State of Play


So it goes ...
Veteran Member
Reaction score
London UK
Greetings all -

As some of you are aware, I am currently studying for a BA Divinity in Catholic theology. In fact I've just returned from a week's residential, with another planned later in the summer ... you might have noticed my absence.

Well I have decided to scale back my activities on CR, as time-management grows ever pressing. I shall probably limited myself to matters of Catholic doctrine or dogma, in such instances where I think I can offer a useful contribution.

Just wanted to post to say that in my absence I have not simply walked away, and in fact regard this forum as probably the best of its kind on the web, as far as I am aware.

To all those who enjoy the discussion (as I do) may wisdom be your guide, and to all those who are seeking, may you find your heart's ease.

I am happy to talk, any time, offline.

Peace be with you all.

Ah, Thomas, best wishes in your studies! I am going to miss you around here and hope you do have time to pop in now and again. Your scholarly approach and your wit are both great contributions to the conversations here.

Hey, Thomas, it's always good to have you around, but if you have commitments you need to keep to, then so be it. :)

It's always good to read your posts, so I'm glad to hear that you still want to stay around. :)
Thomas, I will miss you very much! Many blessings to you in your ongoing mission...
