from my heart honestly>>but blz tell me ((am I right or not??))



from deep
The rule: If you read me done me to understand me, or just don’t;)

I just want to tell you about what I think >>> with my own

I respect you and I need tell you what I think.

And I will appreciate if u advice me or discussion with me this ideas

And I hop if you rewrite me your ideas about this topic:

First of all; I study your English literature and your Christian religion, I did a comparing between all the books, That came from sky , I feel I do something that make me proud in my life.

Cause I see all human lost, and I think we have to solve our problem

For example : I have been watching Oprah program , and I read

Abut your free rules in your country. I watch your moves and hears all your songs people. Some time I cry cause I feel your pain ,your lost, your tears inside your heart

May be I’m not fine enough in writing English, but I’m so smart and better in talking .

Came on my sweet soul man, think with me

Do you ever do something make you proud about your self

Even you’re a poet ,actor , singer, dancer, or any thing??

I respect your education people like doctors , artifice , scientific teachers


but even my angel soul there’s many question???

do you think this life need rule to controls us

for example : you people had I big line(( free country )) , I think that brought

all the problems :

1- the woman in your country >>your sister, mom , daughter. You don’t want any one heard them, but for that line there are free to do what ever they want .

you don’t like to see your daughter came to you holding a stringer man baby that you don’t know any thing about . or your mom dating any stupid man or a good actor hidden under mask. Woman are emotion in this way. in our country the man protect us from any hurt in heart or body

for example : your woman can dating and any one can sleep with them under the word of love.

But in our country the woman is respect like a butterfly no one had the deserve to touch her and take her virgin except her husband .

How is discover in hidden from her father

Also we girls chosen from there mothers or bye heard about us , and

We have the choice in our agreement in marriage , we have engagement period

To discover the love of curse but with all respect ( no sex just until marriage) .

But no one deserve our love just to asked us to marriage from our parents….ect
  • your songs appears your problem ever one talked about love or sex or woman . but where some one talked about wars and human unfair
##baby I’m sorry to west your time but I really feel connection with you

so listen to me or kick me out ,I respect you choice cause that your life my sir .

2- look to your life all crime and stealing or violation , cause there is no fear from god to control your people to not stealing , if you agree with me

In our country we control our self from bad thing cause we know there is an eye of god fallow us ever where ,even in dark alone we can’t steal

Or if we hungry we just can’t steal . we can asked for help…ect

And we can’t fight any one except to defense our self

And we have a rule the tooth bye tooth soul by soul , that the fair .

3- in your country the free people country , I sow that ever one came over 16 he kick out his only house and family… came one you people

you think to be man to leave your family nooooooooo way

I think you can do your own family but don’t forget you own parents

,That really tired to make you his man .

and you people I don’t know way

You made a day for party . like new years , mum , love , breath…ect

That really make me laughed , you know way with my respect to you sir

I think our life and days is controlled from us, we can love until die we don’t need one day to prove it , we can chair all wonderful moments with our parents or wife.

and by the way , the circular of life make our rule if your parents live hard to make you better man , they need you when they week and old, I really cry when I see your families not together ,or son never now his won dad or mom. That’s really miserable …ect

4- I like the romantic thing and dreams and hops ..that’s us the human been

but we exist in this life to chilling our self to past all the hard things

to control our self , and the main reason of existing is to thanks god about the health and the five sense to pray 5 time a day , with times god chose it by the look of the sun in the sky.

4- the man had to support his wife his family , his wife can help him to work with privet respect situation, cause no one try to hurt her or take her from him , by the way the divorce is the worst word ever in god ,cause it’s destroyed a love , kids , family.

5- the first line from our book ,that the same your book came from , is (( read by the name of your lord that he create us . create us from blood in mother belly ….ect))

so in this life we asked to learn and fight ourselves to be deserve

the heaven and let the hill for how chose it.

6- many one try to destroyed our perfect life by saying we kill innocent people cause we are not , but they heat our the religion I don’t know why , that’s wrong we love all people even if they different . cause no different between us, just the good heart and behaviors be the best , even black or Wight, or beauty & ugly , short or toll , all nothing without love and mercy and peace .

7-by the way, you people had free country in bad direction even to hurt your selves

for example: you had to drink alcohol if you want and alcohol bad for your body and this body is gift from god have to take care of it ,even the tattoo that bad and cause diseases to our body . in our religion ever thing cause bad effects to our body or souls is prohibitive from god.

Even whit your free rule , sorry for the impressed topic ,in your sexuality , come on people ,we the best creature that deity with brain , and we have to respect that , we are different than animal , we have brain so we know the different between good and bad , right and wrong , why I sow many of your people not straight all gay & lesbian , that because the disloyalty each other

Cause no rule , no scare from god , no respect to religion , ever thing free

You people had the same book came from sky

Just read it and read our book no different just we have more rule

Cause the change of time

And god make this book for all times to the end of world

And I believe on your book and all the books from god

8- finally : god in our life asked us to be peace ,that way they call us peace people, in our language( Muslims) this word mean peace Pearson in his behavior and talked and every thing.

