Happy New Year!!


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Can everyone mention how important New Years Eve and Day is to their culture.

To me in the US it used to be a party, all about the party, the day was just a day...

Today it is a time to reflect on the year, a burning bowl ceremony at church, writing down all the traits, emotions, attitudes that you want to let go of on a piece of paper and placing it into the flame...up in smoke, time to start over.

We also wirte letters to God, telling of how we intend to change, what we intend to accomplish, they are mailed back to us in June, so we can contemplate where we had intended to be and what we've accomplished to get us back on the stick.

Lastly it is a time to rebuild your daytimer, your goals, your address book, your calendar..physically tossing out the old and allowing room for the new.

So what is New Year to you...and your society.

I still raise a toast at midnight, and reminisce occasionally about back when it was about the party. We'd post the timezones and the countries, so every hour from 7 pm till.... we could toast somebody and the new year somewhere...
Happy New Year Wil!:)

yes i have done the party thing & the kiss thing, noice makers, pop the bubbling wine... & the toast thing & bar hopping thing...watch the ball fall in N.Y....etc. etc.

but the last few years i have found myself back into a 60 year old tradition at my church where we have a new years eve service from 9PM to 12AM. with testimonies & thanksgiving of how God brought us through the old year & what God is going to do for us in the New Year! all the choirs sing, there are musical specials, a great message to boost our faith & sweets for refreshment mid service. it makes for a great time in the House in of the Lord & has a tremendous blessing for me.

then just before the clock hits 12, all the saints gather together all over the Temple & we pray & pray with our whole hearts together, & seek God for His will in our lives as we pray the old year out & the New Year in.
that is where i will be this New Years Eve & i think that is what New Year means to me:)

i will be away until the next monday...so everyone have safe holiday & say a prayer for me that I would do all that I am supposed to do in 2006, without making too many mistakes.

(i will get back to everyones PMs then also. miss you all & love you all with the Love of Christ)

Happy New Year CR!!!