in the beginning...


a simple buddhist
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augusta, ga
please excuse my ignorance, but does the pali cannon or any other buddhist texts say anything about the beginning of the world that we live on? im guessing since buddhist dont believe in a creator that there wouldnt be a creator of the world, but since i havent been able to read the pali cannon, i havent been able to find an answer on my own. in comparison to most buddhist, im pretty new at this. although im new at this, i have found much peace and happiness with myself and the world since i began practicing. however, there are a few things that i wish i knew about buddhism, this question being one of them. any advice or knowledge that one could share would be greatly appreciated.

be well in peace
Different cosmologies are found in many Buddhist traditions. :&
Can't remember seeing anything particular about the origin of this world system (Jambudvipa). Maybe cause and effect? The mind? :)

The wheel of cyclic existence (the one with Yama, the lord of death) is about the closest I can think of.
do u know where i can read these stories that u mention? is there a link to something online or a refrence that u can give me to check out? but, thanks again for the information. its much appreciated. :)

be well in peace
thanks for that link. ive read it and its a very interesting perspective on rebirth. ive looked on the website but i didnt see anything on the beginning on the world/life ect. am i missing something?

be well in peace