The Freedom Teachings


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The Freedom Teachings aka: The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Teachings -
the Eieyani and the CDT-Plates

Authors: A'sha-yana & A'zar-tanya Deane, Ekr's, MCEO
The ancient MCEO (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) perspectives teach of the Inner Christos, or living God-spirit alive within all things, including the natural environment. "Inner Christos" philosophies are built upon understanding of what is referred to as the "Law of One". Inner Christos Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the inter-connection, interdependence and intrinsic value of all components of reality in recognition that the Living Consciousness, "God-Spirit" or "Inner Christos" is the tangible substance of consciousness and energy from and of which all things manifest are composed. MCEO teachings offer people an opportunity for advancing personal empowerment through genuine spiritual development regardless of their religious affiliation. The "Inner Christos" of the "Law of One" MCEO spiritual teachings belongs to everyone of every creed, not just those who choose to call themselves "Christians". The word "Christos" (from which the word "Christian" later emerged) was originally spelled "Kristos" in the most ancient texts, and referred to the personal Divine Blueprint of Conscious Living God-Spirit energy of which all things and beings manifest are made.
The spiritual service work and teachings of the MCEO (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) are more than perspectives based upon speculation regarding a variety of unrelated but interesting spiritual and scientific subjects. The work for which MCEO and its Speakers stand represents a very ancient, advanced Paradigm of Perspective on the nature of reality. The MCEO paradigm is inclusive of the other scientific and spiritual belief systems on Earth, but extends beyond the limitations and often incongruent and conflicting assumptions commonly associated with them. Through familiarity with the MCEO teachings one can grow to recognize the commonality and intrinsic complementary association between the most empowering contemporary belief systems and the MCEO perspective. At the center of contemporary MCEO teaching programs lies an "Ancient Mystery" known as the "CDT-Plates". The books and course programs produced by the MCEO are not speculative nor theoretical in nature, but are rather derived from FACTUAL textbooks. Contemporary MCEO teaching programs contain English language translations of materials already existing within a very ancient set of texts called the Maharata Texts (indirectly related to the Indian "Mahabharata" writings). The 560 books of the ancient Maharata Texts are the original translations of an even older set of ancient records that have survived to our present time, stored on a set of 12 digital holographic recorder discs called the "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" or CDT-Plates", that were manufactured in 246,000BC. The CDT-Plates and Maharata Texts have been translated into written form numerous times in our ancient history, in many different countries and languages.
The CDT-Plates are real, physical objects, that have been kept in the private, protective custody of a specific family line of "Indigo Children" on Earth since the 9558BC "fall of Atlantis". This family line is called the Eieyani, who refer to themselves as the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Priests of Ur; another branch of the Eieyani family call themselves the MCEO "Priests of MU'a ("MU").The word "priest" originally meant "guardian" or "steward and administrator of spiritual wisdom". Both males and females in stewardship to spiritual wisdom and administering this wisdom to others are referred to as "Priests" or "Ministers". The MCEO has always been, and will always be, an egalitarian, non-hierarchical, non-gender-biased spiritual service collective. There are small collectives of Eieyani descendants alive, well and living on Earth now, in various global regions, who hold the knowledge (and relics like the CDT-Plates) of pre-ancient Earth and its civilizations. Similar to some more advanced sects of Tibetan Monks, especially those who rarely emerge from their "hide outs" in the Himalayas, certain members of the Eieyani family line have open contact and direct communication with living civilizations from "other" places and other times. Every once in a while within humanity's evolution, the Eieyani are permitted to bring back the ancient teachings in their pure form, allowing for the records of the 12 CDT-Plates and Maharata Texts original translations to be re- translated into the languages of the time. The Eieyani return the knowledge contained in the CDT-Plate records to public view when it is most needed to assist Earth populations, at times when major planetary events are due to transpire.
The last time written CDT-Plate translation took place was during the "Christ period" of 12BC-27AD, among a group of Essenes of Eieyani descent. Most of these written records were rapidly destroyed, confiscated or intentionally altered by the corrupt political power elite of the times, as so often has happened historically with CDT-Plate written translations. Since 27AD the Eieyani Priests knew that the next CDT-Plate Translation Cycle was scheduled to occur just prior to and during the 2000-2017AD period; a period in time when great changes in the evolutionary path of all Earth species were destined to unfold. During the 2000-2017AD period permission for written CDT-Plate translation was to be authorized by the Eieyani Priests.
