New layout


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
Reaction score
I did have a grander vision - a monotheism section that opened into separate Judaism, Christianity, and Islam boards - of specific boards for Wicca, NeoPaganism, and the New Age under the Alternative banner...and other things.

When I tried to re-order I found that the structure I wanted to implement was simply impractical under current cisrumstances. I'll need to wait until this forum software undergoes final release, and only then will I really be able to manipulate the template properly.

For the moment it's opened out - a little.

There's also a change of emphasis - no more will I be posting news stories for the sake of it on the science and politics boards - they are now properly for discussion of their specific subjects, rather than a store for copy/paste jobs from the BBC website.

There's also the new Comparative Studies forum. About time we got that one in.

Overall, there's a real change in both direction and pace happening now. This is now established in terms of being an internet forum - but now it must be given scope to over precisely those areas required of it.

There is a vision pushing this place - of a safe and respectful place for inter-faith dialogue. I had been far too accomodating before - now I will ensure that there is no threat to the safe atmosphere of goodwill here.

Many threads have also been moved - I'll try and bring a little more re-ordering to the boards.

Also, browser issues with Firebird should now be address.

Any problems, please do report them in the Feedback section. General feedback also welcome, especially criticism.

Always feel free to tell me what you like and dislike here.