The Quran. Amazing discoveries by a Christian.


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Johannesburg South Africa
I was absent from this forum for a long time, mainly because of complaints that I could have spoken in a softer tone about the prophet of Islam.
No Problem, I said to myself.
However, I became engaged in perhaps the best intellectual endeavor of my life.
This is what happened.
I needed to understand the Quran, as I understand the Bible, which is composed in a logical Chronological sequence. What I mean by that is that, the Bible starts off with the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses and so on until the life of Jesus, the early Church and ends off with Revelation...the end.
The Quran, on the other hand, has no logical line of thought, no Chronological sequence, and it repeats everything over and over again to the point that you loose total attention, and finds oneself lost on any coherent memory of what it says.
I decided to compose a topical composition of the Quran, mimicking the composition of the Bible. I soon found that this is a waste of time. The reason is that the English Translations were very linear, and for some reason the Muslim translators love to use Shakespeare archaic English. I found it difficult to comprehend what they were saying.
One day I had difficulty with a certain verse / aya, and I discovered the website, Islamawakened. I think they have about 50 or so different translations of the Quran into English. This opened my eyes! Not a single one was the same as the next, and some had many interjections to force their opinion into certain verses.
However, for the first time i was able to sieve through verses that were obscure, and I could eventually find one or so that clarified what was implied in the questioned verses.
However, this still made it a cumbersome journey (Searching through multiple translations to understand the meaning of a verse)
I also experienced that many Muslim translators so-to-say "Whitewashed" certain verses in the Quran, perhaps because it might be an embarrassment if showed to the Western reader.
Well, this was it. 3 Years ago I downloaded the Quran in Arabic, formulated it on Excel, and translated the 75 400 plus Arabic words, word by word, with the use of online Arabic dictionaries. I then used VBA code to drag the English from the spreadsheet, and placed it on a Word document. I then worked through the linear English, and arranged the English to be readable, without changing the meaning.
I then went back to my original project, to categorize all the verses into its chronological sequence. From Creation, Adam, through all the Old Testament prophets up to Jesus, and ending with Allah's Last Day. I finished this huge work last week.

Well, what did I learn?

You will see in this thread, and I hope what I show you all might be to value in your life.
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Discovery No. 1. The claim that the Quran refers to Allah as the Royal We, or the "Pluralis Majestatis", is false.

Allah Lah is one of Many. Or He is singular with a descending Spirit who is Plural “We”.

Here we find the Spirit who descends with the Quran speaking in person! This is evidence that the Plural Majestic is a lie! The “We” who descend by the command of “Your Lord” is the spirit who revealed the Quran to Muhammad. (19: 64) A plural multiple Spirit. Legion! (Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39)
19: 64. And We do not descend, except by the Command of your Lord. To Him (belongs) what is between our hands and what is behind us, and what is in-between. And your Lord is not forgetful.

In this verse we again find the one, who calls himself in the plural “We”, and says “We” brought the verses from “Allah” and this We refers to Allah as “He”. (22: 16)
22: 16. And like that We send down clear verses, that Allah guides whom He intends.

Again we recognize the “We” who sent the Quran by the permission of their Lord. In verse 2 this “We” speaks about Lah in the third person singular “He”. It is clear, The “We” is some spiritual being of a multitude who works for the singular Lah.
14: 1. Alif Laam Ra. A Book which We sent down to you so that you may bring people out from the darkness to the light, by the permission of their Lord, to the Path of the dear the Praiseworthy.
14: 2. Allah, to Him is whatever is in the sky and whatever is in the earth. And woe to the kafars (infidels), a severe punishment.

Here we find the “We” that says people disbelieves in what “We” gave them. This “We” refers to God in the 3rd person singular “He”. This means Lah is a singular “He” and the Spirit bringing the Quran is 1st person plural.
30: 33. And when hardship touches people, they call their Lord, turning to Him. Then, when He causes them to taste from His Mercy, then a group of them associate partners with their Lord.
30: 34. So they disbelieve in what We gave them. Then enjoy but soon you will know.
30:35. Or have We sent to them an authority, so that it speaks of what they were associating with Him?