CDT-Plate Translation occurs when the Eieyani Priests carefully select several individuals in childhood from general family lines that they know to be descendant from the Eieyani. They make private contact with the child, providing years of discreet training as needed. When it is time for the CDT-Plate Translation Cycle to begin, the Eieyani then offer 3 official MCEO Eieyani SPEAKERS Contracts to 3 of their chosen trainees that have entered adulthood (the individual is under no obligation to accept a "Speakers" appointment.). Speakers Contracts are publication endorsements for CDT-Plate and Maharata Text translations. Eieyani Speakers are permitted and trained to translate information directly from the highly protected CDT-Plate holographic discs and from their original Maharata Texts written translations. Once skilled in translation, Speakers are then endorsed by the MCEO Eieyani Priests to publicly publish MCEO CDT-Plate translations and related information as provided by the Eieyani Priests. During many historical periods written translation of the CDT-Plates was forbidden, to protect the Eieyani Speakers, and prevent Planetary Templar knowledge from being confiscated and abused by corrupt political powers; at these times only verbal presentation of the knowledge was permitted, thus translators were called "Speakers". To protect the integrity and quality of CDT-Plate translations, and to ensure the safe keeping of the 12 CDT-Plates, there are only 3 Speaker Contract appointments given during any one translation cycle. When translation publication time arrives, the 3 Speakers are eventually guided by the Eieyani Priests to find each other and work together, each endorsing the validity of the others' work. In the present CDT-Plate Translation Cycle the Speaker-1 Contract was finalized and initiated in 1999 and the Speaker 2 and 3 Contracts were finalized and initiated in 2001.
Eieyani Speakers know the MCEO perspective as their truth; they share this truth with others, freely when possible, out of love for humanity and gratitude for the personal freedom in BEING that the MCEO teachings enable one to achieve. The Speakers "job" is to "give the gift" of this knowledge, through dynamics of equal and reciprocal energy exchange, to those who seek to know it and demonstrate through action and attitude the sincerity of this intention. The truths of which the Speakers teach are universal and freely belong to anyone who is capable of translating this knowledge from the Universal Unified Field. The CDT-Plates and MCEO Speakers provide a Sacred Service in that translation of the higher aspects of Unified Field knowledge is exceedingly difficult from the manifest fields of creation and requires much intensive training and innate abilities of consciousness and biology. The CDT-Plates serve to hold the highest aspects of Universal Knowledge in more accessible form; CDT-Plate Speakers are trained to translate this knowledge into forms directly accessible to general populations. Speakers have no need to "convince" anyone of anything, nor are they obligated to bear the burden of proof or self-justification. The burden of "Proof" lies always with the beholder, as within the natural dynamics of the Universal Law of Reciprocity and the intrinsic processes of Creation Physics, one must "know" a thing to BE before one can "see" it manifest. Speakers "Live what they Love", "Practice what they Preach" and respectfully "Share what they have to Give" with others who feel inclined to listen with reciprocal respect. MCEO Eieyani Speakers "Speak their Truth", while always respecting the free will right of others to have a different opinion.
The Eieyani Priests of UR and MU'a of Kauai, Hawaii, the 12 CDT-Plates and their ancient Maharata Text original translations, are the tangible source from which all true contemporary MCEO work emerges. Several families of Eieyani Priests in various geographical areas presently hold the 12CDT-Plates, 560 Maharata Text Books and related relics from pre-Atlantean times under high security protection. The MCEO Inner Christos Law of One teachings, Templar Sciences knowledge and Pre-ancient History records of the CDT-Plate teachings represent an intrinsically congruent paradigm of universal understanding; collectively the MCEO teachings are referred to as the Emerald Covenant Freedom Teachings™ . Once upon a time, long before Atlantis, these teachings were the "common knowledge" of a once enlightened, joy-filled, peaceful, love-based global civilization of "Angelic Human" beings. Fragmented remnants of these once-unified "Founders" MCEO spiritual-science teachings, which have been historically edited and altered repeatedly to serve dogmatic control agendas, have literally provided the ancient foundations upon which all of our traditional world religions, evolving sciences and "New Age" spirituality are built. The Emerald Covenant Freedom Teachings™ of the MCEO, originally provided 950 billion years ago by the Universal Founders races from which our universal life field evolved, are the enduring legacy, divine birthright and intrinsic heritage of all beings in this universe. Presently they serve also as the Long-forgotten Promise of Love, Freedom, Unity, Peace and Victory to the many races and species of Earth.

