El angel que me devolvio mi espiritu


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No se si leeras esto hoy...

Solo necesitaba decirte que te amo...que te agradecere cada dia del resto de mi vida por haber hecho que recupere mi escencia, por haber hecho renacer mis sueños....

Aquella noche deje mi aliento evaporado en tu boca y mi avalancha tatuada en tu vientre...

Te amo
I wouldn't mind if I'd actually had one. :)

Interestingly enough, they have "zohar society" as part of their e-mail address.

I'm still trying to figure out the motivation for these past couple of posts by Dragon40000.
It is a message for somebody who saved my life by giving me hope and love….written in the most beautiful language I know…
Ha, I was afraid I have to learn Spanish, too. :D

At least I know what "Te amo" means.;)
alexa said:
Ha, I was afraid I have to learn Spanish, too. :D

At least I know what "Te amo" means.;)
...me thinks, Songs of Solomon, variations, with a decided slant...

And the flavor hints at Venezuelan verbage.


Q, do you think Dragon40000 is from Venezuela ? Cool ! That's a place I would like to visit some time. :)
alexa said:
Q, do you think Dragon40000 is from Venezuela ? Cool ! That's a place I would like to visit some time. :)
I almost married a lovely woman from Venezuela, and learned many words...

...but I think I'd wait to visit, until the government and the people are of nearly the same mind...otherwise it could possibly ruin your vacation. :(


Why did you 'almost' marry her, Quahom?

Of course I don't expect you to answer that question and I mean no disrespect by asking. But sometimes I gotta do it. I JUST GOTTA DO IT!!! (What I could pick up of it was through my tiny knowledge of Latin. The feeling I get of it is pretty hot. I really should learn Spanish.... Maybe I should change my username to spanishseeker....)
truthseeker said:
Why did you 'almost' marry her, Quahom?

Of course I don't expect you to answer that question and I mean no disrespect by asking. But sometimes I gotta do it. I JUST GOTTA DO IT!!! (What I could pick up of it was through my tiny knowledge of Latin. The feeling I get of it is pretty hot. I really should learn Spanish.... Maybe I should change my username to spanishseeker....)
Hay las épocas en que usted no hace ninguna pregunta...entonces usted no conseguirá ninguna mentira...:D

But God, she was beautiful to look upon. (sigh)

Ok, back to reality. ;)

