Batman Begins


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Batman Begins
By Bobby Winters

Justice and revenge are just two words for pain / and the quality of mercy is not strained. –Michelle Shocked.

The current theatrical release Batman Begins explores the similarity and the differences of justice and revenge. It is pretty heavy stuff but well worth our time.

I was first introduced to Batman by the TV series that began back in 1966. That campy TV show was more interested in comedy and adventure than weighty philosophical issues such as these. While the current offering does not lack for adventure, it much more serious in its subject matter and approach.
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At the risk of appearing idiotic, I love Suzanne Vega, Batman, and Catwoman. Have no time to properly respond to your writing at the present time. Wish with all my heart I could. I see your point(s). Guess I had better go now.

(With heart broken, because I cannot seem to make time)
Dear Bobby--

You always do well--thanks for taking my silly words to heart. I am honored. Sometimes I post when I have no business posting! Forgive me, please? Yes, I am at peace, but I am too busy--WAY too busy. I love this place, and I love your writing, and I guess sometimes I say things that really don't make much sense. I went out of town this weekend, and there was no computer around. It was, in a way, a blessing--but then, I was worried about whatever I had said in a hurry on this website (as well as a couple of other places.)

I just need to slow down--and you just keep on writing the way you do. I will keep on reading, and this place is showing me something about myself--listen more, talk less (read more, post less):) .

I look forward to all your make a difference in my life and I know I am not alone.