Love and Light, Marietta

The trouble I have with this (and similar pieces you've posted) is that although there are some interesting ideas in there, the overall presentation is couched in a very private sense of terminology. From an outside perspective, looks like a clumsy mash-up of existing terms, and the whole "factual" way it's presented seems extraordinarily presumptious. Someone's rewritten a new mythology and set it up in stone already.

Also - curious question - the Emerald Covenant Freedom Teachings (TM)? Only serious businesses need concern themselves with Trademarks, so warning bells immediately go up.
Greetings I, Brian, Thank you for the response.
I don't understand what you mean by "private sense of terminology." There is nothing private about the teachings. This information is very factual to those who have awakened to memories of this material, which is held in the our DNA and/or cellular memory.

There is nothing new about this material. It comes from very ancient text and it is the science upon which all of creation is based. All religions came from these teachings.

There were twelve root races created that later became known as the twelve tribes of Israel. Each one of these root races were given a portion of the universal laws. These laws were divided up until a time when hopefully mankind would come to a point of maturity, where nobody would use these laws as a means of control. If the twelve tribes would have learned their interconnectedness and learned to love one another without prejudice, they would have come to a point where they would have shared their portions of the universal laws giving them the power of omnipresence, omnipotence and omni presence with the power to move at will through all the dimensions of this time matrix at will. They would have been given the power to manifest anything they desired into their reality. However the lower frequency of bigotry, greed and status has taken reign instead which put mankind in a deep state of sleep and forgetfulness. Those beings called Fallen Angels in many of the religious text have dominated mankind, taking their free will away for ages now. We are coming to the close of the last chapter in this particular time cycle and mankind is once again being given the opportunity to wake fully up to who they are and their true divine nature.

As to the trade mark. This is very serious business! These teachings have been plagiarized and rewritten over and over again through out the ages. In the times we live in, one of the ways in which we are given, that can assist in holding the integrity of the teachings is to have things copyrighted and titles trade marked. This is all done to protect the integrity of the text.

The beings who are bringing these teachings back are what are called the Indigo's and are here to hold the frequency of the planet in balance as we move through some troubling times as the earth tries to purge itself of all the negativity that is upon it.

Love and Light, Marietta:)
Marietta, which ancient texts do these come from?
Hello I, Brian, They come from the Maharata Text, translated from the Closter Dora Tora plates.

