Changes to the Code of Conduct


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
Reaction score
A few changes to the Code of conduct have been made:

The main aim is simply to help clarify how the site operates, and especially try to indicate that use of CR by any member for their own promotional purposes may face disciplinary action.

The main changes involve:

- typos corrected
- creation of a General Introduction
- Addition of section on Copyright
- Addition of Disclaimer section

The Code of Conduct now also displays to a user when regitering for the forums.
I said:
A few changes to the Code of conduct have been made:

The main aim is simply to help clarify how the site operates, and especially try to indicate that use of CR by any member for their own promotional purposes may face disciplinary action.

The main changes involve:

- typos corrected
- creation of a General Introduction
- Addition of section on Copyright
- Addition of Disclaimer section

The Code of Conduct now also displays to a user when regitering for the forums.
Perfectly sound guidelines. Couldn't find the thing re correcting typos, but thought it a good time to again offer my apopolgies and pledge to try to catch them better-my first post here was a personal intro and a forewarning that, though I do know how to spell, I'm the master of typos. For all the typing I do at work & home, you'd think the adage, "practice makes perfect" would apply-but I'm the living example of the exception to the rule. I say it's a case of typing dyslexia-my fingers never go to the keys my mind tells them to even when I'm looking at them-must be a basic mind-brain disconnect there. On the other hand, the typos kinda help keep my ego from inflating over the words given how poorly typed they are.:D Thanks again for creating what has rapidly become my favorite cyber forum, Earl
earl said:
Perfectly sound guidelines. Couldn't find the thing re correcting typos, but thought it a good time to again offer my apopolgies and pledge to try to catch them better-my first post here was a personal intro and a forewarning that, though I do know how to spell, I'm the master of typos. For all the typing I do at work & home, you'd think the adage, "practice makes perfect" would apply-but I'm the living example of the exception to the rule. I say it's a case of typing dyslexia-my fingers never go to the keys my mind tells them to even when I'm looking at them-must be a basic mind-brain disconnect there. On the other hand, the typos kinda help keep my ego from inflating over the words given how poorly typed they are.:D Thanks again for creating what has rapidly become my favorite cyber forum, Earl

Hi earl,

I may be wrong but I think Brian meant that he corrected some typos he made in the COC, not that we need to be overly worried about our own typos. If good spelling and grammer are requisites for posting here I think I'm in big trouble!

And oh my goodness, it's grammar, not grammer, :eek: see what I mean. Calling them typos is a face-saving jester ;) . I hope that Brian does not start to employ spelling police!

:p lunamoht
I'm sure I left some more typos around - I can correct those on the next update of it. :)
Brian, what do you mean by "regitering" ? You know I still need my dictionary to speak with you and that word is not in there. Well, maybe my dictionary is not good. ;) :D
Ha ha ! I know, Phyllis. I was just teasing Brian and he knew it.:D

I have troubles with typos, too, especially at work when I'm in a hurry to send my e-mails. I usually check them before sending, but when I have a reply or I do a forward, I see my typos and I'm not happy with them. :eek:
alexa said:
Ha ha ! I know, Phyllis. I was just teasing Brian and he knew it.:D

I have troubles with typos, too, especially at work when I'm in a hurry to send my e-mails. I usually check them before sending, but when I have a reply or I do a forward, I see my typos and I'm not happy with them. :eek:
I wish I could say my typos were due to haste or whatever-I mean half the time such strange stuff shows up that it looks like I'm speaking something besides English. But, no matter how much care I take, my fingers seem to want to speak another language from my brain. Perhaps I'm possessed or channeling another entity that is competing with "me," essentially telling me to stop spending so much time @ forums(?):p Have always had this typo problem, but perhaps getting worse with age. Oh well. Have a good one, Earl
Earl, if you are not working as a secretary, it doesn't matter. You can always pretend you are an excentric scientist. ;)
earl said:
I wish I could say my typos were due to haste or whatever-I mean half the time such strange stuff shows up that it looks like I'm speaking something besides English. But, no matter how much care I take, my fingers seem to want to speak another language from my brain. Perhaps I'm possessed or channeling another entity that is competing with "me," essentially telling me to stop spending so much time @ forums(?):p Have always had this typo problem, but perhaps getting worse with age. Oh well. Have a good one, Earl
Hmmm, dislexic fingers? That would be a new one for the books. ;)

Dauer got me to fix that by reminding me that there is spell check available (I was so embarrassed) LOL.

Personally I think we are thinking so fast that our fingers can't keep up with our brains...wouldn't you agree? :D


I don't think there is. I don't remember saying anything. I may have suggested copying and pasting into a word processing applications that identifies misspelled words, but I don't remember.