You have a point there and it is a valid point as this act as a deterrent to aggressor. However, here is my viewpoint on why it is forbidden...
The above verses specifically command Muslims to
fight in the cause of Allah to those who fight them. In my understanding this means that the enemy must be the one who present clear and present danger to us. Not the nation but the individual soldier if you like and the military installation. As long as its purpose is to oppress against us, it is our duty to defend. In that context, using of WMD is not appropriate because these weapons does not have eyes or judgement to decide where to detonate. Its main purpose is to hit the target regardless if there is any woman, children and the disabled member of the community nearby. Thus, its use will incur more casualty not on the oppressors but the innocent life who is unfortunate to be in the vicinity of the explosion.
Further to that... in the subsequent verses
Here Allah command us to exercise compassion to the enemy as clearly stated in verses 192. If the enemy surrender, it is our outmost duty to give them the best treatment and compassion. How can we then become compassion and service for greater good as commanded by Allah if all that we can and would like to help are wiped out by the use of WMD.
It is true that in war it is very hard to action these teaching especially when the enemy have incur great affliction on us. This remind me one story of the companions of Muhammad s.a.w where he has shown a greater sacrifice in battle. This is when he has subdue one of the infidel and he was about to kill him when the infidel spat on him. Due to that he restrain himself and let the infidel go. The infidel asked why have he not kill him. His answer is simple, showing his strong faith. The companion said before he ( the infidel) spat at him, he was ready to kill him. However, when he (the infidel) spat, the companion became angry. Because of anger, he restraint from killing the infidel because if he had done so, he would have killed him (the infidel) due to anger and not for the cause of Allah and that would be a sin. This is a great sacrifice by the companions whom totally reject the norm of war and let go his enemy just because he obey the command of Allah and his messenger. Because of his actions, the infidel realises the nobel character of the companion and embrace Islam. Restraining ourself from transgression is best according to the above verses.
If such anger has to be curb in war during prophet's time, so as to protect them from Allah's anger (and in fact they have the best Iman compared to us), what would we have caused by using WMD with all the reasons I have put above. Can we justify our actions to use WMD. What will we answer in judgement day for our actions?
I agree that we can have these weapons, but it is more as a deterrent and not as a threat. We cannot follow the infidels who boast about their military might to oppress the weak. As Allah have revealed in the Quran, He will dealt with those who transgress with humiliating punishment.
To surmise;
1) Use of WMD cause greater affliction to the opponent and disregard the distinction of one who we are fighting against and the others whom we are not.
2) It does not provide us with the opportunity to show compassion to our enemy. (Because they will be dead already)
3) It creates more problems after the war. Such as removing the radiations/toxic chemical that was used.
4) WMD use as deterrent helps in avoiding conflict.
5) Using WMD is closer to transgressing limit that Allah has forbidden.
Just my viewpoint, and hope this open up a more fruitful discussion and insight on this topic.
Everything that is in error is from my own ignorance while anything that is beneficial is from Allah s.w.t
May Allah reward us justly in our efforts. Insyallah.