Hurrican is God's work

Oh, please. Ok, in an indirect sense, the hurricane is God's doing, since "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). He caused the conditions that made natural disasters happen, but these same conditions are what makes the seasons so that we can grow crops.

But to suggest that this is a targeted effort of God to bring justice to the heathen is a bit presumptuous. Fundamentalists should know that even Jesus dealt with this issue in Luke 13:

1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

God rains and shines on both the righteous and the unrighteous.
I'm expecting to see some backwards prophesising via Revelations any moment...
I am not familiar with this media source--perhaps it is respected. And I really cannot say much about Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell, because I do not really understand them. But I do know this--to say that Jesse Jackson or Franklin Graham do not care about these people who are suffering is to take their words out of context for the sake of sensationalism. Really--I cannot believe that so much of the world sees it this way.

My 2 cents.

Dozens of mosques still stand during Tsunami
this mosque in Sigli was made only of wood but still survived unscathed despite all the other buildings around it being destroyed

During Katina Hurricane on Aug. 31, where six Presbyterian churches were destroyed, Canon Johnson said Christ Church, Bay Saint Louis; Trinity, Pass Christian; [censored]. Patrick’s, Long Beach; [censored]. Peter’s, Gulfport; [censored]. Mark’s, Gulfport; and Redeemer, Biloxi, had been “demolished.”

April 8, 1998 Alabama
It was a night when 14 churches were heavily damaged or destroyed.

If there is a monotheistic style God then one would have to assume that this was his will, but he has given us no obvious reason for his actions. This suggests one of two things to me,

either there is no God and this is simply an act of nature,

or there is a God and he is petty and vengeful and not to clever.
Considering that churches are made of wood and brick.. :) The body of Christ is THE church. We dont hold special reverence to the actual building. What I thought was interesting is that in New Orleans a tree fell almost on top of a statue of Jesus Christ, missing it by a hair... That statue is still standing.
Oh yeah to add.. In America.. in the south theres a church on every corner.. The fact that only 6 were destroyed doesnt even dent the number that were left standing. lol
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
If there is a monotheistic style God then one would have to assume that this was his will, but he has given us no obvious reason for his actions. This suggests one of two things to me,

either there is no God and this is simply an act of nature,

or there is a God and he is petty and vengeful and not to clever.

Perhaps, the structures of man, are irrelevent to "God", wherein the human spirit's capacity is. The remaining 47 states have simply rolled up their sleaves to begin assisting the other three in putting their peoples' lives back together.

The EU and UN have offered logitstical support, even Cuba offered significant medical expertise and aid. China, with its own disaster problems has offered assistance. Infact over 30 countries, some hurt themselves, offered aid.

Rather than being vengeful, it seems that even for a little while, the world has dropped a lot of the petty bickering with each other, to pull together in one direction. That feat in and of itself, is pretty clever, if the author of it is "God".

my thoughts.


The third option, my own, is that there is a God, but this is still an act of nature.

Acts of nature are not evil, nor are they punishment. They just are. They're part of living on a planet that is alive and constantly undergoing the process of birth and death. It doesn't mean there isn't a God. It doesn't mean that God doesn't care or is vengeful. It's just nature, and it's good.

Saying that natural forces are good doesn't denounce our own suffering (at times) from them. But we must resist the temptation to be so anthropocentric that we define the existence or character of God based on the suffering of humanity. We need to remember that if there is a monotheistic God, S/He is God of all creation as well, and the natural forces of this planet are good, even if how we experience them is not.

Yes, suffering due to these natural disasters is very sad. It also produces outpouring of love and compassion from people, as Q pointed out, in a way that we typically do not see.

I find it far more disturbing that there are countless homeless and poor in our own country and around the world who, because their suffering was not brought about by a sudden natural disaster, are ignored. 47% of the world's population lives on $2 per day or less. That is suffering that we can do something about, and is only caused by humankind's own inequality, greed, and lack of compassion.

At least when natural forces cause suffering, a great effort is made to alleviate it.

