Gospels Of Barnabas

Salim Syed

Islamic Perspective
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UK Slough
Peace upon you all,

Yes ! I'm a Muslims who just joined this forum. Just wanted to learn what our fellow Christians think of the Gospels of Barnabus ? I have read them and found them very easy to read and very powerful in their message. Have a great love for Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him and his blessed mother Mary), and love reading about his great spiritual life.

Do Christians accept any of the Gospels of Barnabus ?

Thank you for your replies...

[edit link removed]http://www.islamic-perspective.co.uk
These are gosels that Muslims believe are the real Gosples written down by Saint Barnabus , one of the closest companions of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). They were found buried on the chest of St. Banabus in Cyrpus (where people still visit his grave, christians and Muslims). One of the unitarian followers of St. Barnabus had a dream in which St. Barnabus told him to open his grave and find the Gospels.

These Gospels were kept in the Vatican up until a priest discovered them. He read them and took them out of the Vatican. He later converted to Islam.

The gospels have an extremely detailed account the the life of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) from a first hand account by St. Barnanbus.

[edit - promo link removed]

Take Care
The Gospel of Barnabas is showcased here at CR: Gospel of Barnabas

The Gospel of Barnabas is a fake work. The English version was translated in the early 1900's from the Italian version. The Italian translation could be as old as 1400 AD. No other copies exist, and there are no references of it from anyone before the 1500's AD.

This should not be confused with the Epistle of Barnabas which dates between 70 and 135 AD. The epistle may or may not have been written by the Barnabas of Acts, but it is quoted by early church fathers like Clement of Alexandria, who about 170 AD, stated the epistle was authentic. the teachings in the Epistle of Barnabas agree completely with the Bible.
Thanks Brian for the informative reply.

I think these Gospels have been a topic of much debate for a long time and will continue to be so.

yah, the gospel is fake, (more like gnostic) but i must admit in the epistle it is real close to the real thing. i only saw a couple of things where it appears the writer was more or less just interpreting scripture that had already been given.