We also learn that Allah is not ONE as Muslims claim, but Many!
Allah is the best of the creators. Therefore Allah is one of many Idols. (37: 123- 125)
37: 123. And indeed Illiyas was of the Messengers.
37: 124. When he said to his people, "Surely you fear.
37: 125. Do you call Ba'ala (Baal), and you forsake the Best of the Creators (plural).

Allah is more than one because He says He is the best of the creators. (23: 14)
23: 14. Then We created the semen-drop into a clot (dead blood), then We created the clot (dead blood) into a chewed (meat) then We created the chewed (meat) into bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We produce it as another creation. So, blessed is Allah, the Best of the Creators (plural).

Allah attempts to say he is “ONE” in mathematical count, but uses the wrong word “Achad” which is the same as plural collection. (112: 1- 4) (Achad = “Anyone” as in (5: 6), “One of” as in (3: 73), “One of you” as in (4: 43)
112: 1. Say He is Allah One of (Unity of).
112: 2. Allah the Absolute.
112: 3. He begets not, and He is not begotten.
112: 4. And no one (Unity) is equal to Him.

Allah also says He can take a girlfriend from “Ourselves”. Therefore the Plural “We” in the Quran is not a ‘Pluralis Majesticae’, but simply Lah containing many individuals within Himself, even female beings! (21:17)
21: 17. If We intended that We have fun (a girlfriend), We could have taken it from Ourselves if We were to do it.
Lah has a Spirit and a Word.
4: 171. O People of the Book! (Jews and Christians) Do not commit excess in your religion and do not speak about Allah, except the truth. The Messiah Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam, was only a Messenger of Allah, and His word which He cast to Maryam, and a spirit from Him. (Trinity. God cast His Word and spirit?) So, believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not say "Three". Cease, it is better for you. Allah is only one God. Glory be to Him that He should have a son for Him. To Him is whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a guardian.

Allah wrote Islam in Muslims’ hearts and supported them with ‘a spirit from Him’ (biroohin minhu). (58:22) If Lah says that He supports all Muslims with a Spirit from Him, He admits that His Spirit is omnipresent. God the Spirit.
58: 22. You will not find people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their relatives. He has written faith within their hearts and supported them with a spirit from Him. And He will admit them to Gardens, underneath it the rivers flow, they will abide forever in it. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. That is indeed the party of Allah, they are the successful.
Allah sent the Faithful Spirit (alrroohu alameenu) to Muhammd to be giver of His revelations and a Warner (prophet) to people. his faithful Spirit is not called Gibriel. However as we saw, the “Holy Spirit” and the “Spirit of Lah” can never be Gibriel. Gibriel is an Angel, and the Spirit is a divine being. (26:192-195)

26: 192. And indeed, it surely is a Revelation of the Lord of the worlds.
26: 193. Sent down with the faithful Spirit, (alrroohu alameenu)
26: 194. Upon your heart, that you may be of the warners.
26: 195. In a clear Arabic tongue.
In conclusion.
Any Muslim scholar that wants to say the Plural use "We" in the Quran is a Majestic Plural, should now see that it is not true. Allah is a god referred to as singular, with a Spirit and other beings inside of Himself.
But it is of cardinal value to understand that there is this Spirit that calls Allah in the singular form, yet it is this spirit that is a multiple identity that calls himself "We"!
All of a sudden the "We" in the Quran made sense to me, especially if we find hundreds of references in the Quran that Allah is always called "He"!
In conclusion.
Any Muslim scholar that wants to say the Plural use "We" in the Quran is a Majestic Plural, should now see that it is not true..
I suggest that you become a scholar of Arabic and Hebrew, if you are really interested in truth.

English translations often come across as confusing .. it's all about classical grammar.
Furthermore, G-d is not a person, so suggesting He is many persons is nonsensical, in the common understanding of "person".

