This forum is anti-Islamic

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Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

I think this forum is quite anti-Islamic. When the moderators themselves are banning the people who can challenge christianity, it just shows their defeat there. bilalbusy was banned because he had the arguments to back his religion. It is a pathetic show by the moderators, which shows their mentality that you don't question Christianity but you are most welcome to attack Islam as much as you can.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

***Note: post split from other thread, and title created to reflect poster's sentiments***

bilabusy was temporarily suspended while I checked out the fact that the majority of his posts were entirely promotional, pushing his somewhat controversial version of Islam with links, and directly attacking Christian beliefs on the Christian board.

What I find pathetic is when people come to CR with nothing better to do than to attack other people's faiths.

You're joining up with a new alias simply to attack the management of this forum simply demonstrates that you never had any intention of using this place as a forum for interfaith dialogue in the first place.

As for this place being anti-Islamic - well, we have an Islam board and an Muslim moderator, to help protect the interests of Muslim members here. So far he's doing a fine job.

Ironcially, as you were a follower of Ahmaddiya, I should have been required to protect your own entitled to your beliefs, against general condemnation from more mainstream Sunni and Shi'a Muslims - had you been able to behave in an acceptable manner on the forums.

Of course, people are always entitled to act a jerk, and then claim decisions against them acting a jerk are therefore against their faith instead. But not on this forum.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

At the end of the day, people here get grilled for using unappropriated wording and harsh speech towards not only Christianity but any religion. I personally have had a warning off Brian for using inappropriate wording towards Islam but at the same time the views and opinions of people are respected. This is a multi faith forum, for education purposes, not for preaching or condemning to the extremes and that's what the moderators are watching out for because things can get out of order.

Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Since I started that argument in the first place I feel a need to stick in my two pence worth here.

I thought that bilabusy understood my questions perfectly and gave exactly the information I had asked for. His attacks on western liberalism were an excellent method of demonstrating the cultural gulf over which my questions were asked.

Furthermore, although that particular thread may not have been the right place to discuss it, his "promotion" of his faith was largely in response to my questions and not just a random declaration.

I don't mean any disrespect, Brian, I think you do a fantastic job here and I love your site, but I feel compelled to side with bilabusy on the matter of his banning (although I certainly do not think that this forum is in any way anti islamic).
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

No problem, Awaiting the Fifth, and you are right that bilabusy was only responding to your questions - I had temporarily suspended his account while I looked into this, as previously he had started a couple of threads just to push Ahmaddiya and a website for the group. I was looking into whether he was simply using CR to be self-promotional.

However, I accepted that he was simply prompted to explain his faith further and unsuspended his account - only to find that he'd joined under the above username to attack board policy and claim we were un-Islamic.

We frequently get people here looking to use CR as their personal soapbox to promote/condemn, and it's not always an easy call to make - but I don't accept people using multi-usernames to attack forum staff and behave in a generally disrespectful manner, hence why I ultimately banned bother usernames of bilabusy.

Hope that explains things a little better. :)
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Just to add, he was using 5 usernames, and used each one to either attack board policy, or else to promote the view that the Quran is superior to the Bible and that Christians are all wrong.

Generally, a complete lack of respect for the forum and its members, leaving little choice or option for the outcome.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

It's only natural that people talk down towards other religions in order to justify there own, I wonder how many religious leaders did that in the first place; apart from Muhammad...... Actually none, Christ actually authorised the Old Testament, Buddhism promotes religions of any type, Hinduism is extremely passive, and so is Sikhism. Islam is really the only major religion that twists a version of an other religion (Christianity) and this I believe is what is fuelling extremism.

Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

I don't think it's an issue with Islam itself, just headstrong individuals. We've had a range here, but lines need to be drawn to ensure the community continues as an interfaith forum, rather than a place for people to flame one another - which I cannot imagine being a friendly place to be at all. To some creating boundaries of tolerance will always seem unfair - but CR is but one site among a sea within the internet, so there are certainly many options available when it comes to religious sites to visit. CR is an option among many, and I should simply hope that people use it respectfully - otherwise action simply has to be taken.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Postmaster said:
Islam is really the only major religion that twists a version of an other religion (Christianity)
LMAO do you really believe that? I mean what is the root of all religions? One say the rest sees and say i can say or do so they did and here we are

I always liked this site, and will... I cant understand why instead of defending but agression ?
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Postmaster said:
Islam is really the only major religion that twists a version of an other religion (Christianity) and this I believe is what is fuelling extremism.

And you really don't think that Christianity has twisted up Judaism? :confused:
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

do you really believe that?
Well, as far as I can see, yes. I you can really dispute with other religions that they are heretical against the other. However Muslims thinks that the coming of Muhammad was prophesied by the bible but censored by the Christians, if I'm not mistaken doesn't Islam say Christ wasn't helped by God when they put him on the Cross because he preached false stuff... We are talking about a religion that spread by the sword, the Islamic empire went as far as Spain, the Spaniards have lots of stories of miraculous events occurring on the Christian side like gates closing etc. Same in Cyprus, there is a Church in a mountainous village with a main virgin Icon, one of her eyes scratched out I seen so myself :(, the story goes an Ottoman solider did it when they raided the Church, and instantaneously lost his arm in the act, actually a well known story that is believed true.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Postmaster said:
Well, as far as I can see, yes. I you can really dispute with other religions that they are heretical against the other. However Islam thinks that the coming of Muhammad was prophesied by the bible but censored by the Christians, it also says Christ wasn't helped by God when they put him on the Cross because he preached false stuff... We are talking about a religion that spread by the sword, the Islamic empire went as far as Spain, the Spaniards have lots of stories of miraculous events occurring on the Christian side like gates closing etc. Same in Cyprus, there is a Church in a mountainous village with a main virgin Icon, one of her eyes scratched out I seen so myself :(, the story goes an Ottoman solider did it when they raided the Church, and instantaneously lost his arm in the act, actually a well known story that is believed true.
Whats that got to do with the plot? however C R U S A D E R S' were Cool
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

Whoa, folks (especially you, Postmaster...) The forum isn't a place to bash other religions at any time or in any place....

And this is the feedback board - about the forum itself :) Roaming waaaay off topic here, laddies and gentledames.
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

brucegdc said:
Whoa, folks (especially you, Postmaster...) The forum isn't a place to bash other religions at any time or in any place....

And this is the feedback board - about the forum itself :) Roaming waaaay off topic here, laddies and gentledames.
Thank you, brucegdc!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Re: Justify The Burkha Please.

It was only a matter of time before Greek Postmaster and Turkish PersonNonGrata finally came together. :)

Anyway, this thread seems to have run its course, so I'm going to close it. :)
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