Thank Allah, we don't need it. Time difference between East and West is one hour, so we manage without it.
I have lived long enough, well enough, lucky enough to be blessed.

I eat when I am hungry, I sleep when I tire, I am no longer governed by time, the clock, or DST. It is non existent. I do not lose an hour of sleep or gain one.

I get out of bed when one of my two alarms goes off. These alarms are my bladder and bowel and I don't argue with tightened sphincters.

Omg...that should be a bumper sticker, a life goal, a choice we make here...

Don't argue with tightened sphincters
..I am no longer governed by time, the clock, or DST. It is non existent. I do not lose an hour of sleep or gain one..
Mmm .. that's one consolation of getting older :)
..but the aches and pains.. not so much.