In this religion we have to do 5 things to be Muslim:

All above I describe to you

And addition to it:

1- pray 5 for 5 sense hear, look, touch, talk, breath .

2- give poor people some of our money to help them ,and to control ourselves that money only deal and piece of paper can’t help us in war or real life ,we just made it to control us ,that stupid thing.. I think

3- to fasting a whole month that choice from god named Ramadan month ,cause this month who’s the holly book expedite to us since time, and we fasting for arbiter ,to feel the poor people and to thanks god to give us food.

4- We have month of hajj it’s ,call like that in our language ,but in yours means feel your humanity , this days all Muslim just one in there whole life , do this part of Muslim rule ,for god want us imagine the day of judgment, all class the same ,without rich or poor , black or Wight, all the same , abutting each other in on place , hop for mercy and good luck , deleting all sin they did

And returned like new day anew porn . no sin no mistakes …this part for just the one how can do it or win it ..ect .

5- the beginning to let your miserable go says this words to remember your real natural soul , to wake up , just say it , you well feel something you never know before and that your choice sir if you want this religion or not it’s your own choice& your life ok
  • this words is (( I believe no lord just Allah ,and I believe of Mohammad the last messenger from Allah )) in Arabic (( la ellaha eila Allah , Mohammad rasule Allah )) feel it you will find it, in side ur soul .

love you my brother sorry to west you time

but have to tell you and I will just be you little sister

even if you don’t came a Muslim I’m your friends and your sister

you can make me your angel if you want to help you in your problem

don’t judge me , before you really know me

peace my brother , just want you to know my religion , I don’t like to lie to any one or to buy my self to any one .

I’m young smart girl

love poet and education , in addition , I find a lot of our rule

described from yours old poet that I study in anthology of English literature

for example : john Donne & Geoffrey Chaucer& Thomas Marlow &

Thomas more …..ect

Really nice people never find like them this life time,

Instead the people for lover tricks & sex & drugs and stupid things

You know I heat TV , I just like books and romantic poetry

And music but not too mush cause life deserve better from me

I try to do ever thing to let people wake up and find the happiness they need

if there spilling mistake forget me>>>i'm trying:eek:
nice to mate you Dorling

hop for you the pest in your life

and for your family

good luck for you

bye sweet soul

your only angel {“>i<”} above the clouds :)

You ask us not to judge you before we know you yet you judge us before you know us, is that fair? All the same I do not judge you, I just don't want to be judged by you or anyone. It is not for us to judge another human being, we cannot know how it is to be them. All the same I do not think I'd give up the freedoms which the past generations of the women of my country fought so hard for. Physically men may be stronger than women but I am clever and I reserve the right to ask for or deny anyone's protection, I won't have it imposed upon me.

The greatest joy that I have come to know from having found this site is to be able to openly and without fear of judgement discuss all different types and aspects of religion. It is one of the greatest gifts, the freedom of thought and speech. I am able to question the traditional (christian) belief system that I was raised in and even decide whether or not I feel that it is suitable for me. These are miraculous gifts.

It is one of the deepest beliefs of my soul that if there is a G-d and G-d has given us the ability to reason as well as free will then it would be an insult to him to not utilise these precious gifts! Indeed it does all get very messy and complicated when we all start thinking for ourselves as individuals and sometimes (all too often) things don't turn out well but sometimes (just as often) they do! How else are we to evolve? How else are we, G-d's children, to grow up? These are our growing pains.

As for the Bible or any of the holy texts, I believe they are great tools that we can learn much from. However these texts were written by men and long after the actual events that they chronologue (sp?) takes place, is it not possible that there may be some mistakes or that some of the meaning may be misconstrued or lost?

I do not believe that these books can be used as the law for all of time, as society evolves our religion must too. If you look more closely and research into the roots of different religions you can see that not only are they all connected but that there in fact are no real new religions! Religions evolve one from another, from another throughout time and different cultures and the religions branch off and intermingle as the cultures do.

If you'd be so kind as to take the time to read through the threads and posts and get to know the people and their beliefs and ideas here I think you'll see things differently. There are many people here with many different ideas and beliefs and far better at relaying them than I.

My two cents worth...cause I can!

Angel{">i<"}tears said:
7-by the way, you people had free country in bad direction even to hurt your selves

for example: you had to drink alcohol if you want and alcohol bad for your body and this body is gift from god have to take care of it ,even the tattoo that bad and cause diseases to our body . in our religion ever thing cause bad effects to our body or souls is prohibitive from god.