I say "He" .. another grammatical construct .. take the French language for example..
Who is this "Spirit speaking here?
19: 64. And We do not descend, except by the Command of your Lord. To Him (belongs) what is between our hands and what is behind us, and what is in-between. And your Lord is not forgetful.
and here
22: 16. And like that We send down clear verses, that Allah guides whom He intends.
and here
14: 1. Alif Laam Ra. A Book which We sent down to you so that you may bring people out from the darkness to the light, by the permission of their Lord, to the Path of the dear the Praiseworthy.
14: 2. Allah, to Him is whatever is in the sky and whatever is in the earth. And woe to the kafars (infidels), a severe punishment.

and here
30: 33. And when hardship touches people, they call their Lord, turning to Him. Then, when He causes them to taste from His Mercy, then a group of them associate partners with their Lord.
30: 34. So they disbelieve in what We gave them. Then enjoy but soon you will know.
30:35. Or have We sent to them an authority, so that it speaks of what they were associating with Him?

Just look at what this Spirit says. He calls himself the "Royal WE" and calls Allah the singular 3rd person "He"!

Therefore, the whole of the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of some Spirit which is a plurality of Spirits.

You don't have to know any Arabic to see what your Quran says.
Let me show you the straw man argument you are trying to sell of on the facts I discovered.
67 of your own Muslim translators translated 19:64 the same as I did!
67 of your own Muslim translators translated 22:16 virtually he same as I did!
67 of your own Muslim translators translated 14:1-2 the same as I did!
67 of your own Muslim translators translated 30:33-35 the same as I did!

Now why on Earth would you tell me that the Arabic Quran has some other meaning, when virtually all your Muslims translators agrees with my translation of these verses?

The Fact is that some Evil Spirit and his daemons are the "Royal We".
And he imposed himself as revealing supposed "Words from God", which is in total contradiction with the teachings of the Bible.

Rather try to find out who this spirit is, than to say I should learn Arabic.
I don't need to, in the light of AI and Information technology in our age of computers and internet.
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Discovery No 2. The first chapter of The Quran reveals the Name of the God of Islam is not "Allah".

The Quran starts off with a benediction to Allah. This is not the spoken words of Allah, but clearly the words of someone praising his God. It invokes a god by saying, “In the Name of Allah”. The word “Allah” is not a proper personal name, but simply means “The God”. The word “Allah = God” can be used in all languages as “The God”, referring to any god. If the Name of Muhammad’s god is not “Allah”, what is it then? Well, if we look at the Arabic in the second verse of chapter 1, we can identify the Name of the God of Islam. The following is a word by word translation with the use of Computer software technology, which shows the real name of the God of the Quran. His Name is “Lah”.

In (the) name(of) Allahthe Most Graciousthe merciful
Praisesto Lahthe Lordof the worlds

In verse 2 it says, “Praises be to Lah”. The Arabic words ‘Al Hamdu Li Lah’ renders that the God of Muhammad’s name is “Lah”. (Li-Lah = to-Lah)
I contacted 3 Arab speaking X Muslims, and they agree that the above is 100% correct.
I also learned that Christian Prince made a video about this, as well as Usama Dakdok agrees that the name of the god of the Quran is "Lah"!
..the real name of the God of the Quran. His Name is “Lah”.
G-d has many names .. there are many languages in the world.

"Allah" ( literally 'The God' ) was used before and after the Qur'an was revealed .. and is still used by Christians in the Arab world today. 'illah' means 'a god'.

Take a step back .. try to think for yourself, rather than browsing unenlightened, conspiracy theories.
G-d has many names .. there are many languages in the world.

"Allah" ( literally 'The God' ) was used before and after the Qur'an was revealed .. and is still used by Christians in the Arab world today. 'illah' means 'a god'.

Take a step back .. try to think for yourself, rather than browsing unenlightened, conspiracy theories.
Thanks for agreeing that the word Allah simply means 'a god'. Therefore the God of Islam can not be called "a god". And as we saw, Chapter1:2 shows us the real name of the God of the Quran.
As for conspiracy theories, I assume this is another straw man attack. I gave you the Arabic.
Discovery No 3. Lah’s description on how He created Heaven and Earth. He contradicts Himself when He says He did it in 8 days, or in 6 days, and even claims He did it instantaneous.

