Latest Survey on Church/State Division


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I just read this article, titled "Mixing God and Politics: Where do Americans Really Stand?", in the local paper on Sunday. In general, the article discusses a recent survey on the topic of the 'division between church and state' in America, and how it is affecting current politics. It references a "poll conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released August 24th", and was written by Charles Haynes for the 'First Amendment Center'. I quote portions of the article that discuss the poll statistics directly.


"According to the survey, nearly half of Americans (49 percent) believe conservative Christians have gone too far in trying to impose their religious values on the country. At the same time, 69 percent think that liberals have gone too far in trying to keep religion out of schools and government."

"Though most Americans are religious (and most think religious influence on our society is a good thing), few identify with religious political movements on the left or right. Only 7 percent call themselves members of the 'religious left', and only 11 percent say they belong to the 'religious right.'"

"...67 percent of Americans see the United States as a Christian nation. But it isn't clear what people mean by that description - or even if they think it is a good or bad thing....the survey doesn't say."

"...the poll does reveal that most Americans reject the views of Religious Right leaders such as Roy Moore (former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court) who argue that biblical law must be the supreme law of the land."

"Americans were asked 'which should be the more important influence on the laws of the United States? Should it be the Bible or should it be the will of the American people, even when it conflicts with the Bible?' A large majority, 63 percent, said the will of the people should prevail."

"Christian Americans, like Americans in general, are a diverse group with a broad range of views about both religion and politics. About a third of all Christians (32 percent) describe themselves as 'liberal' or 'progressive' Christians. And 38 percent identify themselves as 'born again' or evangelical Christians. But contrary to media steroetypes, these labels overlap for many Americans. More than a third (36 percent) of evangelicals, for example, also describe themselves as liberal or progressive Christians."

"Moreover, people who call themselves 'liberal or progressive Christians' are not necessarily politically liberal. In fact, 26 percent say they are politically conservative, while 27 percent are politically liberal and 45 percent characterize themselves as moderates."

"Republicans (who count evangelicals as a core constiuency) have lost ground, with 47 percent of Americans now saying that the GOP is friendly to religion as contrasted with 55 percent last year."

"Only 26 percent of Americans say the Democratic Party is friendly to religion; just three years ago, 42 percent saw Democrats that way - a precipitous slide."

"Meanwhile, 42 percent say the Democratic Party is neutral toward religion and 20 percent say unfriendly."


It seemed that in many threads on this section the issue of 'what are the actual numbers?' has been addressed many times. Politicians have been referring to this particular release in order to determine how they will address various demographics during upcoming elections. It would seem, however, that America is still somwhat unsure of what the division between Church and State should really mean, or how religion and politics should collectively influence society.
At the same time, 69 percent think that liberals have gone too far in trying to keep religion out of schools and government."
Well, here is the latest example of this from my own neighborhood. Similar silliness abounds throughout the area. :rolleyes:

"Moreover, people who call themselves 'liberal or progressive Christians' are not necessarily politically liberal. In fact, 26 percent say they are politically conservative, while 27 percent are politically liberal and 45 percent characterize themselves as moderates."

"Republicans (who count evangelicals as a core constiuency) have lost ground, with 47 percent of Americans now saying that the GOP is friendly to religion as contrasted with 55 percent last year."

"Only 26 percent of Americans say the Democratic Party is friendly to religion; just three years ago, 42 percent saw Democrats that way - a precipitous slide."

"Meanwhile, 42 percent say the Democratic Party is neutral toward religion and 20 percent say unfriendly."
The net result: the perception of Government and Politics in general is increasingly being seen as being unfriendly, intolerent, and lacking in common sense.
Huhh... well my city is a Republican enclave with a lot of churches and they had a City Seal with a Latin cross on it but the ACLU challenged this and threatened to take the City to Court as being preferential to Christianity. The City Council decided the Court fees would be extravagant and the battle unwinnable and so decided to remove the cross from the seal.

Then a large Christian group circulated a petition to put the cross back on the seal... and it was on the ballot, but lost by a wide margin.

A friend of mine had the contract to remove all the crosses from all the city emblems on cars, trucks and buildings... and badges and so forth...

Had the City elected to keep the cross , i suspect my friend could have gotten that contract to put the cross back on...all the City vehicles and so on.

And if the matter had then gone to Court and struck down the cross later, it would have maybe been my friend getting that contract to remove those crosses again...and so on...

This reminded me of the Dr. Seus story about the "snitches with stars on thars"..

"All the rest of the day on those wild screaming beaches,
the Fix-it-up-Chappie was fixing up Sneetches.
Off again, on again, in again, out again,
through the machine and back round about again,
still paying money, still running through,
changing their stars every minute or two,
until neither the Plain- nor the Star-bellies knew
whether this one was that one or that one was this one
or which one was what one or what one was who!"

It could have happened in real life and we that is the City could well have been the laughing stock of the news media for a long time to come.

- Art