Even whit your free rule , sorry for the impressed topic ,in your sexuality , come on people ,we the best creature that deity with brain , and we have to respect that , we are different than animal , we have brain so we know the different between good and bad , right and wrong , why I sow many of your people not straight all gay & lesbian , that because the disloyalty each other

Cause no rule , no scare from god , no respect to religion , ever thing free

I have read your post from start to finish, and even with your english not being perfect i think i can understand what you are saying. In the section of your post that i have quoted you talk about alcohol and sex, etc. i have two things to say about just this quoted section of your post:

1. You say all this about 'us' as though you think that we all drink alcohol and as if you think we all have sex with anyone. I am not a Christian, at the moment i have no religion, but as far as i know homosexuality is not considered to be right in Christianity (someone please correct me if i'm wrong) What i'm trying to say is that not everyone here in the UK (which is where i think you are talking about when you say "your country" correct me if i'm wrong) acts in these ways, this way of 'hurting our bodies' hurting what God has given us. It sounds as though you think that this is what 'our Christianity' has become and that we all follow it. I think that you judge to generally and before you truly understand.

2. You say that in your religion, Islam, that God prohibits you to do things that harm your body like drinking alcohol, but do Muslims smoke? is that ok? because smoking hurts the body more than alcohol i think.

From my personal experience i can say that there are many people, my own parents being two of them, that do not take their faith, christianity, as 'seriously' as perhaps muslims take theirs. Though you have to understand that not everyone here follows Christianity or any religion.

All that i have said here is based only on my understanding, that of your post and that of the world in which i live. Oh, and you asked to be told if you are right or wrong, I think your understanding of us and our country is not deep enough and is to general, it's best not to generalise.

I read your post and being a Christian American woman in this country of freedom.. I can say that this country and womens suffrage was based on good reasons.. Civil Rights. The sad thing about anything is that with good there is also bad.

Women do not want men to say how they need to be protected. Women are just like men but softer and more emotional. God made them that way.. But you give one gender control over another gender and you have generations of suppression. Women clothing themselves from head to toe to protect them from the lustful eyes of men.. those same women are to blame if they cause the man to stumble. That is wrong to me. We are all accountable for our actions. If a woman were raped who's fault is it? the womans? The woman did not ask to be raped she was a victim of a cruel deed. And if that woman is raped she dishonors her family for not being pure? I cannot understand this.

We are not animals. The bible teaches us self control in our actions and words.

I honor the women of the Middle East because they are strong.. and I believe they are some of the most beautiful women of the world. I do not believe I would be as strong if I lived in those same conditions.

I am very much against alcohol and I never drink it. Most people that I know do not drink alcohol and I wonder if there is a misconception about us in other countries. That we all drink alcohol.... We dont.

The United States is dealing with a moral decline that worries a lot of us. More and more children are having sex. Too many children are born outside of marriage. Promiscuity is popular it seems also. We are not all like this and we are praying to God about it.
Hi every one

I’m very happy to see your answer

And sorry about my bad English hhhhhhhhhhhhh I’ll try hard to be better in writing ,but

speaking is more easily …hhhh

ok my sweet souls

all I want to say I respect your realign cause your bible is our book also but during the old centuries it had been deflected by old Judaism ,that’s why god send us our book

I watch Opera all the time. This woman is so cool

but she said that we r not free , that’s wrong we r free we do everything we want

but we don’t believe in any relationship with man ((just marriage))

and I watch all your moves and I like( brave heart ) I like also( the lord and the ring ) but some move is so bad about woman

I heard there is movies about sex “dam what the hell is that ,did couples let people watch there private?!!”:eek:

About the great (brave heart):

In realty, I think I don’t see this courageous in philistine ,the children with the rock and the soldiers hold the gun and hide for not heard himself ,,that’s really painful (what going on they don’t have family ), honestly, I can’t watch this thing its break my heart


In qualities In Halifax

my sis I don’t judge any one .Human didn’t have any right to judge each other.

And I’m very sorry if I make you feel that .

But pleas excuse me for my English

I’m just little tiny student try to learn English >>>:)

About Muslim woman , we cover our self to be protected from man eye

ok sweet think with me….. don’t just pray have to do something

in your country the woman is not fine look at here

I hear that many girls kidnapped that woeful

Sweety the reason for god existing ,who made you, love you , care about you in every single step .god protect you in this life …you are a women even if you better and clever than man but you are soft ,and like butterfly u need covered to be your wings and man to be your flower ,gives you honey , love and protect you in home .but that doesn’t mean don’t go out ,you can do any thing you want traveling ,swimming, studying.. But you are like princess ,who’s

Need protection from god by follow his rules.

Woman is mother and she born the new generation.

Woman never been like man in there nature, but they can in there thinking and even more smart than men….. no one a doubt .

But woman are soft ,controlled by here emotion .And man strong , always use his head not his heart like the woman.

The man support the woman and care about the family .

Even there is bad men ,who destroyed the marriage for new love or problem or jealous, which is never have I chance to be in Islam.

Divorces happen every where, but in Islam is so rarely. because no chance for jealous or new love ,its just one love 4 ever one girl in your life .

Ok sweety

think with me if you don’t have any one protect you maybe your family is dead

You don’t have a husband ,,,,,what are you going to do??? You can not walk to work or to place you need to go without covered. I can not imagine myself walk like that >>>ohhhhhhh god:confused:

how you girls can walk with your attractive body in street or work?!!

