Adam to Jesus 4000 years?

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I'd like to know how people came up with the answer. Anyone know?
By the literal reading of texts which contain allegory.

How ironic. We consider the bible to be no better than parables, yet we take the chronology of the lineage as fact...:eek:
How ironic. We consider the bible to be no better than parables, yet we take the chronology of the lineage as fact...:eek:
No better than parables??? Is there anything better than parables? Jesus spoke them not just to illude the powers that be and circumvent issues, but because they drove the message home and were easy to remember and retell...
So anyone know how to do the math or what the equation looks like?

How ironic. We consider the bible to be no better than parables, yet we take the chronology of the lineage as fact...:eek:

Well, some do. I dunno, some of those dudes were supposed to have lived multiple centuries. That sounds a bit whacky to me.

So anyone know how to do the math or what the equation looks like?

Adam begat, age plus age when Abel begat..Abraham begat + Joseph begat...yadda yadda...tis addition this plus that equals...and a whole lot of incest, rape and deceipt along the way....If it was made into a movie literally...we'd never let our kids watch it.
Adam begat, age plus age when Abel begat..Abraham begat + Joseph begat...yadda yadda...tis addition this plus that equals...and a whole lot of incest, rape and deceipt along the way....If it was made into a movie literally...we'd never let our kids watch it.
Wil I have a really seem to detest Christianity and the Bible what are you doing here?
Wil I have a really seem to detest Christianity and the Bible what are you doing here?
Namaste Dor,

Sorry you have that impression, it is far from the truth. Am I wrong in my statement? I just don't shy from what I read or try to disguise what is written. I think we all know that the earth is older than 7,000 years, I find it interesting that people try to add allegory to metaphor and insist it comes out fact.

Contemplation of what the stories are saying when a father is willing to give up his virginal daughters, or when a daughter gets her father drunk so she may father his child, or when one rapes a woman apologizes and tells the family he is willing to marry her, and then the family cuts a deal in which a whole village has to subscribe, they do, and then the family slaughters them all... This is the stuff that movies and books are made of. Yet this is scripture, our bible, and as such not to be ignored but examined to determine the underlying spiritual principle.

Me, detest Christianity and the bible? I seek out a church when I am out of town, and never miss a Sunday when in there is Wednesday nights, and then classes...and a bible in everyroom of the I don't have to go searchin when I want to contemplate somethin.

I find much solace in the grappling with the understanding of the authors and the stories....and discussing same with others. What I have issues with and have to overcome is my problem with folks who regurgitate the pablum they've been force fed and not try to develop an understanding for themselves...of course that could just be that darn mirror!

Me, detest Christianity and the bible? I seek out a church when I am out of town, and never miss a Sunday when in there is Wednesday nights, and then classes...and a bible in everyroom of the I don't have to go searchin when I want to contemplate somethin.

There is the expression that sitting in the garage doesn't make you a car... never mind.

Do you pray for your enemies?
i don't know that..
And that truly amazes me. I try, but I just can't comprehend it.

There is the expression that sitting in the garage doesn't make you a car... never mind....Do you pray for your enemies?
LOL...that is expected and easily perceived as deserved...quite ok...on the question, yes...I pray for my understanding of their position and their understanding of mine.

I spend time with my Jewish friends as well and attend some of their services and study. I've expressed before my amazement at the breadth and depth of their texts and thought and how the portion we call the old testament is just the tip of the is almost like reading the table of contents, looking at the pictures, reading the bibliography and ignoring the body of the work. And then with this snapshot/soundbite we extend and extrapolate meaning. And no, I don't consider myself a Jew, even though I sit in their temple and study with them.
And that truly amazes me. I try, but I just can't comprehend it.

LOL...that is expected and easily perceived as deserved...quite ok...on the question, yes...I pray for my understanding of their position and their understanding of mine.

I spend time with my Jewish friends as well and attend some of their services and study. I've expressed before my amazement at the breadth and depth of their texts and thought and how the portion we call the old testament is just the tip of the is almost like reading the table of contents, looking at the pictures, reading the bibliography and ignoring the body of the work. And then with this snapshot/soundbite we extend and extrapolate meaning. And no, I don't consider myself a Jew, even though I sit in their temple and study with them.

Wonderful reply... I am so pleased that it was taken in the spirit that it was meant.

Praying for insight to help you understand the reasoning behind what people who you disagree with are saying and/or doing is very correct- politically speaking.

How do the Jews that you study with view Jesus, my Lord and Savior?
... is very correct- politically speaking.

How do the Jews that you study with view Jesus, my Lord and Savior?
Funny, I've not often been referred to as politically correct. As Dondi and BB have described in various posts they do not see Jesus as the Messiah that was prophecised, according to their belief system he does not meet the requirements and they have plenty of reason why he doesn't. Much as we Christians have our reasons why Mohamed's or the Bahai teachings do not apply to us.

There are a number of Jews I deal with on a regular basis, friends, performers, business partners and associates, and those at the Syngogue I occasionally attend. As I inquire and discuss this often all are of pretty much the same was a time of many prophets and learned individuals, and to them Jesus was one of them, a highly regarded rabbi and prophet.
i don't know that.


The oldest (using radiometric age dating) currently known terrestial minerals (found in Australia) date the Earth to around 4.4 billion years old.
Clearly more than 7,000 years! Geologically, that is a blink of the eye ago. Heck, Roger Moore was still playing James Bond then.

Funny, I've not often been referred to as politically correct. As Dondi and BB have described in various posts they do not see Jesus as the Messiah that was prophecised, according to their belief system he does not meet the requirements and they have plenty of reason why he doesn't. Much as we Christians have our reasons why Mohamed's or the Bahai teachings do not apply to us.

There are a number of Jews I deal with on a regular basis, friends, performers, business partners and associates, and those at the Syngogue I occasionally attend. As I inquire and discuss this often all are of pretty much the same was a time of many prophets and learned individuals, and to them Jesus was one of them, a highly regarded rabbi and prophet.
I will respond when I have more time.

The short answer is that Jesus Christ is NOT a prophet, he is Lord.

Sorry, more later.
Well, some do. I dunno, some of those dudes were supposed to have lived multiple centuries. That sounds a bit whacky to me.


In the beginning, man lived for nearly a millenia. According to science, technically man's body is designed to last for 120 years today. What kills us is a little switch in our DNA that turns on around 50, which prevents the ability to regenerate cells like we did as kids and young adults. It makes sense if you think about it. Back then there weren't many people around. Now we have over 6 billion. Earth can only handle so many of us.

I bet if suddenly there was a loss of say 5 billion humans on earth, within a few generations, the life span of man would increase three fold, and the ability to have children would also advance three fold...


The oldest (using radiometric age dating) currently known terrestial minerals (found in Australia) date the Earth to around 4.4 billion years old.
Clearly more than 7,000 years! Geologically, that is a blink of the eye ago. Heck, Roger Moore was still playing James Bond then.


Snoop. the age of the earth is more like 6.97 billion years old, roughly half the age of the Galaxy and close to the same age as our Sun, now isn't that ironic... What they found in Australia was minerals from an impact from an asteroid.

Apparently this is still the seventh day for God, and He is resting...:eek: :D


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