can someone help plz



salam alaikum
i have a question, my sister was buried a little while ago, after being murdered brutly and buried in someones back garden, the police found her and we had the funeral ...
full story on bbc website news

neway im a born muslim but i dunt have much knowledge on what happens after you die.
i have so many questions that i feel need to be answered, like. does she know she is dead? wen did she find out? does she know how? is she in hell or heaven now or does that only happen on judgement day? and can she see and hear us?

can someone please help me, if you have any suggestions on websites wer i can find info or if you hav any please help me

many thanks
salam alaikum
i have a question, my sister was buried a little while ago, after being murdered brutly and buried in someones back garden, the police found her and we had the funeral ...
full story on bbc website news

Sorry to hear, may God bless her soul

neway im a born muslim but i dunt have much knowledge on what happens after you die.
i have so many questions that i feel need to be answered, like.

For all kinds of Sharia related questions, this is the best site .

does she know she is dead? wen did she find out? does she know how? is she in hell or heaven now or does that only happen on judgement day? and can she see and hear us?

Well for these kind of mystical afterlife questions, I thing you should ask these guys

Thanks & peace

I am very sorry about your sister. May Allah Almighty protect you and your family now and in the future, and I hope He will forgive her all her sins.

In regards to what happens to a person when he/she dies, this is what I know: when a person dies in the grave two angels visit him/her. They ask him certain questions about his personal beliefs and may ask about certain deeds. Then, the person is taken to barzakh (the place where the souls await the Judgment Day). They cannot come into the physical rhealm and are very much aware that they are dead. If God Almighty permits, they may convey a message to us through dreams.

When the Judgement Day comes, Allah Almighty will bring back the souls to their bodies and the punishments/rewards will take place. People will be divided between Heaven and Hell, will enter one or the other, as promised.

Walaykum As Salaam Wa Rahmatullah;

salam alaikum
i have a question, my sister was buried a little while ago, after being murdered brutly and buried in someones back garden,
--- very sorry to hear the sad news. May Allah , the most kind , Ever Merciful grant her peace , Ameen.

We all came from Allah & will return to Him. So, pl. have patience & pray for her & if possible give charity.

i have so many questions that i feel need to be answered, like. does she know she is dead?

---to my knowledge , yes , she knows.

wen did she find out? does she know how? is she in hell or heaven now or does that only happen on judgement day? and can she see and hear us?

----I m not an Islamic scholar ; so i must not answer in details . The imp matter is u must ask for forgiveness; willingly , unwillingly, knowingly , unknowlingly ...we do make mistakes. So, offer Salat/prayer for her , recite holy Quran , help ur poor relatives , friends ,neighbhours & ask Allah to accept all ur good works & forgive ur sister.

On the Last Day, Insha Allah , she will have the blessings & mercy of Allah.

can someone please help me, if you have any suggestions on websites wer i can find info or if you hav any please help me

many thanks

---U may submit ur question here.They give answer by e-mail. I can't post link here. it's islam today

May Allah increase u in patience , Ameen.