur. Like the other two long sūtras, it is a detailed record of the teaching on the perfection of wisdom that the Buddha Śākyamuni gave on Vulture Peak in Rājagṛha, setting out all aspects of the path to enlightenment that bodhisattvas must know and put into practice, yet without taking them as having even the slightest true existence. Each point is emphasized by the exhaustive way that, in this version of the teaching, the Buddha repeats each of his many profound statements for every one of the items in the sets of dharmas that comprise deluded experience, the path, and the qualities of enlightenment.

The provisional version published here currently contains only the first thirteen chapters of the sūtra. Subsequent batches of chapters will be added as their translation and editing is completed."
Homage to my guru, Gautama the Buddha, I never needed so many words to arrive at my conclusions. Just information on 'anatta', 'anicca' and ten lines of Kesamutti Sutta were enough for me.
"The Abhisamayālaṃkāra divides the subject matter of the long sūtras into eight topics, or “clear realizations” (abhisamaya, mngon par rtogs pa): (1) all-aspect omniscience, (2) knowledge of the paths, (3) knowledge of all the dharmas, (4) clear realization of all aspects, (5) culminating clear realization, (6) serial clear realization, (7) instantaneous clear realization, and (8) the fruitional buddha body of reality.

This first group of thirteen chapters corresponds to the Buddha’s teaching on the first of these eight principal topics, i.e., all-aspect omniscience. The reason all-aspect omniscience‍—which refers to the omniscient, awakened understanding of a fully enlightened buddha‍—is placed as the first of the eight clear realizations is that bodhisattvas must understand it before practicing it, and as the fruitional body taught in detail in the last part of the sūtra, this all-aspect omniscience is the very goal or object of bodhicitta, the mind set on full awakening. To practice the perfection of wisdom one must aim at the fullest awakening of buddhahood and not any of the lesser degrees of realization, such as those of śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas.

The second of the eight topics, knowledge of the paths, will be covered in the next group of chapters, 14–27."