I feel like naked , all man around look at me that’s so shameful

Maybe one of them attack you when you alone ,what are going to do??

Police not always there for you but god is there ,you can cover your self and no man can imagine how you look and maybe he scared if you an old woman hhhhhhhhhhh

Or an ugly one hhhhhhhhhhhhhh.:D

Really man are cute in acting …;)

One day, when I go out whit my friends (shopping) they follow us to send there number

But we ignore them ,really they don’t scared god and if girl talked to them they doesn’t respect here cause they think she is bad girl .she talked to boys .and just play around with here and never marriage here then broken heart happened .

That what I see in week Muslims, so we also have bad people here ok :)

In our country we are free to, but not to hurt someone ales. like drinking alcohol in street or even drink it . and the woman also free she can go out or visit her friends and we make (girl’s party, dancing or anything.,, Of course we take off the covered inside home and with girls only.)

One day, I visit my best friend in her house and I take off my covered and she like my dress

And my makeup .

We start dancing and joking ,, suddenly her brother inter the room and he didn’t know about my visit . he close his eye ,turned back and say ((I’m sorry )) I was going to explode in laugh hhhhhhhh:D

It was so funny to see his face on red .:eek: <<<hhhhh

but I really respect him he didn’t even see any part of my body . he was know that he did not deserve to see me and he afraid god too. That’s was wonderful man really, who’s never look to any girl just his

Wife and adore her until the rest of his life.

That’s way god but this rules to avoided the new love which destroyed marriage, disloyalty , and divorces .


I think if someone unbeliever in god ,he better die that been hopeless

Because god is here always protect us , but all he want to remember him and pray

And thanks him for all blessing he give us

That is all I can tell >>>I’m not good enough in writing English hhhhhhhh

If in Arabic it will be more easy :p

God bless you sister :)


Hi green

Hi brother thanks for your comment

My brother I believe that in every tree we have a good apple and bad one too,

we are not angels we are human and many mistake we can do

But god protect us by his orders ,cause we afraid from his anger and from hell

Also in Islam we have people make Islam look bad(( like what you told me >>smoking))

Smoking in Islam is prohibitive, but I believe, In every religion we have bad people try effect all of the good people , we have to be far away from them but we try to help them first and give them chance to be better

God bless you :)


Faithful servant

I don’t know what to tell you

Honestly, I like your words and your thinking

But my brother

United state or Saudi Arabia or England or all the world

Never protect you from doing a mistakes , cause you know you can do any thing you want

You don’t need your mother or police or country to control you., you know you the only person decide what you want to be a good person or bad .

If every person had alight in his heart ,that make hem control his self and known that god watch him .he will afraid to hurt any one and from to do any sin

And that we called been in Islam

Imagine if the woman in you country start to be covered .

The peace will start to all families ,even for woman.

The man also will be feeling more confident in his life and work

For he will support the family and feel his is the man.

Thank god 2 hour I had been writing it:rolleyes:

Ok god bless you allll:)
Hi Angel tears, welcome.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and views here. I agree with some of what you say, disagree with other things (as I think that women are just as capable as men of using self-control), but mostly I am moved by the fact that you spent two hours to let us get to hear your side of things. That is a gift.

Enjoy your stay here, and God bless you and your family,

hi my brother
thank you ,I hop to be well :p
bless you too
But women are soft ,controlled by here emotion. And man strong, always use his head not his heart like the woman.
and do you think that was also true of the wives and daughters of muhammad? do you think oprah is soft and controlled by her emotion? is that how you think she got to be one of the most powerful women in the world, a multimillionaire who influences millions of people? and what about politicians like mrs thatcher? and condoleeza rice? and hillary clinton? and the many prominent muslim writers, activists, journalists and politicians who are also women? i think you ought to read some germaine greer.

your bible is our book also but during the old centuries it had been deflected by old Judaism
here i have to say that you are being taught wrongly. the bible is the book of the jewish religion (at least the "old testament") and who but the jewish people should understand it best? if G!D sent the Qur'an to the muslims it is surely because the bible was intended for a different audience.

honestly, you are not right about some of these things. it is time for you to start asking questions.


Namaste angel tears...

I am thoroughly impressed by your efforts and dedication and thought.

It does wonders to provide us insight to your country, religion and upbringing.

And it seems when we look around the world, no country or religion has the corner (the absolute answer) on perfection. Our reality all fall short of our ideals.

Stephen Covey teaches 'seek first to understand, then to be understood' this dialogue has the potential for many new 'understandings'. We have to be open to the realization that our viewpoints are dictated largely by what we are taught...that is until we branch out, ask questions and see more of society.

You refer to our movies, our music, and the news/crimes you hear about from the western world. That is not the whole picture. Just as our watching international news of terrorism, bombings, and governments being overthrown is not the whole picture for the rest of the world. We live our lives in soundbites, catching glimpses and then inferring more based on microcosoms of reality.

