Hello from Santa Fe :)


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Hi all,

My name is Jonah Dempcy and I reside in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I'm an avid researcher of comparative religion, philosophy, and world wisdom traditions. I worked for some years for a nonprofit organization called Wisdom Commons dedicated to preserving the world's wisdom traditions. I've also taught and lectured on Jung, alchemy, theosophy, astrology, Human Design and other topics. I was a Teacher's Assistant for the New Centre for Research & Practice teaching philosophy as well as helping out at the Global Center for Advanced Studies. Here in Santa Fe, I've connected with people from the Santa Fe Institute (complexity science) as well as Synergia and Synergetic Press.

I joined IO here because I found some interesting theosophical threads and it looks like a great group of people who are serious aspirants to a deeper understanding of religion and spirituality.

My current projects are classes mostly related to Human Design and/or Jungian typology (and Objective Personality, a recent and deep variation in that field). I have also been working with Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner and enjoying her research into Kabbalah, Tarot, and the Four Worlds. I am well versed in Chaldean numerology (the basis for the major arcana of the Tarot) as well as the Cards of the Magi (the basis of the minor arcana). I also study the Enneagram. Finally, I am an avid reincarnation researcher who has catalogued hundreds of cases, along with, when possible, levels of theosophical initiation and ray charts.

If anyone has any of these interests and wants to connect just let me know! Consider this a "porch light" for those who wish to knock :)

Thanks, all, and I look forward to future discussions. Have a great day!



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Welcome. I'm interested in the I Ching
The I Ching is an incredible system, one that has made its way through various mystical schools and is now even being used by scientists for its explanatory power when it comes to things like DNA. It is a language, truly, and like all languages can be used for divinatory purposes, or can be used to develop a richly descriptive vocabulary to examine our reality and our place in it.

Here's an article from the scientific side which I found recently and is admittedly over my head in places, but I enjoyed all the same: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3575644/
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The I Ching is an incredible system, one that has made its way through various mystical schools and is now even being used by scientists for its explanatory power when it comes to things like DNA. It is a language, truly, and like all languages can be used for divinatory purposes, or can be used to develop a richly descriptive vocabulary to examine our reality and our place in it.

Here's an article from the scientific side which I found recently and is admittedly over my head in places, but I enjoyed all the same: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3575644/

"I was looking for the most modern 3D representation of the genetic code, I was also exploring the oldest possible representation of the genetic code in existence today, finding that the I Ching of Fu-Xi, a binary and open-ended system, was already representing with precision the genetic code; this 2D square representation seemed capable to make easier a storage of codon units into bits, and to be adaptable to concepts of bioinformatics. Due to the fact that the I Ching is the oldest antecedent of a binary system, we are going to use it in its full extent ..."
That's quite impressive. Wow! Over my head too, of course

This is a good site for I Ching material:
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Welcome to the forum, a reincarnation researcher, sounds interesting. :)
Welcome aboard ...

A Christian Neoplatonist here, although Meditations on the Tarot is closer between us.

I was quite into the Ray of Creation (a la Gurdjieff) for a while, in my youth.