Birth pangs/end times info

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Russian nuclear submarine and a warship recently appeared off the coast of Florida at same time Saudi Arabia didn't renew their petrodollar agreement with USA, which is $36 trillion in debt and growing by $1 trillion every few months.

USA recently increased selective service (draft) by 2 years because Ukraine war will likely get bigger. They also added females to the draft.

Daniel 12:11-12 is about dome of the rock being built in 688-692ad and 1,335 years later is 2023 and hamas invaded Israel. Israel was also invaded 1,290 years after dome of the rock built.

The prophecy of the popes from 1200s AD says Pope Francis will be the last pope. Pope Francis seemed to drop his title vicar of Christ in 2020.

The paths of the solar eclipses on 2017 - 2024 resembles a goat with horns or Taurus constellation like a bull. It could represent goats/cattle/slaves/gentiles being killed in the near future. One path is over Huron, the etymology of which means shaggy like a goat.

The solar flare auroras lately look like an ancient symbol for sacrifice and is over Huron and USA. This could explain why the magnetic poles shifted.

Hurricane beryl's name means light green like pale (green) horse in revelation which represents death. The hurricane path followed the 2024 solar eclipse path through Little Egypt in southern illinois. Egypt represents slavery in the Bible.

Revelation 18:2 about unclean birds is about vampire bats because they're treated similarly in Torah. Atlanta Falcons are called dirty birds because of this. King James of KJV Bible wrote a book called Demonologie about how dark supernatural beings like this are real. Look up alukah on Wikipedia and it is about vampires being in the Bible (proverbs 30:15).

I saw on tik tok that seer Baba Venga made prophecy that in 2023, vampirism would spread like a virus and it did. The 90s pop song by venga Boyz is about this. Warning to stay off tik tok, it is filled with witches and vampires that could harm you if they know about you and I think that is the real reason the government wanted to ban it.

Vladimir Putin recently said the "vampire ball" in the West is ending


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Russian nuclear submarine and a warship recently appeared off the coast of Florida at same time Saudi Arabia didn't renew their petrodollar agreement with USA, which is $36 trillion in debt and growing by $1 trillion every few months.

USA recently increased selective service (draft) by 2 years because Ukraine war will likely get bigger. They also added females to the draft.

Daniel 12:11-12 is about dome of the rock being built in 688-692ad and 1,335 years later is 2023 and hamas invaded Israel. Israel was also invaded 1,290 years after dome of the rock built.

The prophecy of the popes from 1200s AD says Pope Francis will be the last pope. Pope Francis seemed to drop his title vicar of Christ in 2020.

The paths of the solar eclipses on 2017 - 2024 resembles a goat with horns or Taurus constellation like a bull. It could represent goats/cattle/slaves/gentiles being killed in the near future. One path is over Huron, the etymology of which means shaggy like a goat.

The solar flare auroras lately look like an ancient symbol for sacrifice and is over Huron and USA. This could explain why the magnetic poles shifted.

Hurricane beryl's name means light green like pale (green) horse in revelation which represents death. The hurricane path followed the 2024 solar eclipse path through Little Egypt in southern illinois. Egypt represents slavery in the Bible.

Revelation 18:2 about unclean birds is about vampire bats because they're treated similarly in Torah. Atlanta Falcons are called dirty birds because of this. King James of KJV Bible wrote a book called Demonologie about how dark supernatural beings like this are real. Look up alukah on Wikipedia and it is about vampires being in the Bible (proverbs 30:15).

I saw on tik tok that seer Baba Venga made prophecy that in 2023, vampirism would spread like a virus and it did. The 90s pop song by venga Boyz is about this. Warning to stay off tik tok, it is filled with witches and vampires that could harm you if they know about you and I think that is the real reason the government wanted to ban it.

Vladimir Putin recently said the "vampire ball" in the West is ending
We have entered the time of great transition, a time we were informed of, not only in the Bible and the Quran, but also in the Baha'iWritings, Baha'u'llah back in the 1800's offered that ".....the time of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appears to be lamentably defective..."

Regards Tony
".....the time of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appears to be lamentably defective..."
To be fair though, that's been said forever ... and arguably, there have been greater convulsions in the long past ...
To be fair though, that's been said forever ... and arguably, there have been greater convulsions in the long past ...
Hello Thomas. I can only offer that when one reads all that is offered (there is bookloads), then a picture of the world today has already been painted.

It seems that humanity is now fast approaching the day that all scriptures talk about and the day many past materialistic civilizations have faced, the day of its own self destruction, it is inevitable, as it is already written, a gift from the all knowing God, a gift of our spiritual potential.

We, one and all, have been gifted to live in such a day, gifted with the ability to make Godly choices amongst immorality and godless inclinations.

".. Great indeed is this Day! The allusions made to it in all the sacred Scriptures as the Day of God attest its greatness. The soul of every Prophet of God, of every Divine Messenger, hath thirsted for this wondrous Day. All the divers kindreds of the earth have, likewise, yearned to attain it..." Baha'u'llah

We all have our choices Thomas. I will always wish for you and all the best with their choices. (Just need to make sure that no one thinks, that I think, I made better choices than them)

Regards Tony
My only worries would be that some of the prophecies that couldn't come true in the past are now quite possible. The entire world can now see the witnesses die and the world has the capability to destroy all of humanity in a large nuclear war. Also seeing Israel become a country again, something that nobody believed would happen, and seeing that same country being surrounded by armies... that gives me some pause.
Sigh...the signs...the signs.
One of the greatest warnings is for those that have scoffed at the signs, as they are part of the cataclysm.