Love and Light, Marietta
Namate Marietta,

an interesting claim:

"on a set of 12 digital holographic recorder discs called the "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" or CDT-Plates", that were manufactured in 246,000BC"

I don't suppose you have any intersubjective evidence to establish that holographic recorder disk technology existed prior to the arising of Homo Sapien Sapien, do you?


hello marietta, have read ur posts with earnest fascination, and a little suspicion myself, so as I'm new round ere thought I'd tell u why I'm both fascinated and suspicious... I think when brian says- private terminology- I think he means that nobody has a clue what ur going on about!

being an ole space cadet myself, I've come across all this 12 root races gumpf before, and all the Atlantis stuff, and secret teachings from tibetan monks via the Theosophical society, and then u mention Indigo children, etc, which I believe comes from the font of Doreen Virtue's business wisdom, her of the angels... person to person, I would suggest that instead of believing thing like this u should go to ur local orthodox religions for some spiritual wisdoms instead, as if u stick with this kind of thing then all u'll end up with is empty pockets and a head full of bizzare untruths...

the mahabharata, or the great brothers- is an indian text which discusses the legend of the five sons of King pandu.. its the most well known text of hinduism, even more well known than the bhagavad-gita... I'm assuming u dont know that, so, its quite a good tale, go and have a read of it... it has nothing to do with finding the eternal christos, nothing whatsoever, and I'm assuming that this new age organisation is using the term-Melchizedek cloister emerald order because they want to make themselves sound good, but it aint working... seriously, marietta, if I was u, I'd run away, as quickly as possible,and find myself a nice copy of the KJB instead... or the bhagavad gita.. or the koran... or summat...
Hello Fancis, Thank you for the reply.
Not quite sure what you mean by the statement "I think he means that nobody has a clue what ur going about? Do you mean that you don't understand the wording of the text?
Its nice that you have studied all the 12 root race gumpf (not familiar with this word) and all the Atlantis stuff and the tibetan teachings through the writing of the Theosophical society but I don't know what this has to do with the Maharata text or the Indigo's? Other than all twelve of the world religions originally came from the CDT plates. The Indigo material I speak of does not come from Doreen Virtue or Nancy Ann Tappe. They come from the CDT plates. I will post a separate post explaining the Emerald Order definition of an Indigo.

You misunderstood me and I can understand why as the two words are very close. I didn't say the Mahabharata, I said the Maharata Text. Although a year or so ago the Azurites were in India had an India come and speak about the Mahabharata text which you mentioned.

If its all the same to you (or not) I will chose the spiritual path I am to follow. I am not asking you to join me on my path which may not be in alignment with where you exist along your spiritual journey and that is fine.

May I wish you blessings along your chosen path and may you find fulfillment upon it.

Love and Light, Marietta:)

There are some questions I need answered. Questions regarding the things you've posted here and related. Are you one I can ask these questions of? Would you consider yourself knowledgable enough to answer these difficult questions or do you know someone personally I can get in touch with who does? You see, my search for answers has brought me here to your posts. Do you believe what you post? Or, are you merely repeating what you have read, seen, or heard? I have read much of the things already that you have posted here elsewhere online. The few other people I have seen online talk about things mentioned in your freedom teachings and they spout open disdain of all religions. But, they offer much less in terms of legitimacy of their claims. These people seem little more than fools to me with their spewing of disgust for people's honest faith, but they use your words here. What say you?

Now you might assume that I may have some malice toward you and what you have posted. This is not true. It is infact far from the truth. I search out answers from you, because some part of these freedom teachings rings true in accordance with what I would like very much to call a gift that I have possessed ever since I can remember. If I believe what I have read and if I am right, I believe I may be an orphan, so to speak, Indigo child. If I am to accept this then I need to know what to do with it. I have this strong feeling that I have a purpose that I am not fulfilling. Do you have these answers?

I have been and will always be Christian, I really truely believe in every last word he said and in the goodness and truth that he represents. I will not abandon him. For my own reasons, I cannot see why this is not compatible with the Freedom teachings. I know that there is plenty that the Bible does not say and that the Bible itself may be incomplete. I realize that people have very stringent beliefs based on assumptions that may some day turn out not to be true with more information. I am no fool and dare not believe what my heart tells me is not so.
Greetings EspirituLaurifer, I would be gland to answer any questions you might have to the best of my ability. If I can't answer a question I will tell you so.

