from far far away
Please delete or move if inappropriate; the following is just something I have been wondering about.
A universal Jesus?
There are billions of planets out there suitable for life [don’t know the equation], thus if we view Christianity from a universal perspective, can we still believe that Jesus was the Son of God or ‘a’ son of god?
Point 1. Was Jesus born on all of the planets with intelligent life?
2. If not then are most of the beings in the universe damned?
3. If he was [which would probably be mathematically impossible], then are they all humans?
4. Would they also be Romans & Jews with exactly the same history as earth history, or is the bible different on other planets?
I use these points to ask the following: was Jesus just a human like us – even if extraordinary! Should the bible be considered to be a philosophical works rather than taken literally! Maybe some of the bible is wrong! The same applies to the Koran or any other book, no one has or ever will know the absolute truth nor will they ever do so [I hope]. This is because there are aspects of ‘existence’/reality that go beyond definition, writings are mans interpretation of god’s word & therefore fallible.
A universal Jesus?
There are billions of planets out there suitable for life [don’t know the equation], thus if we view Christianity from a universal perspective, can we still believe that Jesus was the Son of God or ‘a’ son of god?
Point 1. Was Jesus born on all of the planets with intelligent life?
2. If not then are most of the beings in the universe damned?
3. If he was [which would probably be mathematically impossible], then are they all humans?
4. Would they also be Romans & Jews with exactly the same history as earth history, or is the bible different on other planets?
I use these points to ask the following: was Jesus just a human like us – even if extraordinary! Should the bible be considered to be a philosophical works rather than taken literally! Maybe some of the bible is wrong! The same applies to the Koran or any other book, no one has or ever will know the absolute truth nor will they ever do so [I hope]. This is because there are aspects of ‘existence’/reality that go beyond definition, writings are mans interpretation of god’s word & therefore fallible.