Online biography of Shoghi Effendi, illustrated etc.,

Sen McGlinn

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Violetta Zein has an announcement, and a good contribution in research, writing and site design:

Dear friends,

One hundred years ago this month, Shoghi Effendi was beginning the third full year of his ministry as Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith.

The life of Shoghi Effendi is so rich, so thrilling, so filled with extraordinary events, that I was moved to dedicate this year to an in-depth study of His life and his ministry.

I am delighted to be able to offer you the fruit of my research, my fourth chronology:

The Guardian: the illustrated chronology of the life of Shoghi Effendi

This chronology is the result of surveying over five hundred historical sources. It is ,1,200 pages long, divided into 21 parts. and illustrated with over one thousand photographs, maps and illustrations and details the life of Shoghi Effendi from his birth on 1 March 1897 to his passing on 4 November 1957.

The journey into the life of Shoghi Effendi is exhilarating, from the Guardian's 36-year efforts in raising up the Administrative Order of the Faith, his 34,000 letters, his original works, his translations, building the superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb, and also personal moments such as his studies in Oxford, his mountaineering trips to Switzerland, his marriage to Rúḥíyyih Khánum, and his two cross-Africa trips, illustrated with his own photographs and maps of his journeys.