The three stages in astrology


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Haelen,the netherlands
My mother was so much in esoteric. She read Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and read all share internationals.
She taught me a lot and allowed me to study what I wanted like astrology and herbs.
She was smarter then I was.

I did not agree with everything.
But still learned a lot.
I think new age often ain't aware, at least not really, that aquarius is a constellation.
I have made an examination first before I share my theory.
There are three stages.
I astrology and the horoscope show three stages about what is written as a story in the Bible as what was is and will be.
There is the ascendant.
Two thousand later at the same place the east you see one constellation moved to the next.
This way new becomes old and what yet had to become will be.
Religion has to do with the 12th house always like we always have feet.
This stage I explain. We all go through three similar stages.
We are hoped for. When your mother was pregnant.
We must be believed in. Like things that are not proven yet.
Justice will be one day for so long waiting not being proved you become personal and they complain that God can not be in the flesh. Then we are the new believe.
How can there be two Christ's we say. One must go.
In fact my friends there are 12 Christ's and always be.
The new christ we new 24.000 years ago.
We will remember him from long time ago when you weep when he had to go away but comes back and teach us again.

God is in all at the same time present and never left you.
But believe when you are sad is sometimes hard.
Our revenge for those who did not believed us will come to when we were rejected and called a fool.

There are 12 my good friends.

You are not crazy if they call you that.

But belief sometimes can make lonely until you meet like minded people to remember us, not to be selfish alone, what we cling to do in our sadness.
They told me, the sun comes after the rain and that is true.

But for everything it needs time. But do not stop believing. He might one day stand in front of your nose, when you think, can this be true.

Yes it can.

But we must be patient.