I believe what I have posted and am studying with the group who put together what I posted. I study with this group because they teach what I had come to understand on my own through years of study.
If you are an Indigo you are here to hold frequency for this earth. Here is a link to the home page of the Freedom Teachings where you can find lots of answers.

Azurite Press Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order

A person's per birth contract is very personal therefore I can not tell you your purpose in being here if you are an Indigo other than to hold frequency for the earth at this time.
If you are an Indigo you will wake up to your purpose and have direct cognition as to your personal purpose.
By all means stick with your faith.
Love and Light, Marietta
I hope you can answer these questions.

If this knowledge belongs to everyone then why do so few know it? If these speakers translate the CDT plates who is their intended audience, if not everyone? This information if true is the most important information known to man why is there practically no buzz about it? What of these CDT plates why does practically no one know anything about them presently and historically.Why does the so-called Order of the Melchizidek hide the only physical proof of humanity's ancient past, physical proof that would lay to rest humanity's religious questions and all the bickering and fighting thereof? These discs would be the most important archaelogical find in the history of mankind, and yet I have heard of no archaelogist interested in them. Surely, if someone had Atlantean plates that were filled with ancient knowledge and at the very least proved Atlantis' existence, it would be all over the Learning and Discovery channels. Archaeologists would be clawing over one another looking for them. Why is there nothing of it spoken of in the press or any media past or present? Why not reveal the plates, if they exist, to the world, and re-educate humanity about it's true past? If the information stored on them and the plates themselves are above reproach then why hide them? Why is it acceptable that the human race remain, at large, ignorant of the truth? We, according to the freedom teachings are about to enter, a very dangerous time for humanity. You have to think, if this is the truth then, in a very real sense, I have family that need to know, but because of the way in which the information is presented will not trust to believe a word of it. More over there seems to be a connection between what Nostradamas says and the Freedom teachings. What is it? How many people know about the CDT plates how far reaching is this information, government, the elite? What is the new weapon of mass destruction based on scalar waves that many nations are working on and what does it have to do with HAARP? Are the Illuminati being controlled by the fallen angels to resist/stop acension of the earth?

Is there a main forum like this one dedicated to the Freedom Teachings?
Namaste Marietta,

i'd be greatful if you could address my query to you from last year on in this thread.



you might want to apply occam's razor at this point and conclude that the pubes in the butter were left there by your flatmate with the dubious personal hygiene, not by the mystical alien space lizards who live in the icebox.


Greetings EspirituLaurifer, You have posed some very complicated questions that would take a lot more time and effort than this forum will allow but I will do my best to provide an answer.
I'll answer the first question with a question: How many people know about string theory? Most have never heard of it and even fewer had herd of it before it was introduced into the educational system. Our Sun is dying but has it been made known to the masses? No and it won’t until things start getting pretty evident with solar flares.
It has been known for several decades that there are 12 planets in our solar system but only this year did the ruling elete decide to let the general public in on this tid bit of information. You can purchase the books “Voyagers l and Voyagers ll and find this information can be found in them (published back in 1998.) Zacheriah titchen wrote about the 12th planet years ago.
This knowledge is known to so few because it has just recently been returned to us. Those who have found their way to this knowledge are Azurites and Indigo's who have incarnated into this existence as guardians of this knowledge and frequency holders for the planet. This knowledge is being made available to all who seek it. The best place to start is at

These plates are well known to the ruling forces. They have been the quest of the leaders for many eons. Due to the nature of the content of the CDT plates, if they were in the wrong hands they could be used as a tool to enslave and bring destruction to the human race (due to the content and frequency they hold). Also, not just anybody can read them as they are coded to a person's DNA templet thus the person has to hold the "key codes" in their DNA to be able to read and translate these plates.

The average Archeologist doesn't talk about them because they are not aware of them. They are not something that lay buried in the ground.

