Namaste inhumility,
thank you for the post. i realize you asked toujour, however, i hope you don't mind my response.
with regards to the number of schools within the Buddha Dharma, there are three main views to be found. Hinyana, of which only the Theraveda school is extant, so we simply call it Thereaveda Buddhism, Mahayana and Vajrayana.
as i say, the Thereavedan school is the only extant school of the Hinyana. within the Mahayana, however, there are over 1,000 schools, the most well known to most beings are schools like Zen, T'ien T'ai, Ch'an, Pure Land, Nichiren and so forth. Within the Vajrayana, there are three main groups, Tibetan, Korean and Japanese, the Chinese school of Vajrayana is the same as the Tibetan Nyingma school, for the most part.
belief in a Creator Deity is a radically different worldview than what Buddhism teaches, as such, there are no schools that uphold the idea of a Creator Deity.
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