Are there contradictions in the Bible?


"to live is Christ"
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Whether the Bible is the infallible Word of God, is a matter of faith.
Whether the Bible contains contradictions, is a matter of reasoning.

People are sometimes puzzled by what superficially appear to be contradictions, and it is often helpful to see how others reconcile some of these "differences"

Solomon is said to be one of the wisest men that ever lived and yet it appears that he could not even write two consecutive sentences without contradicting himself … or could he?

Proverbs 26:4 & 5
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
words and phrases dont always have the same rhetorical meaning
kenod said:
Whether the Bible is the infallible Word of God, is a matter of faith.
Whether the Bible contains contradictions, is a matter of reasoning.

People are sometimes puzzled by what superficially appear to be contradictions, and it is often helpful to see how others reconcile some of these "differences"

Solomon is said to be one of the wisest men that ever lived and yet it appears that he could not even write two consecutive sentences without contradicting himself … or could he?

Proverbs 26:4 & 5
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

Do you see any contradictions in the Bible Kenod?

shadowman said:
words and phrases dont always have the same rhetorical meaning

That's a very good point ... I don't think Jesus meant for anyone to really pluck out his/her eye, do you?

It also helps us to understand the apparent "contradiction" between Jesus saying: "Honour your father and your mother", and “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26).
China Cat Sunflower said:
Do you see any contradictions in the Bible Kenod?

Answering from the basis of my faith, no, I do not believe there are any contradictions in the Bible. I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God ... but I realize that is my own personal revelation.

Intellectually, I realize that there are difficulties that take some effort to resolve. I am inclined to think that the Bible is more like a detective story than a text book! Initially, I was offended when someone suggested the Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle, but now I see some merit in that comparison.

One example is the different accounts in the Gospels of the events on the morning of the resurrection. I have seen several attempts at harmonizing the Gospels' accounts, but I am not sure which is the most accurate.
Of course there are contradictions....

Genesis 26:2 "And the LORD appeared unto him, and said"

Exodus 33:11: "And the Lord spake to moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend."


John 1:18: "No man hath seen God at any time."

Romans 5:12 Adam alone was responsible for the "original sin."


Timothy 2:14 eve alone, and not Adam, was responsible for the "original sin"


I don't think that these contradictions can be explained as happenings in different periods of a story or that they mean something else from what is apparent.

How come no one ever reads these supposed contradictions in context?
Terrence said:
How come no one ever reads these supposed contradictions in context?
I'm not thinking you're wrong but I wonder if you give me the context for the quotes rasifnajeeb gave, and explain how they are not contradictions.
Hello board, hope it's ok I bud in :).

There are mucho problems in the Bible. But I dont think these qualify as serious problems.

a) You could simply compare Exodus 24:10, 33:11 and Exodus 33:20. The Israelite leaders saw God, Moses could talk face to face to God but Moses nor any other man could not see "the glory of God". God can show himself in various manners, more or less endurable. The language apparently struggles with these degrees. In the NT, God Incarnate "hiding himself in flesh", Jesus, could be seen, the Father could not be seen. Again, God can show himself to various degrees.

b) Rom 5:12 says that because Adam sinned, all men sinned (v. 12-18). Adam is mankind's representative. In 1 Tim 2:14, he is arguing against equal roles saying that women should subject themselves to men. He is being downright schauvenist. He appeals to the fall and how wrong things went when Eve acted on her own. He is certainly not saying Adam isnt the head of Eve (or that Adam did not sin in his descision), so once again Adam is mankind's representative.
rasifnajeeb said:
Romans 5:12 Adam alone was responsible for the "original sin."


Timothy 2:14 eve alone, and not Adam, was responsible for the "original sin"

Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

1Ti 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

No contradiction seen here from me Romans says one man sinned and was responsible.

Timothy shows that Eve was decieved when she sinned but that Adam knew exactly what he was doing. That is why she was not to supposed to be in positions of authority not saying she was responsible for original sin.
"Adam knew exactly what he was doing" assumes too much. That's a later christian tradition I dont see taught in that verse. If we go back to Genesis 3, they were in a state of innocense and only learned right and wrong after the fall, their eyes opened. But he was following Eve, which is the point Paul is making. "Don't follow women", he is saying.
cavalier said:
I'm not thinking you're wrong but I wonder if you give me the context for the quotes rasifnajeeb gave, and explain how they are not contradictions.

Sure. Moses never saw God's face. That not mentioned or implied anywhere in the text. Rather, what occurs is Moses seeing God revealing himself in smoke, burning bush, cloud, etc., face to face. As for who was the blame for sin, Adam or Eve, Dor gives a nice answer.
no, he could not, only see his back as his glory past by, as it is written.
Yes and a few lines after that we are told God can not be seen. Let's assume there is a celestial Creator. That we cant endure him in his full essence is not hard to believe (Exo 33:20). That he can show himself in some manner we can endure is not hard to believe either (Exo 33:11).

Apart from that, in 3 John 1:11, seeing God is equaled to doing good and being of God. I think John 1:9-18 is speaking of the same.
BlaznFattyz said:
no, he could not, only see his back as his glory past by, as it is written.

True again. But, Moses never at anytime saw God's face.
the face of the manifestation of god presence (the burning bush), such as the face of the mountain, and the face of danger.