Searching for followers of a similar faith as mine

Avi the Sphere

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And what "faith" would this be?

The word aeon /ˈiːɒn/, also spelled eon (in American and Australian English), originally meant "life", "vital force" or "being", "generation" or "a period of time", though it tended to be translated as "age" in the sense of "ages", "forever", "timeless" or "for eternity".
I like your chart, it focuses on all the positive aspect of the eternal God.

My chart would most likely be shorter and would require greater thought, but off the cuff, I see it unfolds like this.

God of Aeon

Spirit of Creation (Contains all Names, Attributes and Words)

Messengers of Realities (All the Names and Attributes and Words)

Realms of Choice (The manifestation of the Word in the diversity of the Names and Attributes)

Plains of existence (the levels of the Spirit refracted to each realm of choice)

Realm of Consciousness (The spirit of choice gifted to a rational mind). (This is where I would consider Chaos enters, the level where Chaos becomes a result of choice)

I have always thought it would be fun (Albeit child's play) to construct a chart of creation, I was going to based on this explanation of creation.

Regards Tony