There is a pilgrims note from a table talk given by Shoghi Effendi that offers that we will know the time is close, as we will be able to interpret it in the current news.

This is an extract.

"...A retributive calamity which will be worse than war will come. It will appear suddenly – not by degrees. It will take place in the twinkling of an eye. You will go to bed one night; and when you wake up in the morning, it will be all over. You will know when it is coming. You will read about it in the newspapers and hear about it on the radio. You will recognize the signs of its coming. Read the newspaper editorial pages. The interpretation of the news is what is important..." ".....The northern hemisphere will suffer most. There will be large areas of the earth that become uninhabitable – unarable. The southern continents will become more important in the future..." "....North America will be the worst affected – especially the United States.."

We have been shown the extent of both natural and man made disasters, how the planet will be plagued by 2 wars an a 3rd widespread conflict which will be between Nations and civil conflicts, which countries will be inclined to participate, what politics is most likely to drive it, what debasement will feed it and the likely victims of the culmination of these events. We have been told America will most likely be one of the Peacekeepers, that there is "No doubt this revered democracy will be the foremost among nations to champion the cause of peace".. and "That the banner of international peace will be unfurled in New York" (Seat of United Nations), but as noticed above it will suffer materially as a Nation.

There is so much given to us, that the picture is painted in great detail and each news event is a brush stroke already placed on that canvas.

Regards Tony
Lol...2000 years of signs...every generation for millenia freaking out instead of simply trying to make life better and you think you are gonna get me excited?
God warns, we get to explore what that means, we take heed or we do not. We all answer for those choices.

Regards Tony
One of the greatest warnings is for those that have scoffed at the signs, as they are part of the cataclysm.

There is a pilgrims note from a table talk given by Shoghi Effendi that offers that we will know the time is close, as we will be able to interpret it in the current news.

This is an extract.

"...A retributive calamity which will be worse than war will come. It will appear suddenly – not by degrees. It will take place in the twinkling of an eye. You will go to bed one night; and when you wake up in the morning, it will be all over. You will know when it is coming. You will read about it in the newspapers and hear about it on the radio. You will recognize the signs of its coming. Read the newspaper editorial pages. The interpretation of the news is what is important..." ".....The northern hemisphere will suffer most. There will be large areas of the earth that become uninhabitable – unarable. The southern continents will become more important in the future..." "....North America will be the worst affected – especially the United States.."

We have been shown the extent of both natural and man made disasters, how the planet will be plagued by 2 wars an a 3rd widespread conflict which will be between Nations and civil conflicts, which countries will be inclined to participate, what politics is most likely to drive it, what debasement will feed it and the likely victims of the culmination of these events. We have been told America will most likely be one of the Peacekeepers, that there is "No doubt this revered democracy will be the foremost among nations to champion the cause of peace".. and "That the banner of international peace will be unfurled in New York" (Seat of United Nations), but as noticed above it will suffer materially as a Nation.

There is so much given to us, that the picture is painted in great detail and each news event is a brush stroke already placed on that canvas.

Regards Tony
Reminds me that I also got to experience the twinkling of the eye like Paul wrote about. It happened near end of overcoming experience where I could see a white twinkling in my left eye.

I read in Egyptian legend about a prince that visited the underworld and the twinkling represented his soul reuniting with his body.

I've also seen the twinkling in left eye of another person that I spoke to
God warns, we get to explore what that means, we take heed or we do not. We all answer for those choices.

Regards Tony
Well...when I die...if I find there is a god..
I will say Tony said hi...

But as for my actions in this in fear of.whatever you are spoutting...won't happen.

And odds are your god will give me a high five for it.
Well...when I die...if I find there is a god..
I will say Tony said hi...

But as for my actions in this in fear of.whatever you are spoutting...won't happen.

And odds are your god will give me a high five for it.
The Bible God is definitely real and so are other gods that I've seen but, from what I've experienced, believing doesn't matter much, it just matters whether certain people (witches/devil worshippers/satanists) like you or not and what your beliefs are so it might be safer if you don't believe in Bible.

However there is supposed to be a final judgement that may be different.
Well...when I die...if I find there is a god..
I will say Tony said hi...

But as for my actions in this in fear of.whatever you are spoutting...won't happen.

And odds are your god will give me a high five for it.
Wil, when at that time you will submit, please remember at that time that Tony is already very sorry for what injustices and anguish I may have offered and caused to other souls.

The purpose is not to make any person fearful of life, it is a bounty to make us fearful of our own godless self based actions. It enables us to embrace life in an all embracing oneness.

The fear of God is thus very healthy for humanity. Fear is the foundation for true humility, thus it is a healthy fear. It is a guide for one's conscious decisions in love, justice, virtues and morals, thus is a knowledge based fear resulting in submission to the mercy and grace of an all knowing source of laws that fosters all that is good.

I see your comments are offered without conscious knowledge of the source of life, and as such, are metaphorically childish utterings, unaware of the eternal ramifications that ripple through time.

All the best Wil, we all need that grace and bounty. Regards Tony
The Bible God is definitely real and so are other gods that I've seen but, from what I've experienced, believing doesn't matter much, it just matters whether certain people (witches/devil worshippers/satanists) like you or not and what your beliefs are so it might be safer if you don't believe in Bible.

However there is supposed to be a final judgement that may be different.
Other worldly visions are very difficult to interpret and have lead humanity down many diverse paths. The most important message of the Bible is that there is only One God. A God with many names and attributes that permeate all the worlds of God.

Regards Tony