  • In the beginning, “Lah”, created the Earth and the seven Heavens in eight days. Lah gives a detailed description on how he created everything.
  • He starts off and says that He took two days to create the Earth. He then made mountains on top of the Earth, and followed it up by creating all the sustenance that was needed to support life on Earth; all this took Him four more days.
  • Six days now passed and Lah then turned towards the Heaven when it was still Smoke (in a Nebulous state), and using an additional two more days, He shaped it into seven heavens. The total days of creation is now at eight days.
  • Lah was still not done. He says He made two lamps in ‘the sky of the Earth’, which is the Atmosphere.
  • Observation: Lah made a mistake, because if there was no Sun until the last days of these eight days, He would not have had any Sun to count these eight days with.
  • Notwithstanding, Lah don’t know that the Earth is but a small speck in the Universe, and to say that the Earth was created before the Heavens, is a huge scientific error. (41:9- 12)
41: 9. Say, "Do you disbelieve in he who created the earth in two days, and you set equals up with Him? That is the Lord of the worlds.
41: 10. And He placed therein stabilizers (hills) on top of it, it and He blessed therein, and determined its sustenance therein in four equal days for those who ask.
41: 11. Afterwards He settled (turned) towards the sky, while it was smoke, and He said to it and to the earth. "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly" They both said We come willingly.

41: 12. Then He completed them as seven skies (heavens) in two days, and He revealed in each sky (heaven) its affair. And We decorated the sky of the earth with lamps to guard. That is the Decree of the dear the knowing.

Note - But as we continue reading the Quran, we find that Lah changes His ‘time-frame’ of eight days of creation, and in multiple verses claims that it took Him only six days. He even says He settled on His Throne which was over the water and managed His creation after the mentioned six days. (10:3, 11:7, 23:4, 25:59, 57:4, 50:38) Lah boasts that He never grew tired during the creation period of six days. (50: 38)

10: 3. Indeed, your Lord is Allah who created the sky and the earth in six days, then He settled on the Throne managing the affairs. There is no intercessor, except by His permission. This is Allah your Lord, so worship Him. Do you not understand?.

11: 7. And it is He who created the sky and the earth in six days. His throne on the water, that He might test you, which of you is best in deeds. But, if you say, "Indeed, you will be resurrected after death." Surely the infidels would say. "This is not but a clear magic. "

32: 4. It is Allah who created the sky and the earth in six days, and whatever is between them. Then settled on the Throne. You do not have any protector or intercessor besides Him. Then will you not remember?

25: 59. It is He who created the sky and the earth, and whatever is between these two, in six days, then He settled on the Throne, the Compassionate, so ask Him who is aware.

57: 4. It is He who created the sky (heaven) and the earth in six days, then He settled on the Throne. He knows what penetrates the earth, and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the sky, and what ascends therein, and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah is a seer of what you do.

50: 38. And certainly, We created the sky (heaven) and the earth and whatever is between them in six days, and no fatigue touched Us.

Note- However, this is not the end of Lah’s confusion. We find that Lah forgot that He said that, He created everything in eight or in six days. He now boasts that He made everything instantaneous by saying “Be!”, and it was. (6:73) (36:81-83) (2:117) (16:40) Lah even elaborates and says He created everything in a twinkling of an eye. (54:49-50)

6: 73. And it is He Who created the sky and the earth in truth. And the Day He says. "Be!" and it is. His word (is) the truth And for Him is the kingdom. On the Day in the trumpet will be blown He is knowing of the unseen and the seen. And He is the wise the aware.

36: 81. Is it not (He), Who created the sky and the earth, able to create the like of them? Yes indeed! and He is the Creator the knowing.
36: 82. It is only His Command, when He intends a thing, He says to it, "Be" and it is.
36: 83. So glory be to in Whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to Him you will be returned.”

2: 117. The Originator of the sky and the earth! And when He decrees an affair, He only say to it, "Be!" and it becomes.

16: 40. When We intend something to happen, Our word is that We say to it, "Be!" and it is.

54: 49. Indeed, We created everything by a measure.

54: 50. And Our Command is quick, like the twinkling of the eye.