
Sanguine Dawn

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Washington State, USA
Hey folks. I love talking about religion, so I figured I'd join up on yet another forum devoted to just that. :D

I'm 19, a college student, and I hope to eventually be a college professor. I'm currently seeking religion-wise, but I find myself in agreement with some bits of Paganism and Hinduism.

You might not see me a whole lot, though. I'm the kind of person who prefers to sit back and watch, and only participate when I really have something to say. I always keep resolving to change that, but hopefully I can actually do it here.
Hello Sanguine Dawn and welcome to the forum. I hope that you dont sit back too much as its my view that its people like yourself, still asking questions, that have most to offer and so I look forward to reading your posts. :)
Hello Sanguine Dawn and welcome!

I agree with Tao Equus 100%. I have made a fool out of myself on here more than once and have learned a great deal through asking questions and answering questions I thought I knew the answer to and then found out I did not.:rolleyes: Thankfully Brian has created, for people like us, this wonderful, living resource; this fount of knowlege which is CR. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.:D