The freedoms of the United States allow us to change and mold our world, by who we vote for in local, state and national elections. They allow us to protest in the streets, write letters to the editor, and author books, produce movies and tv shows depicting our philosophies... Does freedom mean that some information and exchanges that we'd prefer not happen do...yes, but that is part of our system.

When it comes to crime, I've hitchhiked across our land numerous times, tens of thousands of miles putting my safety and life in the hands of my fellow man. And I have been rewarded with much geneorsity. I believe that 99.999 percent of the people are wonderful caring individuals...and .001% end up in the paper or on the news.

We live in a country where Churches, Mosques, Temples, Synagogues, all forms of worship can take place without persecution by others. Oh we still have racism, and sexism and those that despise/deride those of other religious faiths, but our country's laws reflect the freedom of choice.

And while I see there exist some distinct advantages in a state religion, and everyone being forced to think alike, and not being allowed to read, or view information contrary to the also has issues.

Please keep up the dialogue, your writings are understandable, the essence flows through and overcomes your issues with the intracies of our language.

Peace and understanding be with you my sister, I am so thankful you are involved, so thankful you speak from your heart. If all our youth (heck all the people of any age) of whatever religious belief had the passion, the caring, the willingness to discuss that you have...the world would be a better place.
and do you think that was also true of the wives and daughters of muhammad? do you think oprah is soft and controlled by her emotion? is that how you think she got to be one of the most powerful women in the world, a multimillionaire who influences millions of people? and what about politicians like mrs thatcher? and condoleeza rice? and hillary clinton? and the many prominent muslim writers, activists, journalists and politicians who are also women? i think you ought to read some germaine greer.


Hi brother:)

First of all, :eek: I don’t even said something wrong with Oprah , I respect her and I chasing her program.

Second , don’t speak about the wives and daughters of Muhammad. If you don’t even know about them ok.:mad:

Hhhhhhhhh, sweety I speak about the natural of the woman , for why she had to be covered , and any one can just take here virgin ,under the name of love.( you have even web to help teenager to date and do relationship with boys (( many children doesn’t know there own parents )) that even look like animal not human with brain ,for use it to build a better generation ….:mad:

By the way ,Are you a father???:rolleyes:

do you have 21girl think like that in here age??? Cause I think about the world problems in this age , not going out with a lot of date ???we don’t even have this word in our life .our girls are deserve more than that ok.

:mad: “You can just respect the I try hard to translate your language and stay for hours with my computer to ANSWER



here i have to say that you are being taught wrongly. the bible is the book of the jewish religion (at least the "old testament") and who but the jewish people should understand it best? if G!D sent the Qur'an to the muslims it is surely because the bible was intended for a different audience.

honestly, you are not right about some of these things. it is time for you to start asking questions.

You know what the problem ,you don’t read all the books , so go and do comparison if you wan?!

Then you believe in the virgin Merriam

WHAT IS prove that she was one of us

Here brother Jesus his name is عيسى in the bible )

The first words he said when he porn((I’m adscript of Allah))

its prove that he was'n the son of god

Cause god doesn’t have son, doesn’t have wife….he is god , and god

Not like us. That’s what you need to look for.

I hop u will start looking and Allah send you the truth , cause a lot of your scientists

Became Muslim after they start read and think …..and this life will end …we all going to die….that Why, I think this life is not to be millionaires or singer or dancer , but to help each other and to Make more better generation ….

Thanks you

Peace :)

Namaste angel tears...

I am thoroughly impressed by your efforts and dedication and thought.

It does wonders to provide us insight to your country, religion and upbringing.

And it seems when we look around the world, no country or religion has the corner (the absolute answer) on perfection. Our reality all fall short of our ideals.

Stephen Covey teaches 'seek first to understand, then to be understood' this dialogue has the potential for many new 'understandings'. We have to be open to the realization that our viewpoints are dictated largely by what we are taught...that is until we branch out, ask questions and see more of society.

You refer to our movies, our music, and the news/crimes you hear about from the western world. That is not the whole picture. Just as our watching international news of terrorism, bombings, and governments being overthrown is not the whole picture for the rest of the world. We live our lives in soundbites, catching glimpses and then inferring more based on microcosoms of reality.

The freedoms of the United States
allow us to change and mold our world, by who we vote for in local, state and national elections. They allow us to protest in the streets, write letters to the editor, and author books, produce movies and tv shows depicting our philosophies... Does freedom mean that some information and exchanges that we'd prefer not happen do...yes, but that is part of our system.

When it comes to crime, I've hitchhiked across our land numerous times, tens of thousands of miles putting my safety and life in the hands of my fellow man. And I have been rewarded with much geneorsity. I believe that 99.999 percent of the people are wonderful caring individuals...and .001% end up in the paper or on the news.

We live in a country where Churches, Mosques, Temples
, Synagogues, all forms of worship can take place without persecution by others. Oh we still have racism, and sexism and those that despise/deride those of other religious faiths, but our country's laws reflect the freedom of choice.

