Whattya do for Lent?


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a figment of your imagination
We don't believe in giving up something that we know we should give up period, just for the season and then pick it back up again. We pick something that we want to give up forever and then use Lent as the kickoff.

Two texts and the bible comprise four readings everyday to contemplate...and we kick it off tonight with a meditation and burning bowl ceremony....writing down those things we want to relinquish and set them to fire and reduce them to ash.
wil said:
We don't believe in giving up something that we know we should give up period, just for the season and then pick it back up again. We pick something that we want to give up forever and then use Lent as the kickoff.

Two texts and the bible comprise four readings everyday to contemplate...and we kick it off tonight with a meditation and burning bowl ceremony....writing down those things we want to relinquish and set them to fire and reduce them to ash.

The point is to deprive one's self of something special to them for a time (not trying to kick the habit, though that maybe a good thing in God's eyes as well, if that is what He wants for someone), and do for others. For example, my brother loves hunting. Yet for Lent he will give up that season, and use his time to spend with his children, or work community service, or get involved in Habitat for humanity.

My dad loves working on his boat, yet he'll give that up for Lent and go do pro-bono work in the Courts, or work with the folk with substance abuse issues.

What ever is done, should be done as a "labor of love" not a grudge match between man and God. What ever is done should be dedicated to God (as all things should be all times), but this time is a conscious effort to focus on other than self.

my thoughts

