A question about politics and courage


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Haelen,the netherlands
Can I ask a question about politics?

How was politics when only philosophers existed?

My question is I think politics asking the virtue courage.

Especially to help the weak.

Weak is normal.

We all are.

Babies are vulnerable.

So I can give more examples.

People are confused between a job you are good at and being a citizens.

What if we had as Socrates called them people of gold who could be exellant politicians.

Can a politician be a Christian?

Is a philosopher an Atheist?

What I mean is in politics we need virtues and Christian values.

We say old and new testament.

Old for revdngive, new for forgiving. In politics we can not be both at the same time. How much freedom does democratize gives us to keep democracy seeing as a healthy thing that does not make us sick?

Where are the boundaries before we have the freedom to act as criminals official by the law and order accepted.

I am confused.

Perhaps I should write this in the catogory mythology.

So, I do that to.
I think you asked this same thing in a different thread