You ask why there isn’t a buzz about it and again I will answer with a question: Are you familiar with HAARP? OR “The Philadelphia experiment?” or with “Trauma based mind control? Or Project Blue Bird, or MJTWELVE (the list goes on and on). The majority has never heard of any of these programs but that doesn’t negate their existence. Google any one of them and you will find a lot on them. The things that are behind the real nature of our reality will never be made known through the public media or public school system which are governed by the ruling elete.

Humanity will always bicker over their religious beliefs no matter what new material is presented to them. If I were to appear in front of you out of thin air and this went against your religious beliefs, you would say that I had done this will the help of demons or Satan. Religious beliefs are held deep within the heart of people and not something they will let go of unless they begin searching deep into the foundations of their own religion SEEKING the truth within them, on their on, and in their own timeing when they are ready to see and hear the answers. “SEEK AND YOU SHALL FINE” When we are in a religion we ‘believe’ what we are taught and think we already know therefore we don’t SEEK and we DON’T FIND and when someone shares a new insight with us we think the demons are trying to trick us and we run from what is being revealed to us. Only those who are seeking this information will find it and those who are happy where they are in their religious life will remain.
How many people are aware of the beings that were living deep in a crevice of the rocks in the Himalayan Mountains? This was printed on the front cover of “TIME” magazine (not to be confused with time life magazine) with an article inside the magazine back in the 80’s. However it was hushed up soon after the discovery. Some of these people were hundreds of years old and there were animals thought myth and other thought extinct found there. A man living among this group wrote a book “The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Continent of Atlantis” which I stumbled upon some ten years after reading the article in TIME magazine. I immediately remembered the article I had read in TIME magazine, which was titled “Shangri-La Found.” These people were driven out of their homeland and their library destroyed. How many people followed this tiny article through and found the book written by this group?
I suggest you do a search and find out who owns and controls every syndicated publication, radio, and TV station and you will answer your own question as to why this is not publicized.
The CDT plates are being revealed as we speak. There are three books written so far and many, many cd’s and DVD’s addressing these issues. There are workshops made available to anyone who wishes to attend.
We are doing our best to get this information out to the public but it takes time and manpower. At present we have people attending our workshops from just about every country on the planet. We had a workshop that was held in Peru back in May with 130 people attending from at least 13 countries that I knew could count among the people I personally knew. This information is being given through out the world at present and all are welcome no batter what your background may be.
All your questions are answered in full in the Voyagers books written by Ashayana Deanne and can be purchased at or or ask your local book store if they carry it and if not I’m sure they will order it for you.

There is a forum that is dedicated to those who are studying the freedom teachings however I would recommend that you have at least read the Voyagers books before taking part in this forum though it isn't mandatory it is highly recommended. This forum was set up for students of Keylontic Science only. There is an offshoot called Cosmic Clock, which may be the place to start. You can find and join either of these forums by going to yahoo groups or googling Keylontic Science or Cosmic Clock.
Lastly Yes, the Illuminati is controlled by the FA (fallen angelics).
Love and Light, Marietta :)

Hello metta, The CDT plates themselves which are in protective custody at present.
I know this does not answer your question fully as to proof of their age but then again I don't think I could give an answer that would satisfy you.
Love and Light, Marietta
Hi EspirituLaurifer, just stumbled onto this site. My response may be 7 years late if you are still around. But my suggestion is not to be worried about the external events, but go inside and connect to your higher self. If you do have a mission on earth, by connecting to your higher self will allow you to find what you are meant to do as an indigo.

As far as freedom teachings forum, there are many online now. Not sure if they go into detail about them. I wouldnt worry so much about the end of the world, work on yourself.

As far as where the freedom teachings came from, kathara gets them from cdt plates it says. But the history of it has been found in little bits all over the world in different cultures. Many find it through the emerald tablets in sumerian history, or even the egyptian history, some mayan.

Always remember with anything, never give your power away, use it as a tool to raise your consciousness and use your higher self as the guide. And use what resonates with you. Your job is to connect to the god inside of you. You do that you dont need teachers, you will be guided.