Wei Wu Wei


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Wei Wu Wei says:

The implied Unicity, the totality of undivided mind , is itself a concept of its own division or duality, for relatively---- relativity being relative to what itself is----- it cannot be conceived or known at all.
All that can be known about it is simply that, being Absolute, it must be devoid of any kind of objective existence whatever, other than that of the totality of all possible phenomena which constitute its relative apperance.

Ramesh S Balsekar interpets:

Consciousness is all there is; other than Consciousness, nothing is.And this is a concept.

From the forward http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...4/002-4863293-6079259?_encoding=UTF8&v=glance

i had to smile at the name of "wei wu wei", but i slept through your first paragraph.

btw consciousness isn't the limit of what is, silly. ow it's your relationship to it.
i confess that my understanding of the term "wu wei" is decidedly different than the one presented here....

of course, one may not find that all that surprising given the nature of the subject matter :)
sjr said:
Wei Wu Wei says:

it cannot be conceived or known at all.
Consciousness is all there is; other than Consciousness, nothing is.And this is a concept.

From the forward http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1591810108/ref=pd_sim_b_4/002-4863293-6079259?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance


Interesting Post! The above statement would be relative to the person conceiving. If one does not know he cannot conceive. Knowing and not doing is not knowing.

Experiencing wu wei moments therefore is doing.

In all likelihood then if you have not done it, it cannot be known. So in this light I tend to agree with your statement


It would depend on how Ramesh defines consciousness. I doubt that it is the consciousness that is known to psychologists so perhaps he is right.

Thanks for the provocative thoughts