Milk -v- Meat



The lovely Q talks about milk and meat and I feel this message is truly inspired.

We give a baby milk before we feed the baby with solids and yet beyond the milk all the baby needs is our love and hugs.

What the world needs more then anything is love can we as Christians give an outpouring of love beyond measure so that all hearts from every religion, culture and race can overflow with the supreme love of GOD?

being love

Kim xx
SacredStar said:
We give a baby milk before we feed the baby with solids and yet beyond the milk all the baby needs is our love and hugs.
I am amazed sometimes of the volume of this little word LOVE. How in just four little letters we can place all the vast little details of in this case what it takes to care for a baby.
In fact it is not till children become parents that they fully grasp what a mothers/fathers love really entails.
The thought just overwhelms my ability to calculate the minutes dollars emotions and dedication it would take to find the sum of this love.

And for me just a few babies leaves me this marveled.

To think our Heavenly Father has loved the world generation after generation with a greater and deeper love than we are capable.
Just kind of blows your mind to think of the details required for that.

Sacredstar said:
The lovely Q talks about milk and meat and I feel this message is truly inspired.

We give a baby milk before we feed the baby with solids and yet beyond the milk all the baby needs is our love and hugs.

What the world needs more then anything is love can we as Christians give an outpouring of love beyond measure so that all hearts from every religion, culture and race can overflow with the supreme love of GOD?

being love

Kim xx
Dearest Sacred,

In the Christian way, a born again, must often be fed the "milk" of scripture, before receiving the "meat" of scripture.

Please forgive me if I mislead you as to my intent, when I used milk and meat in a previous thread. That was my mistake.


Well as Jesus said Q we have to have the innocence of a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven so the meat is not a neccessity. All the world needs is the innocence and purity of the heart of love to get through the eye of the needle.


Kim xx
Here is an interesting verse to throw in this mix.

Pr 20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Meat in a scriptural meaning is a neccessity but only after we have a good diet as Babes on the milk, the simple things, the basic fundamentals.

this milk in a baby builds healthy bones a framework and structure.
It does the same for the Body of Christ the church and Spiritually for the individual.

The Protein in meat after the frame is strong builds strength through muscle. A child also needs this at a certian point as does the body of Christ and the Spiritual individual.

But a nice cold glass of milk with any dinner is still something I enjoy.
Dear Basstian

Thank you for sharing, that really resonates.

Especially as many people including non christians haven't integrated the basics and until this is integrated IME the foundations stay weak.

From my perspective the first basic is positive thinking.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
Well as Jesus said Q we have to have the innocence of a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven so the meat is not a neccessity. All the world needs is the innocence and purity of the heart of love to get through the eye of the needle.


Kim xx
I'm not sure, but I think Jesus said with the "wonder" of a child...

We can never be innocent, however, we can become unbeguiling and full of awe.


What about The Lord of Innocence, the Lamb of GOD?

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
What about The Lord of Innocence, the Lamb of GOD?

being love

Kim xx
He "is" the Immaculate Heart. There is no other. And He sits at the right hand of God the Father. Because of His purity, the Father can look at us, through Jesus.


Quahom1 said:
He "is" the Immaculate Heart. There is no other. And He sits at the right hand of God the Father. Because of His purity, the Father can look at us, through Jesus.


that was awesome Q. Brought some tears to my eyes. When I first realized that a few years back a whole lot of things fell into place for me.
Dear Q

Yes I agree and was it not also his wish that we should also be innocent lambs of GOD with immaculate hearts?

being love

kim xx
Yes I agree and was it not also his wish that we should also be innocent lambs of GOD with immaculate hearts?
Only the Blood of Gods Lamb could wash us that clean. There is only one Lamb of God His Name is Jesus. He gave His life as a sacrifice.

Got Milk ? ;)
that is right. only one lamb could take away the sin of the world and one lamb in particular. JESUS
That lamb is also the shepherd of the sheep.
we have to go through Jesus and washed through his blood. any other way is as a thief and a robber.
Got chocolate for that milk?;)
And is a young lamb not a sheep ? Just like a child is a person.

Matthew 18 NIV

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

2 He called a little child and had him stand among them.

3 And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

10 “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

And Jesus confirms that we should not treat children as inferior beings or with inequality.

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
And is a young lamb not a sheep ? Just like a child is a person.

Matthew 18 NIV

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

2 He called a little child and had him stand among them.

3 And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

10 “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

And Jesus confirms that we should not treat children as inferior beings or with inequality.

being love

Kim xx
On the matter of innocence or humility, and what God said, I believe you answered your own question. ;)


Dear Q

Yes interesting that to be humble means to ask for nothing from GOD I found that a very interesting insight. For the innocent child gives so much love and as it says in Romans "For he who loves his fellow-man as fufilled the law, Therefore love is the fulfilment of the law."

So in asking for nothing and giving everything we are indeed serving GOD and so it is that GOD see's who is truly humble and who is not, the child who is pure of heart that gives love beyond measure asking for nothing in return.

For no man is above GOD.

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
Dear Q

Yes interesting that to be humble means to ask for nothing from GOD I found that a very interesting insight. For the innocent child gives so much love and as it says in Romans "For he who loves his fellow-man as fufilled the law, Therefore love is the fulfilment of the law."

So in asking for nothing and giving everything we are indeed serving GOD and so it is that GOD see's who is truly humble and who is not, the child who is pure of heart that gives love beyond measure asking for nothing in return.