And while I see there exist some distinct advantages in a state religion, and everyone being forced to think alike, and not being allowed to read, or view information contrary to the also has issues.

Please keep up the dialogue, your writings are understandable, the essence flows through and overcomes your issues with the intracies of our language.

Peace and understanding be with you my sister, I am so thankful you are involved, so thankful you speak from your heart. If all our youth (heck all the people of any age) of whatever religious belief had the passion, the caring, the willingness to discuss that you have...the world would be a better place

Hi wil:)

Thank you.

Sweety I think the religion, that came from sky and from god, who’s made us

It’s the only religion we have to look after

Cause religion , not a rule from human ….every company had a boss

And every society had a rules ,but god he made the earth , so he give us the rule.He take care of his adscript…

And we have also every thing like you have, we have freedom in every thing

We just have some different then the Christian thoughts

1-The new 5 rules of Islam (the way of pray)

2- the thought of the bible and how

it had changed during the time ,which is deflected by old Judaism

and that book was from god also

the Jesus ,he is not the god son , and I already emission that


imagine if your people had personal rule from god control him

like if you find a gold in the store ,and you can steel it but you have faith of god , and you will not do that for any one just for Allah .

the peace will spread all over the word ..just think of that

no free in any thing cause bad effect to people and more better generation

without disease without family destroyed, without girls kidnapped ,without children looking for there parents , without woman had a bitch work …..that really PATHETIC .

that’s all

thank you

Thank you, and please do keep up the dialogue.

Sister lunamoth


Thanks, I will loooooooool

Nice to see you again
I heard a program on the radio regarding a bill to ban the burka in the Netherlands...a country which has very few Muslims and even fewer adherents that wear a burka. The basis of the law is that the burka is discriminatory, demeaning toward women...many secular and Christian men and women spoke to this end...then the Mulsim women began to speak, and put forth similar arguments to our angel...that it was a matter of respect, of protection..and in that country the very few women that wore it, did so not by order of their husbands but by personal choice.

Incredible story, again we must learn, both sides, all sides, must learn to listen and understand.
that's what I mean sweety

we are human .we have a brain .we chose our direction

we control our life ,we know the right and the wrong ,we know that Allah existed ,that why we respect

his caliber, and we are his creature, so we had to fallow his rule ,

and worship him .

thank you

firstly, please calm your formatting down.

secondly, please read my posts carefully. i don't think you're understanding my point, partly because of your english. i do respect that you have made an effort to try and do so, though.

i was using oprah as an example of a woman who is not "soft" and ruled by her emotions. if she were, she would not have become as successful as she is; exactly like the other women i mentioned. not all women are the same and certainly all the women i know, muslim as well as non-muslim, would find your point of view extremely insulting and stereotypical.

thirdly, there is no reason i should not speak about the wives and daughters of muhammad. i am speaking particularly of khadija, aisha and fatimah and i was not insulting them, but holding them up as examples of intelligent, forceful, educated and knowledgeable in matters of religion and the world - not a group of scared little rabbits who hid behind men. to think otherwise of them would be ignorance of your own religion and history - and to include them in your characterisation of women would be nonsensical.

and yes, i am about to be a father, with all the worries that that entails. and, yes, i understand the point you're making about dating. however, if you are suggesting that the way things are done in saudi arabia are the only way that things should be done, i can only say that the evidence suggests that people are able to live perfectly decent lives without resorting to the degree of modesty that is required there; as it says in the Qur'an:

To each of you We have given directions and a path. If G!D had wanted, you could all have been made into one single community. However, G!D wants to test you by means of what has been given to you. Therefore compete with each other for the good. It is to G!D that all of you will return, then G!D will enlighten you about that in which you used to differ. (Surah 5:51).

in my own culture, women dress modestly. my own wife dresses modestly, out of her own choice. however, she was free to make her own choices about how to take our relationship forward into marriage, not coerced by her father or society. she was able to opt of her own free will and belief to take the path espoused by our religion.

in short, there's an english word you need to learn - "sexism".

You know what the problem ,you don’t read all the books , so go and do comparison if you wan?!
i don't entirely understand your point here, but what i can tell you is that i am certainly better educated about judaism than you are. i do not believe you have been taught correctly - which is hardly surprising given where you live. if you want to actually learn some truths about judaism, i suggest that you visit the site: and then come and ask me some questions on the judaism board. i will be delighted to answer them.

for a start, the part of the bible with merriam and isa in it is not a holy text of judaism. it is a holy text of christianity. so, we do not believe that merriam was a virgin (the word was incorrectly translated) nor do we believe that isa was what we call the mashiakh (which is like your word "masih" but means something very specific and different from what is in the Qur'an). however, muslims and jews agree that Allah (Who Is One and has many Names) needs no wife or son.

it is true that there are many scientists who are religious. however, not all these scientists are muslims. that is because religion and science are two different domains of thought - one cannot confirm or deny the other. they are simply two different ways of looking at the world, just as i can think of my mother as "my mother", or "my grandfather's daughter", or "my aunt's sister". all of these are true perspectives, without conflict.

