Islam and bathing



Is it true that a muslim only has a bath once a week on Fridays ?

I read that on another website .

Is it true that a muslim only has a bath once a week on Fridays ?
I read that on another website .
PS: Bath as in my understanding is washing your body and not only referring to dipping yourself in a pool of water. Thus it includes having a shower.

It is absolutely untrue. Muslim bath as often as they need. However, they need to observe that they are not wasting water as it is prohibited by the Messenger, Muhammad s.a.w.

There is at least one ocassion where it is mandatory to bath for the Muslim. That is after a sexual intercourse. Both husband and wife need can bath together if they wish to. It is in line to the practise of the prophet s.a.w where he also bath with his wife.

The above that you got maybe come from the teaching that encourages us to bath as a supplication (sunnat) before going to the Mosque for our Friday congregation.

Other than that we are permitted to bath every day.
god_is_love said:
Is it true that a muslim only has a bath once a week on Fridays ?

I read that on another website .

h| GIL,
Your question made me smile. Its the first time ive heard this one. Anyway, its totally untrue. Hope that clears it up.
Best regards,

:) as others mentioned, we can take a bath any time we wish to. The times when the bath is required specifically and is a total must is: 1) after sexual intercourse, 2) any sexual arousal that may cause one to have excretions and 3) after menstrual cycle. It is nice to take a bath after going to bathroom, but a good wash would do without going into extreme. Sweat is not considered impure unless it is offensive (noticable).

Some communities (not only Muslim communities, but non-Muslim as well) may view constant bathing (bathing every day) as a bit immoral because some people believe that a shower is always required after sex. To bathe constantly makes others think the person is constantly having sex :)

Strange world :D