The tooth fairy came to our house last night. We're not sure how, but somehow, the tooth fairy managed to magic out the tooth that Hannah had swallowed, and left her a pound coin under an eggcup - along with a note from the fairies about the matter.
Hannah has had two loose teeth for a few days, and she apparently swallowed one while eating last night, and was worried that the tooth fairy wouldn;t be able to find it.
Firstly, I will presume that perhaps there is a general consensus that the Tooth Fairy does not exist.
Importantly, though - is the tooth fairy notion really a harmless little while lie? OR simply an alternative mythology? Fundamentally, is it a wrongful act of disceit to promote the idea of a tooth fairy to children?
Hannah has had two loose teeth for a few days, and she apparently swallowed one while eating last night, and was worried that the tooth fairy wouldn;t be able to find it.
Firstly, I will presume that perhaps there is a general consensus that the Tooth Fairy does not exist.
Importantly, though - is the tooth fairy notion really a harmless little while lie? OR simply an alternative mythology? Fundamentally, is it a wrongful act of disceit to promote the idea of a tooth fairy to children?