Testimony of biblical/overcoming

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was raised Catholic then became an atheist and suffered major depression for 15 years after I read the gospel while studying science in college. Shortly after I started believing again, the following happened...

I think I am the overcomer for this generation that the bible mentions because I:

1) received the morning star (rev 2:28, Isaiah 14:12, numbers 24:17) which is your heart/chest feeling like it is really warm like on fire (2 peter 1:19) for 3 days and nights

2) saw the man with eyes of fire (on a cross) and, like ezekiel, was made to fall face down after hearing a voice and was covered/baptised in fire. This and the morning star and are why bible says "our God is a consuming fire."

3) later I was, was briefly transported to heaven to sit in a throne next to God (rev 3:21) while having my hip dislocated like Jacob (gen 32:25 & 30).

A visible golden triangle was placed over my head during 3 day overcoming and rabbi, Gaon of Vilna, said 666 represents the king messiah ben David (i.e. Solomon) that can come any generation, like ezekiel and Enoch were also son of man for their generation. king solomon received 666 bars of gold which can be stacked into a base 36 pyramid making the capstone #666.

Matthew 12:40 also says the overcomer (what the sign of Jonah is) is the son of man. This might also be the lion of judah of revelation 5:5 which I think is different from the lamb of revelation which is Jesus (lamb will lay down with lion).

revelation 21:7 says the overcomer is the son of God and Matthew 12:40 says how the experiencer of the sign of Jonah (having morning star during 3 day overcoming) is the Son of Man (like how Ezekiel and Enoch were also called son of man and like how Jesus said he overcame the world). A Rav gave me hidden manna but not enough to get my name in the book of life per revelation 2:17 and kept the light filled blood for himself.

A human placenta can look like a tree. Hidden manna is light filled blood of a child delivered supernaturally, not drinking it literally, like the dogs in psalm 68:23.

Jews move a chicken around three times during kapparot ritual to represent this 3 day experience which connects to abraxas rooster with the sun and is why rabbis want to be like the chief rooster. During overcoming, my legs went limp like snakes of abraxas feathered serpent rooster.

I also received a supernatural bump on my head (like a kippah) and supernatural gold coins came out of there which is why talmud says you get gold for studying it. I also had a visible eye of white light form between my index and middle fingers which is part of why talmud says a gentile that studies torah is like a high priest.

I also received an experience of heat in my chest and groin area like the moloch statue shows on December 21, 2020, during what the media called the christmas or Bethlehem star which was the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, the last visible one that close happened approximately 800 years ago. There was another like that during the day approximately 400 years ago. This might be the evening star, heylel ben shalim, that Jerusalem is named after, as opposed to the morning star that is heylel ben shalim. This might also relate to psalm 118:22-23.

Light filled blood of a child sacrificed on the other side is the hidden manna when delivered supernaturally as opposed to literally drank (or nowadays injected) like the dogs of psalm 68:23 (which is why revelation says dogs will be outside the gates).

When Jacob and Esau ate "red" (Adam/Edom/man) stew, they ate the son of man (Adam/Edom) and Strong's bible says the word for birthright means first born son and the apocrypha for Cain and Abel is a similar story.

Strong's Hebrew: 1062. בְּכֹרָה (bekorah) -- the right of first- born

The etymology of the word manger means "to eat" as in to eat the son of man (a child).

I went through several years of persecution from the government and other witches including from the "other side" which I think is the persecution the gospel spoke about and part of the pit of isaiah 14:12-15. The German government called this "zersetzung."

Zersetzung - Wikipedia

It started after I wrote online about Jews, masons, satanists, and other witches raping and torturing/sacrificing children to consume their light and adrenaline filled blood like in psalm 68:23 where the Hebrew word for feet, gimel, also means genitals so "getting your feet wet" in blood can also they were raping young children. This explains feet washing verses like John 13:10.

I also had a torn labrum on right shoulder from a wrestling match like how Jesus legendarily had a shoulder wound. The astrological symbol for saturn shows a stretched cross arm, and the chi rho is called a "labarum."

When you orient the name of Yahweh in Hebrew vertically, it resembles a man's skeleton with a dislocated shoulder and hip (genesis 32-25-30).

The Michaelangelo David statue shows what looks like a snake on his left shoulder and that was on my dad during my overcoming experience. It is a green looking human like face with a long snake like neck and I think this is the holy serpent of John 3:14 matching zair anpin (small face) while I saw Arich Anpin, the long face, when I was briefly transported to heaven to sit on a throne next to God while having my hip dislocated like I previously mentioned.

My whole head was physically transformed into a goat head for a couple seconds (while awake) with horns of light (like the leviathan Samael/Leviathan sigil) like moses was said to have horns light and this happened during Samhein 2022 full moon timeframe. I think that might be why Moses had to cover his head with a veil.

The etymology of rapture means rape and torture. The etymology of harp-azo, means tortured to death.


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A giant humanoid? Male? White? Big beard?
Classic anthromorphic projection?

Wearing clothes?

Any speech?
A giant humanoid? Male? White? Big beard?
Classic anthromorphic projection?

Wearing clothes?

Any speech?

Male yes but no to the rest. He spoke to me later.

When I saw man with eyes of fire, I also heard his voice like Ezekiel did and was made to fall face down like he did.