Anti Shia-Sunni concepts..


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Damn every other month we see Shia/Sunni riots, and well I'dcall it a bogus. Islam preached equality and it never preached the concept of SHia/SUnni or other interpretations. Because of these riots, we have seen riots between Muslim brothers, well to everyone what is your thought about this whole crappy concept. To me Muslims are one, and if they want to interprete their religion by some concepts, let them cause God knows if they're right or wrong.
And if there'sright to belief, then how can Shia parents force their youth kids to do Matam, when their children see Sunni youth not doing it.?
I was going to start this thread today,but you won.

I challenge everyone to prove your a shia,sunni,wahab,ahmhadi or any other sect.
I can't understand why some people say for eg. I am a ....... muslims where ..... stands for shia,sunni etc.It's not like i don't know the history behind these concept's.It's like I bother to study logic.In logic these are unreasonable,illogical,unethical,unjustified opinions.I don't follow any imams.
I again challenge you to prove your a shia or sunni or any other sect who also call them selves muslim.I have been kicked from chat rooms for just saying i am against shia or sunni concept.
Exactly, i mean when did Allah or Quran or Holy Prophet(SAW), ever declared the concept of differences, i mean people come up and ask are you a Shia or SUnni? it's really something stupid, just like these islamic extremists are. If they're called extreme that means that they're taking the religion to the extreme, where they start to take it to the new level. God is One, and Quran is his Book, and there never was a concept of any different beliefs under Islam, its alrite if a person as an individual interpretes his belief, but damn Shia Sunni concept has taken it to a fight. Interpreting belief will be justified by God himself, so leave it to that person, why the hell to these people bring these concepts as parts of Islamic beliefs. That sucks!

It is true that Holy Prophet (SAW) allow the Shariat etc. im not really clear about this, it does announce some new thoughts towards our religion, but they never thaught they had to misinterpret Islam or make newr beliefs..
This is a touchy subject guys... the authentic hadith are clear that there would be 73 sects created later on and all would be in hell except one. It states clearly as well who will be those who are going to be saved. It is also said that we would following the previous nations in what they did. This also points to those who have gone astray and those who make interpretations based on nothing but thier logic and/or desires and/or whims.
You have to study the manhaj[methodology] of the sect to know who is right and wrong. If you really want I can give more details with references, the rest i will leave to you. just say the word.
And with Allaah lies all guidance.

Allah Almighty is our Judge, so we must leave it up to Him to bring on the Judgdement on us.

In regards to Sunni/Shi'a factions: I don't know what to say. It started as a dumb argument about who will be a political/religous leader in the Ummah and it ended with different, unislamic practices and beliefs within Muslims.

I personally believe that in order to help ourselves be among the group that will be saved, we have to look in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith to distinguish what is and what is not from Islam. Perhaps we might need to make sacrfices with certain things we believed to be true, but they might be worth it.

In my homeland, Muslims have adopted many unislamic beliefs and practices. I myself have grown up as a blasphemer (I pray to Allah Almighty for forgiveness and guidance). I used to believe that The Bible is not from God, that Jesus was a myth. Yet, back then, I thought myself a Muslim. Today, when I have the access to learn more about Islam, I find myself horrified about how I lived 'my' Islam in the past.

So people, a believer is a believer for Allah and He knows if a person is a true believer. But we have to make an effort to distinguish truth from lies.
