Greek Education


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Dyna (like Dynamite, or Dinosaur) = from the Greek for Dynamenos meaning Strong

Mega = from the Greek, for megalos meaning large

Proto = from the Greek, for Proto meaning first

Pro = from the Greek Protimo meaning prefer or towards

Anti = from the Greek, Antihero meaning opposite or opose

Photo = from the Greek, photos meaning light

Phobia = from the Greek, PhoVia meaning frightened

Alphabet = from the first 2 letter of the Greek Alphebet Alpha (A) Veta (B)

Greek B is pronounced V but they are the same letters. Have you ever wondered why OBVIOUS has a B there? Isn't it Ovious?

That is only a fraction of Greek words in the English language, thought I would enlighten you :) Whilst many of you using these words without proper understanding of what they mean, they are actually simpler then they come across.

OK is the Abbreviation of Ola Kla meaning All Good. :D

The Greeks were the PIONEERS of the western world, a golden rule for everyone to remember is that everything in the west has it's roots from Ancient Greece and judging by the state of Greece today not much has changed :D Same language, same poltical system, same people and Same problem with the Asian minor the Turks.
Do you have an Ego problem? Yes Ego in Greek means ME! :)

And please use windex to cure all your medical problems :)

Don't want to sound harsh here... but we do have greek and latin classes in schools that teach us all that. And yes, latin and greek (not only greek) made most of the words in many western languages.

BTW, Dino (as in dinosaur) comes from greek deinos meaning terrible/dreadful.
Of course there's Latin too :)

Very limited people learn Latin and Greek, I think it compliments the English language greatly and is important if more people learnt Latin and Greek. Latin came from Greek, there's even old scriptures where you can literally see it change over night from Greek to Latin.

BTW, might have been mistaken with Dino however Knew there was a Greek connection somewhere :)

It's down the Renaissance, when Greek and Latin become as like the behicles of lost knowldege from a Golden Age...

But we have to be careful when touching upon the realms of Greeks and education - the modern world would be pretty horrified at the ancient Greek education system.
well that's a matter of debate considering which countries were taking about :eek:
I suppose it's true what they say the ancient Greeks invented just about everything even the disgusting stuff. However seems like times haven't changed, Perverts are alive and kicking in the UK, USA and all over the world. Which just goes to show the dark side of human nature. However in a sick way it shows how liberal the Greeks were, homosexuality was practised among men freely too. However an other bad crime of the Greeks was how they treated the ladies. I'm glad the ROMANTIC Romans put us right on that :)

That's why we say romantic because it's from the time when the Greeks changed on how they treated there ladies. They were mere objects of child birth and serving the man, Greeks still view the female slightly below men today :confused: . However funny enough Cleopatra ruled Egypt under the Hellenistic (Greek) government from the blood line of Ptolemy who was one of Alexanders generals.
Postmaster said:
Latin came from Greek, there's even old scriptures where you can literally see it change over night from Greek to Latin.
Wait a minute ! Don't mix up the languages ! Latin has not its origin in Greek. You are so decided to give credit at your part of the world, you react selectioning things and ignoring all those which contradict your opinion over the world. In fact greek language is considered to be isolated linguistically among the indo-european languages. The ancient greek gave different dialects (eolien, ionien, dorien, arcado-cypriote, archéen, mycenien, phyrigien). At some point, the greek language was fighting with latin, to be on the first place as importance.


As you can see, the byzantin greek developed form Koiné, which was the most used language in the greek world of Alexander the Great.Koiné became the official language in Byzantin Empire from IX to XV century and replaced latin.

I do not deny thousands of techniques et scientific words originated from greek. But, stop making greek number one, as it isn't.

It's true the old scriptures were written first in greek. They were translated after in latin, as the Romans adopted Christian's religion.
It's true the old scriptures were written first in greek. They were translated after in latin, as the Romans adopted Christian's religion.
Well at least something is true of what I say :)

I do not deny thousands of techniques et scientific words originated from greek. But, stop making greek number one, as it isn't.
Lol, I'm juts messing! I'm braging at the same time making a joke out of myself from my ignorance. That too is Greek trademark.! :D It's a piss take out of supriority. And one that should also at the same time break the mentality of supirority of others.

If the ancient world could only see the accomplishments of modern society they would turn in there graves ;)
Postmaster said:
That too is Greek trademark.! :D It's a piss take out of supriority. And one that should also at the same time break the mentality of supirority of others.
Ignorance mixed up with superiority ? Hmm. :confused: Not a very good mixture. :)
Exactly :) Because superiority is ignorance ;) Is to me anyway. To make sure people understood I was talking crap I even said this

And please use windex to cure all your medical problems
In my second post. Obviously know what I'm talking if you watched my big fat Greek wedding. :p
No, I didn't see the movie. Well, if you were talking only crap, I might "ignore" your posts, without feeling any "superiority".:p
Do Greeks still worship the ancient gods or is everybody Christianized?
lol.. you still have people in the UK practise Celtic rituals and in Greece where the Greek Gods were great and there is probably not one person who still believes in the Greek Gods anymore even with ancient temples of Apollo, Athena, Zeus.... all over the place. This I know for sure, we are taking about different societies, anyone that still believes in Greek Gods would be social reject or put in a white box in Greece. Strong family values and extremely religious society they take Christianity seriously. I imagine celebrations and full churches this Easter.
