Interfaith is doing fine


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New Delhi, India
Interfaith is doing fine as far as the Forums go, but not the Home Page.
That is drab, uninviting and gray, with capital letters and four fixed highlighted topics.
It does not give importance to Apocrypha and Articles.
It does not show what members are discussing these days.
IMHO, it needs to be redone. Why should we divide into 'Main Sections' and 'Non-main Sections'?

BTW, 'Welcome to Interfaith' is written thrice on the Home Page. :)
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What I have in mind is something like this (which means incorporating the alterations that members may suggest):

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Or perhaps like this (Link with some description). Does not miss anything from the current Home Page:
The logo can be placed on left too (wherever members decide).
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I agree something different would be great.

I can say that I have been aware of this site for years, but only aware of the forums recently.
I do not know why.
Unless maybe my AOL browser (that I used until a few years ago) made it harder to see or connect to.
That is what I mean. Members use Forums, but nothing else.
That is why change is required.
We could add 'drop-downs' where required.
The other material is nice, and I'm glad it's there, and I hope to use it, But true, I rarely do.
The forum aspect could be more front and center.

I feel like your design above would look nice. I think if the color were royal blue with gold/bright yellow print it would look good.
Yes, I had begun work on the main site, but I suffer from a chronic illness that leaves me with little free time to do anything. Originally, I was not going to be involved with the forums again, but the situation changed and now what little time I have here is spent helping out in the forums. I will try and get something done about the homepage soon, though. :)
Yes, I had begun work on the main site, but I suffer from a chronic illness that leaves me with little free time to do anything. Originally, I was not going to be involved with the forums again, but the situation changed and now what little time I have here is spent helping out in the forums. I will try and get something done about the homepage soon, though. :)
Oh, I did not know you were ill!
Thank you for doing so much in the face of that!
I hope there are options for you to feel better!
Take care of yourself, above all.
Oh, I did not know you were ill!
Thank you for doing so much in the face of that!
I hope there are options for you to feel better!
Take care of yourself, above all.
@iBrian -

I echo the sentiments above. In fact, I don’t think of a single forum member who is not wishing you the same. May you be gifted with r’fuah shleima - the wholeness of healing, the healing of wholeness.
Draft, made with libreoffice. I can perhaps make it in a html editor, but I fear to touch wordpress. Last time I caused a break up in the forum.


Did not get a good image for Articles, used the best available. No links, the blurbs can be edited.
Did not get a good image for Articles, used the best available. No links, the blurbs can be edited.

An image for Articles could be pictures of a magazine or something

An image for Forums could be people milling around, or images of text bubbles or something

I think the FORUM should be more prominent than the others so that it is not missed. Like I somehow missed it for years.

Also my thought is those images could be a little smaller and the words on each segment more prominent.

Or even the cleanness of the one you put up yesterday where it was just words looked nice too...

What does anybody else think?

THANK YOU @Aupmanyav for taking the time and putting the thought into this. 🤩🤩
Cheers, that's a g
Draft, made with libreoffice. I can perhaps make it in a html editor, but I fear to touch wordpress. Last time I caused a break up in the forum.

View attachment 5085

Did not get a good image for Articles, used the best available. No links, the blurbs can be edited.
Cheers - that's an interesting mockup. I'll have to try something like that. Not least because I can then simplify the navigation menu, which at the moment is coded to be unique for each section but is currently breaking the formatting.

I used to be very comfortable with WordPress, but they changed it a while back to make it more of a website builder, but all they've done is over-complicate things.

Anyway, I'll see what I can do with the suggestion soon. :)
Get it, milling crowds will be nice. Not sure about 'Articles'. That is a tough one.
Something like clip art of newspapers or magazines. Or of thick books that look like scholarly journals. Or all of the above. I think that would fairly represent the idea of "articles".

Not photos of any specific newspaper or magazine.
Images of specific scholarly journals or spiritual specialty magazines... may seem to fit but would probably be a copyright issue.
Since now the prevailing theme in forums is gray, black and white; I think a black and white image will suit better than a colored one.