Format Problem With Main Forum Index?


Established Member
Reaction score
east of Raleigh, NC, USA
After having read and posted on the new forum format for several days, I opened the board this evening to find that the main index spreads wider than a screen. There were no long strings (thread titles, etc.) evidently causing it. The problem appears limited to the main index screen, not individual forums or threads. And it may be an artifact of my own computer -- I use a unusual resolution, which most boards adjust to fit in MSIE. But I thought a bit of feedback on it would not hurt.
That is an odd sounding problem - and thanks for letting me know about it. It sounds like it may yet be a deeper problem - a repeat of a previous issue.

The main tables are only supposed to be spaced at "100%", so there shouldn't be any actual run on.

You wouldn't by any chance be using an AppleMac, are you? I remember some time ago someone reporting that IE on Macs does not like a website to use percentile and absolute values for tables.

If not may I ask which browser and screen resolution you are using? At least I could then test them on my Windows 98 SE computer.

I'll see if I can resolve this issue for you.

And if anyone else is having similar problems then could you please let me know? Thanks.
1. It appears to have been a one-time issue, FWIW -- before and after the sesson when I posted the OP, I've experienced no problems.

2. I'm running a normal Gateway PC with windows 2000 Prof. Edn. (now on Svc. Pack 4) and MSIE 6.00.2800.1106IS
Glad it was only a one-off. Still a little disconcerting, though, especially with bruce having issues with Mozilla. I definitely have to look more into browser compatability.

Thanks for the all clear, though. Do feel free to warn me if you have any other problems, and I'll always try to correct them.