My two cents.
To believe that this Hurricane is an act of god you first have to make the assumption that there is a god. And also, what kind of sadistic god would kill so many innocent people?
Moddy said:
Dozens of mosques still stand during Tsunami
this mosque in Sigli was made only of wood but still survived unscathed despite all the other buildings around it being destroyed

During Katina Hurricane on Aug. 31, where six Presbyterian churches were destroyed, Canon Johnson said Christ Church, Bay Saint Louis; Trinity, Pass Christian; [censored]. Patrick’s, Long Beach; [censored]. Peter’s, Gulfport; [censored]. Mark’s, Gulfport; and Redeemer, Biloxi, had been “demolished.”

April 8, 1998 Alabama
It was a night when 14 churches were heavily damaged or destroyed.


I personally find it offensive to reduce a discussion about the hurricane to which places of worship are still standing in various locations. As FS pointed out, there are hundreds (perhaps thousands) of churches in the area hardest hit by this hurricane. Many were not demolished. I think it is in seriously bad taste to argue that God hit the Gulf Coast because they are Christian, as well as being entirely inaccurate, given the statistical probability of how many buildings of any type you would expect to lose given the circumstances.

As FS pointed out, the "church" in Christianity is not a building anyway. There are some denominations that do not even have physical buildings and just meet at people's homes. The "church" is the group of believers. One minister of a church that lost its building, featured on the news, exemplified this belief. Holding Sunday service on the water-logged grass where the building used to be, the congregation stood as a church as the minister, voice laden with emotion, told them all that the church was them as a body of believers and not the building they once had and would one day rebuild.

Christians' church is when two or more believers are gathered... not a building.
For those easily offended, look away, for I am about to present something terribly unpopular:

Earth is a living organism. Unfortunately, this organism is infected with a cancerous tumor. The name of this cancer is called humanity.

Therefore, in order for Earth’s survival, in order for future generations of humanity to live without becoming a sickness, God is performing various surgeries in order to remove the cancer.

The surgical tools his uses are called: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water.

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were a cancerous tumor that, if left alone, would have spread everywhere, and then the earth would be dead.

The great tsunami struck an area of the earth that was infected with sexual degeneration, sex-slaves, etc. Pedophiles from the United States would visit this area to appease their desires.

New Orleans, with is famous Mardi Gras, was also a center of sexual degeneration, so stupidly referred to as “sexual freedom.”

There is a reason why Jesus states that all manner of sin shall be forgiven except that which is against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sex.

Without doubt, every natural disaster is related with the karma of the area that is affected.
MindFreak said:
That's quite a theory

Only if the earth was made for everything but man...however, I've never seen "cancer" try to repair the damage it has caused...

I see man doing that everyday.


"The Holy Spirit is sex." (quoted)


Never heard that one before, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose.

Not easily offended, but I think it is a little bit of an odd theory, and I hope you also are not easily offended, because I really must poke a few logical holes in it.

And of course, I must add the opposing argument- that the area hit is also part of the Bible belt. So I guess all those devout, conservative folk and the poor, nice villagers in the tsunami-hit area just happened to be in the way of Earth's (God's?) wrath against the sexually depraved? Why would the Earth care about sexual immorality? I can see God caring, but nature???

So far, I haven't seen any tsunamis or hurricanes hit Hollywood or San Francisco. And there's a great degree of sexual freedom out here in California (you can call it immorality if you like, but if it's consensual and not hurting someone, you must admit it is a matter of perspective).

As a scientist, I am going with the theory that makes sense. If you build cities in areas where hurricanes are probable, you have a statistical likelihood of being hit by one at some point. Tsunamis happen sometimes. The results for humans are pretty crummy, but that's how nature goes. Human beings' sexual choices have little to do with natural disasters. Now if you want to argue about disease, that's another matter entirely... but seriously- connecting human sexuality with natural long-term processes like plate tectonics and annual weather cycles?! I suppose the dinosaurs' sexual choices caused the meteor hit and resulting natural disasters that ended their reign?

