I think I've discovered truth to a certain extent, and to me it's basically everything you get you have to earn, suffering and pain does not go unrewarded... To perform Good and positive you have to sacrifice in all circumstances but you get it back eternally.. This is a Christian point of view.. But for those that do not follow the chirstianian ideology, it doesn't mean that they are less or ignorant. It just means they want to give less, therefore they get less. Christianity is not a club or a cult. It’s a philosophy based upon reward for suffering and sacrifice, that’s the symbolism of the cross. But there is many truths, it all depends how much you want to give.
Sorry for keeping this focused on Christianity it’s all I know. The most popular political system in the world is democracy isn’t it? If think truth is democracy, and Christianity it shows that God and good always comes out on top. You can't expect an animal to enter the kingdom of god can you, Jesus said animals are not as important as humans. That man acted worse then an animal and way below the standards of a normal person.