science cannot explain creation.
all the big bang theory says is stuff exploded and expaned, which anylogical person can tell you doesnt describe the beginning but the middle.
and if it wasnt for string theory then the universe would be a globe, because if only hydrogen and helium expanded not encountering any other force then the universe wold have expanded evanly and not formed into blobs.
so where did the strings come from. and to say its all a big circle of expansion and contraction, is just another way of saying we cant figure out the start point.
and if god created the universe, where was he when he did it.
and if he was allways there, where was he.
so this is allso clearly not the beginning but the middle.
so can someone give me one theory on creation that desribes the beginning and not the middle.
(starring blankly into space doesnt seem to be helping me at all).
all the big bang theory says is stuff exploded and expaned, which anylogical person can tell you doesnt describe the beginning but the middle.
and if it wasnt for string theory then the universe would be a globe, because if only hydrogen and helium expanded not encountering any other force then the universe wold have expanded evanly and not formed into blobs.
so where did the strings come from. and to say its all a big circle of expansion and contraction, is just another way of saying we cant figure out the start point.
and if god created the universe, where was he when he did it.
and if he was allways there, where was he.
so this is allso clearly not the beginning but the middle.
so can someone give me one theory on creation that desribes the beginning and not the middle.
(starring blankly into space doesnt seem to be helping me at all).