Why do people have such a hard time accepting natural forces and processes just happen because that's how the Earth works? Why does it have to be about morality or God?
Chela said:
There is a reason why Jesus states that all manner of sin shall be forgiven except that which is against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sex.

Without doubt, every natural disaster is related with the karma of the area that is affected.

Chela I am unsure exactly where you are going with this statement?

Personal sexual freedom should be welcomed.

I do not believe hurricane Katrina existed to cleanse New Orleans of sexual expression/freedom as suggested in the article.

I do believe Katrina was a cleansing and we will see more cleaning in the world to bring back balance. Our planet is not coping with what we have subjected her to.
It wasnt too long ago.. 1969 that my parents lost everything they owned.. and had to be airlifted out of Columbus MS when Camille hit.

It is true that it wasnt just Biloxi and New Orleans that was hit and my mom told me while I was visiting those 2 places just this summer that they were referred to as "Sin cities of the south" She spent years living in Biloxi.. My Gfather was stationed there and so was my father at Keesler AFB.. which is still standing she would go to mardi gras every year and told me that Biloxi was a Mob town.

I have to admit that the thought did cross my mind as those two cities were hit so hard.. But if you think about it who were the ones most devestatingly affected.. The African Americans elderly and impoverished people... They are largely spiritual people and most are Christian so the thought did not last long as I watched news coverage.

Then again I may be wrong.. God did not personally tell me His plan.. but I guarentee that there were more than 10 righteous in these areas and I believe it when the bible says that we are not appointed to wrath. He also gave us the covenant that He would not destroy the earth with water..

I agree with Path on the fact that we have so many homeless who are ignored and how completely messed up this is.. they will continue to be ignored after this is over.
Quahom1 said:
Only if the earth was made for everything but man...however, I've never seen "cancer" try to repair the damage it has caused...

I see man doing that everyday.



Just like the body heals itself after surgery.
path_of_one said:
"The Holy Spirit is sex." (quoted)


Never heard that one before, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose.

Yes, of course! It is the Holy Spirit that impregnated Mary.

The Holy Spirit is 100% sexual.

It is the Holy Spirit that must impregante the personal Yeshua (savior) in us all.

Not easily offended, but I think it is a little bit of an odd theory, and I hope you also are not easily offended, because I really must poke a few logical holes in it.

And of course, I must add the opposing argument- that the area hit is also part of the Bible belt. So I guess all those devout, conservative folk and the poor, nice villagers in the tsunami-hit area just happened to be in the way of Earth's (God's?) wrath against the sexually depraved? Why would the Earth care about sexual immorality? I can see God caring, but nature???

Jesus said quite clearly that the path to Heaven is a Narrow Gate and that those who find it are few!

Just because someone goes to Church does not mean they are saved. Just because someone dies or lives from a natural distaster does not save them or condemn either.

So far, I haven't seen any tsunamis or hurricanes hit Hollywood or San Francisco. And there's a great degree of sexual freedom out here in California (you can call it immorality if you like, but if it's consensual and not hurting someone, you must admit it is a matter of perspective).

Everyone has the free will to do whatever they please! I am only bringing into the spotlight what the Bible states.

As a scientist, I am going with the theory that makes sense. If you build cities in areas where hurricanes are probable, you have a statistical likelihood of being hit by one at some point. Tsunamis happen sometimes. The results for humans are pretty crummy, but that's how nature goes. Human beings' sexual choices have little to do with natural disasters. Now if you want to argue about disease, that's another matter entirely... but seriously- connecting human sexuality with natural long-term processes like plate tectonics and annual weather cycles?! I suppose the dinosaurs' sexual choices caused the meteor hit and resulting natural disasters that ended their reign?

According to the Bible (and many, many other ancient cultures), God wiped out an entire Earth's population via a flood, because they were perverse. And, the Bible states it will happen again, in the not to distant future, but by Fire, again because people have become perverse.