The Hummingbird and the Vulture...


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North Pole
I thought I would share a talk I heard this weekend that I thought you may be interested in that compares love with nature. Look at the difference between the Hummingbird and the Vulture. The Hummingbird looks for colorful blossoms. The Vulture looks for the dead to live on. The Hummingbird looks for freshness and life. The Vulture looks for meat. Are we like the Hummingbird or the Vulture?

Love identifies the true Christian. We have often said, "My love is so strong I am willing to die for you". However, we are still imperfect. John 13: 33-35 gives us Jesus' new command to love one another, but does not say I will love you if you are perfect. Sometimes we confuse love and imperfection.

Romans 14:4 refers to who are we to judge others if God accepts them. Love is the identifying mark of true Christians. 1 Cor 13:1 says with no love we are like crashing symbols. With all the gifts of spirits and no love is a lot of noise.

1 Cor 13:13 Says faith, hope and love, but the greatest is love. Yes, Love is greater then faith and hope. We may have faith, but that may go away, not love. Hope can be selfish. But love does not look for it's own interest.

The Apostles were not perfect. Peter was rash and imperfect, yet Jesus still loved him. Peter was pretty out spoken. If something needed to be said, he said it. If something didn't need to be said, he said it. Thomas refused to believe until he had solid proof and was at times was low on faith. Gal 2:11-14 gives us a story about Peter being hypocritical and even somewhat racial and then said in Acts 10:34-35 that God is not partial after he was racially partial.

Yet Christian loves straightens out impartialness. Ro 5:8 says while we were in our worse state (imperfection) God sent his only Son to save us. Ecc 7:21-22 Even you may call down evil upon others (gossip ect.), don't get too excited because we may have done the same thing. 1Cor 13-14 Love is long suffering and kind....Then it talks about what love is not, thick skin, does not keep account. 1John 3. If we hate our brother how does God feel. Love not perfection is the identifying mark of true Christians. These are several first Century examples to teach us to follow the ways of love.

1 Peter 4:7-8 Love covers a multitude of sins and we can put a lid on the trash can. Intense love for each other stretches out beyond immediate family members and friends to witness Christ. Love helps us survive the loveless system and gives us hope of the new system. Just my 2 cents. tommy

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tommy said:
I thought I would share a talk I heard this weekend that I thought you may be interested in that compares love with nature. Look at the difference between the Hummingbird and the Vulture. The Hummingbird looks for colorful blossoms. The Vulture looks for the dead to live on. The Hummingbird looks for freshness and life. The Vulture looks for meat. Are we like the Hummingbird or the Vulture? ...
Though I agree whole heartedly with your points on Agape Love, I'm afraid your two choices of "avians" may have been not the best examples.

The Hummingbird, for example, is extremely territorial, and will impale and brutally kill other hummingbirds with its beak/bill in order to keep them from encroaching upon its territory.

The Vulture will "share" its meal with others, and does not deliberately kill anything, in order to eat, or survive. The vulture also takes death, and gives value to it by using it to continue life for others.

Hummingbirds' lives consist of nothing but locating the next meal, procreating and dying. Vultures have be found to catch the "thermalclines" of warm air rising from the surface and soar for hours without moving their wings...just for the joy of it.

I guess we shouldn't judge a book by its "cover" eh? ;)


Thanks Constable, I knew I was missing something with the Vulture's beauty over the Hummingbirds! Even I though they are so amazing with their wing speed fast then any other creature in the world, I am not going to argue with a National Guardsmen;)
tommy said:
Thanks Constable, I knew I was missing something with the Vulture's beauty over the Hummingbirds! Even I though they are so amazing with their wing speed fast then any other creature in the world, I am not going to argue with a National Guardsmen;)
me either...I'm Coast Guard :D :D :D