For no man is above GOD.

being love

Kim xx
Hi Sacred,

I'm gonna take a shot at this.

First I agree, no man is above God. But I found that to be humble (understand humility) in the truest sense, is not groveling before anyone (Especially not God, as I think He hates that as much as arrogant pride).
To be humble, in my thinking, is to know exactly what and who I am. I am a flawed human being, with great potential (for good and/or evil). That means I don't have all the answers, so if I have any wisdom at all, I recognize that I must turn to God for help and guidance. If I do not turn to God, then I am a fool on top of being flawed.

Some people I think are pure in heart (I've been thinking about what you said), though they are rare. That does not make them innocent, but they seem to have a much greater compassion for others, than most of us. People like Mother Theresa, Mother Seaton come to mind. There is no guile in them. And they give selflessly because they have been given a measure of strengths surpassed by few, when dealing with the Human condition.

Then there are the peace makers (they are rare too), They have tremendous will, and equally a tremendous understanding of the Human heart, but above all, they wish for peace beyond understanding. They are moderators in this world (Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther, St. Patrick of Erin - no pun intended today);)

Mostly though what the world has is the broken hearted, broken in spirit. They do not know what they need, only that they hurt deeply, but pride is an excellent self defense mechanism, so they use it, and depend on it to keep from hurting more.

Jesus did not say "Blessed are the innocent", but rather "Blessed are the poor in Spirit", for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven..., the meek shall inherit the Earth, those who mourn shall be comforted, those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled, the merciful shall be shown mercy, the pure in heart shall see God, peacemakers shall be calle sons of God, the persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,"

Unfortunately God didn't mention peace I might be SOL (shucks out of luck) :D :eek: ;)

All these people Jesus identified have needs that because of their condition, and willingness to turn to Jesus, shall be fulfilled. Not one is considered perfect...just forgiven.

That is the ticket to Heaven. Repent, and be forgiven. Lean not on thine own understanding, but from every word that comes from the mouth of our Lord.

I think self enlightenment, can be dangerous, because it can lead to self deception.

I don't have all the answers (as Dauer would say, I can't even spell sometimes) ;)

In fact one of my kids asked me if I knew everything, and my answer to him was "Well I tried to be God once, but the responsibility was just too damn much, so now I'm just happy being me.":D


Yes interesting that to be humble means to ask for nothing from GOD I found that a very interesting insight
We have all seen that screaming child in the store that wants something their parent isnt willing to provide.

But there are things that when a child asks for bless a parent.
For example the "New big bicycle" they already had the little ones that we buy long before they are able to ask for them the ones that they cant really ride but are cute to see them sitting on.
But when the time comes they look around and say I am ready to move up go faster and pedal harder on their own. That "can I have a new bicycle?" is a sign for a dad that his child is growing mind body and spirit.

When my oldest turned 15 I was out of work had been layed off and we where struggling with bills. This is something I dont tell my children I have taught them to be sastisfied in whatever "shape" we are in. But dont discuss bills and such as I dont want them to be burdened by things like that.

I asked my daughter what she would like for her birthday. 15 is pretty big and pretty materialistic.
She said " Some of those small ponytail holders and a new brush so I dont have to share with Sis she loses the one I have now."
I didnt know what to say. Her request was so small and I would have gotten these things on any trip to the store if asked.
She recieved much more a really nice "girly" make-up case with vanity mirror and brush and comb set with about every hair thingy on the isle. Curling iron the whole works. I was as a dad determined to reward her for being humble in her request.

Not asking God for things when we need them could show a type of Pride also. Asking God with the right Heart will be rewarded.
I think God (even better than I) will judge the heart of the person asking and if you ask for bread He wont give you a stone.
But I dont want to be that screaming Kid in the market either.:D
Dear Q

I agree with 95% of what you have said

"I think self enlightenment, can be dangerous, because it can lead to self deception."

Well in self healing one heals the darkness within so that there can no more self decpetion, lack of self love, needs or selfish desires. But we alone do nothing, when we are cradled in the arms of Jesus Christ and GOD and so what you might call 'self enlightenment' the person that as achieved this knows that they were shown every step of the way by a greater power above. But never was there a truer saying then 'God helps those that help themself' so from my perspective people are indeed shown the way and then it is up them whether they accept the GOD given help that is sent whether that is through human or divine intervention.

His will is indeed done and we all bear witness to that daily with every drop of rain and today as been pure joy of blue skies and very warm sunshine here in the UK.

I love the quote I often use from Socrates 'I know that I know nothing' and the more we learn or are guided to know the more we realise how much there is that we do not know. The greatest gift of self healing and self development is peace of mind and contentment and so there is no hungar to learn, it is just pure joy to receive the blessings that GOD bestows and share the blessings when appropriate.

So do we lay ourselves at GOD's feet?

From experience we walk hand in hand ~ the lover and beloved.

Glory be to GOD

Kim xx
Quahom1 said:
Mostly though what the world has is the broken hearted, broken in spirit. They do not know what they need, only that they hurt deeply, but pride is an excellent self defense mechanism, so they use it, and depend on it to keep from hurting more.

Jesus did not say "Blessed are the innocent", but rather "Blessed are the poor in Spirit", for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven..., the meek shall inherit the Earth, those who mourn shall be comforted, those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled, the merciful shall be shown mercy, the pure in heart shall see God, peacemakers shall be calle sons of God, the persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,"


Q, this whole post is just beautiful. Thank you.
