i'm not here to 'win miss congeniality'. i don't enjoy getting annoyed and, of course, i really shouldn't get personal about it, but you guys need to understand precisely what it is about your attitude that gets up people's noses, particularly mine.
Perhaps you should reflect on your own words more given that they appear [to?] answer your question all too clearly.
actually, that's exactly the sort of mealy-mouthed avoidance of the question i'm complaining about.
You can find ample evidence generally at these web sites:
no, i'm not going to do that. i want to hear what *you* think, as a real person - how you deal with these questions personally. reading some policy blurb off a website is precisely what i would describe as "spoon-feeding" and, believe me, asking you questions so i can make up my own mind is precisely what i intend to do.
It's YOUR job to investigate and then come to an informed conclusion!
it's not my job to do anything. you've made a bunch of claims and done nothing to back them up. a case in point: all this business about the bab being a descendant of abraham and keturah - really? isn't that a *tiny* bit like the gospel saying jesus was descended from king david? do you not think i'm entitled to be even the teensiest bit sceptical about this? by contrast, i make no such claims about judaism - like the muslims, we let our Text speak for us. i don't have to do the work, because i start from a position of not having to prove anything. if you don't prove anything, then there's no reason for me to change my default position of "sez you".
the Baha'i Faith is an independant religion and stands on its own Covenant quite well
not if you're saying "all religions are one and the same but ours is the final and most complete one".
popeyesays - thank you for your posts. i appreciate your candour. i'm not trying to have a fight here, i'm just taking issue with some of the airy-fairy language and superior tone that baha'is tend to adopt.
promethium -
Understandbly there is a time for interreligious dialogue, which shouldnt include harping on someone about fufillment of relgious prophecies. And there is a time where Bahais can present their arguments and proofs.
what's the point of interreligious dialogue if it is compartmentalised away from another set of beliefs which i would object to? isn't that intellectually dishonest?
think that many Jews do not follow to the letter the punishments set down in the old testament, largely because it is not necessary in this day and age.
this argument is a real old chestnut. if you are referring to the copious amount of capital offences, then you fail to understand the function of the Oral Law. i've talked about this many times on this very site. the Torah has not changed, even if our precise application of it has. the Text remains the same.
Bahais believe there is a legitimate claim to scriptual fufillment of prophecies
right, that's what i'm talking about. jews cannot concede that another religion can fulfil our prophecies. our prophecies refer to us, not to anyone else. for you to try to prove otherwise is an absolutely futile (not to mention irritating) exercise.
Baha'u'llah does criticize religious custodians for twisting the scriptures to cause violence while some are praised for being a beacon of light.
well, in that case, it's such a truism that it scarcely qualifies as revelation, does it? it's a "press release from the department of the bleeding obvious":
"religious leaders misuse their power"
cor, stone the crows!! i'd never noticed! what an insightful thing to point out.
thanks for posting the news article though, a fine example of social action - but no more than i'd expect from anyone helping out their co-religionists.
One thing that you (BananaBrain) might appreciate about Matrixism is that you don't have to give up being a Jew to join along.
thank you, dynomight - the same claim is made by buddhism and scientology among a huge number of others. we're used to that. it's a very culty technique - "ooh, you're not giving anything up, you're getting something for free". because that really happens in the real world. harrumph.
what do you mean, do i do mana? do you mean manna?