I think this life is not to be millionaires or singer or dancer , but to help each other and to Make more better generation
i agree - and that is an excellent aim in life which is shared by both muslims AND jews.

i hope you will understand that my response to you is a request for you to learn, not to imagine that you are automatically in possession of the entire Truth.


not a group of scared little rabbits who hid behind men.

1- We are not rabbits, we just respect our nature ,is not right to improve our courage By show attractive body to the world ,no one deserve that just our husband ,

do you know what the different between us and other woman ((we have the shyness from man)) but we also a courage woman ,like the woman that killed in philistine& Eraqh & Bosna and Harseak ….est.

we are very powerful in this things

by my words , I mean that woman shy from man …

…that why we protect her feeling and heart from falling in love

toward any stranger ,who can just play around with her felling ,that’s all

2-wives of Mohammad (p.p.h) are our pacemaker in this life

and if WW3 will happen you will see us defense our Islam

our family ,our life, and we don’t scared die. cause Allah going to send us heaven

we do our beast in life and also for our religion

we live in balance between life and religion .between what for us and what for god

and yes, i am about to be a father, with all the worries that that entails. and, yes, i understand the point you're making about dating

Allah bless you and your daughter. Hop for her the best life center her family.

And Allah give you the health to support her.

. however, if you are suggesting that the way things are done in saudi arabia are the only way that things should be done, i can only say that the evidence suggests that people are able to live perfectly decent lives without resorting to the degree of modesty that is required there; as it says in the

that’s the problem . you think Saudi Arabia control our freedom

that’s wrong …Allah give us this rule … and we fallow it by our choice

cause this the better life for every thing

for family

for the next life after death

for win the god heaven

and there is many country Muslims but, they don’t fallow every thing in Islam

and god will banish them , for example:

Lebanon ,there is many Muslim there.

but they didn’t fasting in RAMMADAN. And that’s called (zonnob) sin

and Allah will charging them ….human doesn’t charge any one

we just tell them the massage….and they do what they want

if they want to be in heaven or hell , that’s only them choice .

and I think you know all that ….aren’t you???

Any way :

You read quran >>>ok if you read it ,why don’t you aske your self >>>quran is the same words in all the words

Not ilke your bible many books writing by many human???

Quran have a protection of his word since many generation ,and this book never change

Cause its words of Allah…est.

And blz you know thatJudaism had been unbelief on Allah ,even that all the messenger

Was from them((Nohe& Mousa &Eisha & soliman …es.))

But they was always unbelief , and then Allah send Mohammad from Arabian people

And we believe him ,then tell me who deserve to be in heaven??

All I asked you to read Allah words not human…and that’s your choice

I don’t care if you do it or don’t….

And I’m sorry I don’t ever read word’s of human

I read just the words of Allah in Arabic . I don’t want to west my time with some one translate

The Quran and I already have Quran in said my heart and my body

I’m sorry I don’t wan some one came from dark world to tell my what my Islam

Cause you are lost and I’m just a hand that wanna show you the light

Islam now very easily to known

So don’t just west my time with your Blla blla

Cause you can’t , I’m not stupid girl …you can miss around with her ok

You can think

I don’t need to tell you think..

in my own culture, women dress modestly. my own wife dresses modestly, out of her own choice. however, she was free to make her own choices about how to take our relationship forward into marriage, not coerced by her father or society. she was able to opt of her own free will and belief to take the path espoused by our religion.

Hhhhhhhhhh … so poor people

first, we don’t coerced from our father or our society

We have our own choice …I don’t know who told you that

But came and see how many girls are now

Walking in street with her face open ,and a makeup also, we wasn’t like that but your TV and MUSIC

That specially made to make people forget there Allah, and care about stupid sex and date like an animal …

But, I tell you I will never forget Allah

Even if you came and put your gun in front of my eye….cause I’m powerful with my faith

The end ….

this is starting to feel like a dialogue of the deaf, but anyway:

do you know what the different between us and other woman ((we have the shyness from man)) but we also a courage woman ,like the woman that killed in philistine & Eraqh & Bosna and Harseak ….est.

there are many types of courage. i do not believe getting killed is the only measure of it. there is courage in education, in work, in learning, in taking risks, in asking questions. it's not all about getting killed for your beliefs. if the situation required me to die for my beliefs i would do the same - the point is that it's much harder to *live* for them, to build a better world from them. anyone can make grand gestures that ultimately help nobody.

and if WW3 will happen you will see us defense our Islam
our family ,our life, and we don’t scared die. cause Allah going to send us heaven

who is talking about world war 3? you need to wake up. muslims need to get beyond this idea that the whole world is out to get them and they need to take preemptive action (against cartoonists???) this is crazy.

