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I am writing a paper that is due on Friday about the differences between Christianity and Islam. I have all those, but i need to know why everyone thinks that there is hostility between the two religions and what perceptions you have of the opposite religion. Thank you so much for your help!
for openers. :)

they both claim to be right, but lack respect, love & tolerance (so how can they both be right?). Or maybe both sides are right & both sides are wrong. So, certain people make issues, while others are able to move along & respect the belief.

the Christians try to get everyone to accept Jesus & the Muslims want everyone to accept Mohammed. (like convert)
i think you will find that the ones who stay here put forth a sincere attempt to put aside differences & get along. the few who do debate here actually show respect to each other, which i do not see on very many public boards.

hope you get an A on that paper.
Do you think that some of the hostility might be because of 9/11 or do most Christians disregard that?
Thank you
Muslims worldwide fear Christians are waging a "war against Islam". In the eyes of many Muslims, the events in the last three years seem to lead credence to the view that Christian West is, once again, at war with the Muslim world.

Abdullah begged Muslims to "work together for the sake of peace and justice."

We cannot stand before a compassionate God while there is so much we have left undone because we are so disunited.

lcronk said:
Do you think that some of the hostility might be because of 9/11 or do most Christians disregard that?
Thank you

i think that is what woke the world up to it all. it will probably take a good 10 year gap for all that to be forgotten by everyone, or so that seems how history is, reguardless of beliefs.
lcronk said:
I am writing a paper that is due on Friday about the differences between Christianity and Islam. I have all those, but i need to know why everyone thinks that there is hostility between the two religions and what perceptions you have of the opposite religion. Thank you so much for your help!

There is little if any "hostility" between Christians and Muslims in a place called Dearborn, Michigan. However there is a definite sense of one side of the fence and the other, concerning subtleties. This is not a Muslim Christian issue persee, but rather a religous/cultural issue. There are main stream Americans (Christian for the most part), and there are Arab-Americans (Muslim- for the most part).

There is a little bit of intermingling, but not much, in the way of intimacy, on certain levels (it could take the whole band width to explain).

Bottom line is the two can work together, and do work together (outside of Religious clerics dictating law).

Bet you don't have that in your foot notes...;)


No i dont :) but thank you for your input.
~ I dont totall agree with you on that one. When a woman walks by with her face covered with a shall i will guarentee that 3/5 Americans will feel either threatened or the poke fun at them. I do believe that there is some what of tension... maybe not from American Muslims, but from Muslims of other countries traveling over to the US to discover that their perceptions of the "new world", are over exaggerated and wrong.

I have heard a lot Americans claim that Muslims are Al qeada (sp), and the make prejudices about this. I have always thought it was not the Muslim group... It was just a group of people that happened to be Muslim to destroy the Trade Centers. Could that be a reason of thehostility between Islam and Christianity, because a lot of Americans and Christians are so quick to judge without looking at the big picture!

Please write our input back on this!!!
americans on the whole have always been threatened by things that are different. however, nowadays things have changed a bit. perhaps we have gotten past being threatened by the unknown with so much diversity, we have adapted a great deal. in the u.s. we have lots of freedom, other countries have less freedom, such as poking women who dont have their heads covered, cutting off hands for stealing, stoning for sexual sins, religious persecution, goverment torture of citizens, then on top of that terrorism. americans see all terrorists on t.v. from that area in the mid-east where islam is preached. add all these things up and we are threatened this time for actual reasons that we find hard to believe in this day and age.
lcronk said:
No i dont :) but thank you for your input.
~ I dont totall agree with you on that one. When a woman walks by with her face covered with a shall i will guarentee that 3/5 Americans will feel either threatened or the poke fun at them. I do believe that there is some what of tension... maybe not from American Muslims, but from Muslims of other countries traveling over to the US to discover that their perceptions of the "new world", are over exaggerated and wrong.

I have heard a lot Americans claim that Muslims are Al qeada (sp), and the make prejudices about this. I have always thought it was not the Muslim group... It was just a group of people that happened to be Muslim to destroy the Trade Centers. Could that be a reason of thehostility between Islam and Christianity, because a lot of Americans and Christians are so quick to judge without looking at the big picture!

Please write our input back on this!!!

Are you from Dearborn, Michigan? I am. Have you lived among the "new" immigrants? I have...Did you go to school with them? I did. Did you live and love and fight and make up and all that entails? I did. I speak from experience...20 years about you?


Does any Christian on here have an opinion themselves on muslims... do not be shy... i am writing this for documentation only and i will not include your name. i am a christian but i have varied feelings on it, and i am not that well educated on the topic. Please write as much as ou would like. it would reall help me and thanks to hose who already did.
Quahom1 said:
Are you from Dearborn, Michigan? I am. Have you lived among the "new" immigrants? I have...Did you go to school with them? I did. Did you live and love and fight and make up and all that entails? I did. I speak from experience...20 years about you?



My point is that it works. We do well together, given certain circumstances...Freedom to express self is one of those circumstances. When someone decrees that this cannot be, that is when there are problems, or problematic complications.

That is all.


Oh, you do not want to hear the truth? I suggest you go back to CNN.

This is a rough spot. You get the truth here, every person's truth...:eek:
Woah i am so confused. Please specify who your talking to. i didnt really see any opinions... i already looked on CNN and they seemed to have nothing. I am not being rude and expect the respect back. Just trying to get info for my paper. Thank you
lcronk said:
I am writing a paper that is due on Friday about the differences between Christianity and Islam. I have all those, but i need to know why everyone thinks that there is hostility between the two religions and what perceptions you have of the opposite religion. Thank you so much for your help!

Hi Lindsey,

I don't think there is hostility between Islam and Christianity, although there are cultural tensions that may in part be from religious differences. Islam is a peaceful religion, as is Christianity. My opinion is that religion is often highjacked by people/groups interested in politics, wealth and power to create hostilities from which they feel they can gain an advantage.

I'm not sure hostility is the right word, but I think that there is a lot of resentment stirred up when either group tries to proselytize/preach to the other, and both sides are guilty of that.

good luck,