I haven't put this in Christianity becuase I'd like to hear Islamic, Christian and Judaic thought on the matter. I haven't put it in Abrahamic as I'd like those that have even more varied thoughts to be able to discuss their concepts as well.
What I am contemplating is the vagaries in the creation story not only the differences between Gen 1 and Gen 2 the two creations of heaven and earth and all the ammenities in differing orders, and the differing orders of the creations of life forms, and the differing creations of man (and woman), but also I contemplate the creation of light and dark, day and night, on both the first and the fourth day in Gen 1 but no mention in Gen 2....
I read where some of the issue is combinations of thought from the various writers of Genesis (Yahwists, Elohimists, Priestly...) all edited together.
And then some that the Gen 1 was contemplation, creation in the ethers, and Gen 2 manifestation, creation in matter.
All thoughts are welcome and entertained. Not right or wrong here, interpretations and thoughts on the story.
What I am contemplating is the vagaries in the creation story not only the differences between Gen 1 and Gen 2 the two creations of heaven and earth and all the ammenities in differing orders, and the differing orders of the creations of life forms, and the differing creations of man (and woman), but also I contemplate the creation of light and dark, day and night, on both the first and the fourth day in Gen 1 but no mention in Gen 2....
I read where some of the issue is combinations of thought from the various writers of Genesis (Yahwists, Elohimists, Priestly...) all edited together.
And then some that the Gen 1 was contemplation, creation in the ethers, and Gen 2 manifestation, creation in matter.
All thoughts are welcome and entertained. Not right or wrong here, interpretations and thoughts on the story.