You read quran >>>ok if you read it ,why don’t you aske your self >>>quran is the same words in all the words
Not ilke your bible many books writing by many human???

i believe that the Torah is the word of G!D. not the work of many humans. the words of the prophetic books were written by the prophets themselves, but are no less effective or true for that. they were nonetheless communicating with G!D. i am constantly hearing from muslims about how unique the Qur'an is, how it is the direct word of G!D, all this - but you must understand that this is your *opinion*. you may regard it as fact, but that does not mean that it is established as fact for the rest of us. it is assertion of your beliefs and that is all very well, but it is by no means convincing for the rest of us. the fact that nobody has yet attacked the Qur'an with the tools of textual criticism is no guarantee that they will not be able to, although it'll be a brave person who tries it in today's climate. i do not consider the Qur'an "superior" to the Torah - otherwise i'd be a muslim. furthermore, there are plenty of people familiar with both. many of our great sages have been native arabic speakers more than familiar with the Qur'an - but they have remained jews despite its allegedly self-evident Divinity.

judaism does not "disbelieve" in Allah. one of the Names of G!D in the Torah is "ELoHiM", which has the same linguistic root as "Al-LaH". we remain faithful to G!D and to the Torah of G!D.

Cause you are lost and I’m just a hand that wanna show you the light
Islam now very easily to known
So don’t just west my time with your Blla blla
Cause you can’t , I’m not stupid girl …you can miss around with her ok
look, i didn't come to you to ask my questions. you came here, to a comparative religion website to ask yours. it seems you don't like the answers you're getting to your arrogant, chauvinistic, ignorant assertions of superiority. frankly, you need to read the code of conduct of this site, because your attitude is not compatible with what we are seeking to do here. you're the one wasting everyone else's time.

so thank you, but i don't believe i need your "hand" to "lead me to the light". i have learned plenty about the beauty of islam and the Qur'an from more credible and open-minded muslims than you. good luck on your quest - you're going to need it.


Im curious Angel how you arrived to this point of defending Islam by having ww3 and having a gun to your face from any of this conversation. Im confused. This is a peaceful website and noone is warring with anyone.
I think she left the building, after being told repeatedly that it was unwelcome of her to use CR to seek converts, rather than dialogue.
I understand the points you are trying to make Angel Tears, and some of them are very good ones. The Western World does have problems with sex and sexuality, alcohol and drugs. These problems are massive and the solutions to them require great delicacy.

However, I don't think the answer is for women to become subjugated to men again. I value my independence, my right to vote, my right to be an individual. I would only change my name on legal documents if I got married, because I am not a piece of property. Whilst I understand your reasons for thinking as you do, and have an enormous amount of respect for them, I do not think that it would solve things over here. Women would not give up their hard-earned freedoms. My great-grandmother was a suffragette, and I make sure I enjoy my freedoms as a tribute to her.

I think the real downfall in the Western World is the lapse of family values. The pace of modern living makes it impossible to be together as a family, which is vital to the development of everyone. I come from a broken home and whilst I am very glad that my parents divorced, as my father did not respect my mother and was serially unfaithful to her, I would wish for the same not to happen to me. People don't really think about marriage seriously anymore, because they know they can easily get a divorce now. These things are what affect us here in the Western World today, and I don't think me donning a burkha or saving myself for marriage would improve those things.
Dear All,

I'm very new (novice) in this forum, but I believe that the best way to discuss in this forum is to be open. I'm a muslim, and very free to hear point of views from my friends all over the world. I stayed in Manchester, Britain when I was 3 until 5 years old and I dont really remember how it was when I grew up in a foreign country like England. I love soccer, and support Manchester United whole-heartedly. I studied in Japan for 6 years, for diploma of A.I. System Engineering, and for degree, and for master degree. I learned their culture, their religion and understand them. I even eat "halal" (muslim terms of food we can eat) sushi and some of other foods as well. If I cannot eat the meat at the stalls, I will buy halal meat and ask my host family to cook Japanese for me. They are good and very warm.

When I read this forum started by a sad Saudi lady who really wants to see changes in the world, then I think... I must say at least one thing.

God created the world so beautiful, with a lot of cultures. Even Prophet Muhammad pbuh used to remind us that learning and studying is essential. Indeed, its very important and the the prophet even asked us to go to China if necessary to study. (During that time, China was quite civilised and prosper).

So, I believe, before saying anything... we should think twice and first learn about their culture, beliefs etc. Islam, like any other religion is focusing on peace and harmony of living. The only thing that make things different is that the leaders, and those people who has power disregard the good teachings and become extreme and emotional when make up their decisions. Some of them even greed and arrogant. So, thats why the negative side of many religions have been interprated and people decided not to think about their own religion seriously, and looking for more money as they thing money will give them more freedom and happiness.

Well, the point is.... knowledge is essential and important, but knowledge about your belief is much more important. Whatever, whether you are Muslim? Christians? Jews? or even other religion as well.

Please do come visit Malaysia, and learn how we handle the peace and tolerance.
